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Then there were two

Posted on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 1:40pm by Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: Ojnas vessel 32251
Timeline: Present


Sachzny sat in the Captains chair of her ship, she had been tasked with assisting a Federation vessel that was in trouble with Temporal Dysphoria. Reports from Star fleet Command stated that so far that any encounter had proved fatal for the crews of Federation ships, this was proving a difficulty for Sachzny as she could find no way to proceed with the mission.

With the little information the Ojnas had, finding a way forwards would be almost impossible. "Helm, bring the ship onto a heading of 665 by 212 warp 6." Since the war with the Tholians, the OJnas had adopted the standard Federation map system and speed definitions. "How long to contact with the Federation vessel?" The helmsman changed his course and increased the speed, the XO now glanced at his readouts, "Six point five Earth hours, I hope we have a solution by then."

A swift glance by Sachzny told him he had exceeded his authority, "Humans can be delicate in certain situations, as can we. Our resistance to Temporal Dysphoria is only marginally higher than a Human, I would suggest we concentrate our search there."

Calmaxus now stood and looked at Sachzny, "Sinkahue, the Federation is closed to us. We can look but not enjoy the fruits before us, why do the council still run at their heels?"

"Sha-Rathshu, have you forgotten that it was the Federation that returned our home to us? Or that it does all it can to encompass us and assist us with all that happens within the Federation?" Sachzny remained seated, "We have six Earth hours, Come Calmaxus let us not waste it by such actions as these."

The Sha-Rathshu sat back down and nodded slowly, "Wise words from one who has lived among the Federation, I will heed you words and will search for some answer that will solve both the Federation and our own problem."

Sachzny now looked at the viewscreen and asked a question, "Do we have a name for the Federation vessel?"

Calmaxus read the information from his readouts, "I have a USS Washington as the name of the vessel. Sinkahue, why do the Federation give their vessels names?"

The name was like a knife penetrating her body, "Did you report the name as USS Washington?"

"That is correct Sinkahue, is there a problem with what I have reported?"

Imik glanced at her XO, "No. There was no problem with your report, I simply wished for conformation." She now thought about who was on the Washington, but the temporal distortions made connecting with them fully by psychic means impossible.



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Comments (1)

By Commander Jonathan Grayson on Sat Jul 13th, 2024 @ 7:41am

*Big, bright smile* Gosh! It is soooooo good to see Sachzny again. A wonderful post to get her involved in working with the Washington and hopefully Jon.

Nice to have you back Sachzny.

Jeff aka Commander Jonathan Grayson.