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Temporal Reprieve

Posted on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 5:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: USS Washington

Deanna watched as the future events played out before her mind's eye, but she continued to break free of this fugue she was in. While what she was seeing certainly was worth her time to see, if only so that she might learn of what was to happen and then alter events, she knew that the present required her more. She concentrated on breaking free of this temporal dysphoric state, trying with all her might.

Jon turned to ask Deanna a question but as he looked st her he could instantly see that she was caught, transfixed by the same malady most other personnel on the bridge were. "Deanna!" He exclaimed as he moved to and talking to Imik at the same time. "Imik, it's just you and me right now. Deanna is caught in the same dysphoria as the others. We have to stop this! We need to find the right modulation for the shields." He finished as he moved around Deanna to access her console. "Come back to us Deanna" he whispered as he worked the console.

Imik looked and then moved closer to Deanna, a swift look at her console and she then spoke to Jon. "Commander, adjust the shields by 3.3 then stand back. If it has no affect, we will have to remodulate again starting from 8.2." She stepped back to her own console and began checking for any decrease in the intensity, "We maybe winning Commander, the temporal infraction appears to be decreasing."

Nodding, Jon did as Imik instructed. "Modulating shields by 3.3 percent." He replied and then took a precautionary step back from the console, bring Deanna back with him as he did so. "What are the readings now Imik?" He asked. Hoping for the best and bracing for the worst.

As the temporal distortions were phased out by the shifting shield modulation, the bridge remained unchanged. Everyone frozen in the dysphoric state remained that way. Then suddenly, as if a switch had been flicked, Deanna came to, looking almost startled. She looked at Jon, "Where am I? What time period? Have they killed the captain? Have we dealt with the tachyon disease?"

"Whoa! Easy Deanna. You are on the bridge, Imik and I were able to adjust the shields to stop the temporal distortions. What time period? The here and now. You're on the Washington and the captain is alive and well." Jon looked at her, "Are you alright Deanna?"

As the distortions faded, other members of the crew moved. Imik looked to Deanna and Jon, "This is only a small victory, the danger still exists. Somehow, someway we must find a permanent solution. And quickly, or minds will become destroyed."

Deanna took a deep breath. "Scan everyone for tachyons. You'll find a strange tachyon based temporal disease, an Andromeda strain of sorts. Sam and Shon will be able to create a least that is what I saw in that temporal fugue, a few flashes of the future."

Jon looked at Imik. "You heard Deanna, Imik begin scanning for tachyons. Deanna, you contact Sam and Shon, tell them what you told me. This is of the highest priority." Jon replied crisply.

"Yes" Deanna replied, a bit groggy still. "I suggest you contact the Andromeda and inform them as well. They may have information that can help us or vice versa."

"I will do that immediately Deanna." Jon replied as he moved to the center seat and contacted Captain Hunt and relayed what they had just experienced and what was temporarily working. Jon also had a promise to instantly relay anything to the Andromeda that stopped the temporal distortions.

Capt Hunt relayed to Jon that they too had been and were continuing to deal with the temporal issues, most notably the temporal dysphoria. He had about half his crew down dealing with it. He did confirm that his CMO, Dr. Gemini had confirmed that a tachyon-based disease was present amongst his crew, and she was seeking out a way to combat it. The tetryon bombardment and shield modifications seemed to be helping on their end as well.

Finishing his conversation with captain Hunt, Jon looked back at Deanna and she still seemed a bit out of sorts, so he stood and moved to her. He took her by the arm, "Come sit down Deanna, get off your feet for a few minutes to get your bearings." He encouraged her.

Increasing her scans to now include tachyons, Imik began her search. It didn't take long, "Commander, tachyons detected." Then a further scan was made, "But I have also detected Theta radiation, it appears to be attached to the tachyons by some reaction I am not familiar with." She looked at Jon, "Could this mixture of radiation be the cause?"

Jon looked over at Deanna, she was still recovering from the temporal freeze. He walked to Imik's console and looked at the readings. "I would say that there is a very good chance that the combination of the Theta radiation and the tachyons is causing the temporal anomalies."

Deanna looked at Imik and Jon, "Two separate issues. Temporal distortions, and then the tachyon virus which is what is causing the temporal dysphoria. With the shields protecting from the temporal distortions, it is simply a matter of breaking free of the tachyon temporal disease. This will be easier for some than others. But my vision of the future indicated that Sam and Shon will find a cure or inoculation. We must get to the distortions and deal with them. They are releasing these diseased tachyons."

Jon listened to Deanna's explanation and then looked closely at his friend, "Are you up to this Deanna?" There was only concern for her in his voice.

Deanna gave a smile. "I already broke free of the virus. You can count on me to do my job."

"I know I can count on you Deanna, never a doubt in my mind. I was concerned about you." Jon smiled back at her.

"I know Jon." Deanna tapped her head just above the temple. "Telepath, remember?" she said with a smile. She felt other minds beginning to break free of the dysphoria. "Seems Imik has been successful in her stopgap measures."


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