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Chin'toka Dysphoria Pt 2

Posted on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 5:34pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Inara Senn

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: Chin'toka system

Cmdr Shran looked around the governmental building. Cardassian architecture, very grey, always predictable in how everything would be laid out. He directed troops to different areas and then strolled up the steps to what would be the prefect's or mayor's office. It was laid out just like Sisko's office on DS9. He took a moment and thought about his friend. He hoped that Ben wouldn't be late arriving with the supplies and troops promised for this little expedition.

Shran and his people were just in time. Just ahead of his team, two Jem'Hadar ran up and grabbed a half-full vial off one of another Jem'Hadar corpse. All of them began to claw and scratch each other for what little ketracel white remained. Something was happening in the city, something horrible.

A pair of ensigns opened fire on the Jem'Hadar, killing them both. They signaled for assistance. A female lieutenant approached the ensigns, seeing the dead Jem'Hadar just up ahead. The ensigns reported what they had seen prior to them engaging the enemy soldiers. She moved with them cautiously towards the Jem'Hadar to get a closer look. This was certainly a much more different situation then what she normally dealt with aboard the Jupiter. Before the war, she enjoyed the survey missions. She was a science officer, a microbiologist mostly, though she studied many scientific disciplines. Now, because of the war, she was as much a soldier as anyone else in StarFleet. She scanned the corpses and hit her comm badge, signaling Shran.

Inside one of the government buildings, Inara smiled as she vaporized the last tank. The Jem'Hadar left this position, their cache of the drug to fight the Klingons when they beamed down and left two guards when Inara emerged from the sewers, and a few Vorta who was in charge of dolling the stuff out. Inara killed them, by shooting them multiple times until they were roasted corpses. Then she began to destroy the ketracel white, enough for several thousand Jem'Hadar. Inara spent more time watching as they all turned to mindless animals.

She hated them, hated the Dominion, hated war. And she was now mean to the Dominion. Very mean. "So, are you happy? Is it the way of a Starfleet officer to make their enemy suffer? Where's your Starfleet morals?" A weakened Vorta questioned. "No matter...." He coughed up blood. "The Dominion will eventually prevail... As it always has."

Inara shot him. "Oh yes, I most definitely want to be a Starfleet officer right now. I definitely want to be a scientist. But there's a saying Vorta about sending a gardener to war." She shot him again and again. "Maybe when you get your next body, you'll realize that you and your Dominion made a scientist go to war. And I have lots more hate to unleash on you. Enough to drive the sanest man mad."

Shran made his way to where the lieutenant and ensigns were located, about half a block away from the government buildings in the center of the city where they had originally beamed down. "What seems to be the situation Chambers?" he questioned.

She was normally such a happy and cheerful person. He could see how the war had soured her, just from her facial expressions. "The Lynn's spotted these two acting strangely and fired on them. They weren't cloaked, and they weren't acting like normal Jem'Hadar. I scanned them. I don't have the equipment to do a detailed analysis, but it appears they are suffering from severe ketracel white withdrawal."

Shran's antennae raised up at this revelation. "They shouldn't be dealing with such symptoms unless somebody managed to get to wherever the Vorta are holding it. No easy feat to be sure. The Klingons wouldn't do such a thing; it wouldn't be honorable. No Romulans on the planet. That means we have StarFleet personnel behind enemy lines. That certainly changes the situation, as does the idea of a ketracel white shortage. The Jem'Hadar will turn into rampaging beasts."

War was cruelty. War was evil. Inara took cover amongst the buildings. She could hear the Jem'Hadar wail and kill each other for the last ketracel white that remained. "You think this is cruelty, I'm just getting started you monsters." Inara noted. "You should have stayed in the Gamma Quadrant, for when I am done with you. Your founders will beg too." She said to herself quietly. She just stayed quiet, silent about destroying the ketracel white for five thousand Jem'Hadar. It took several hours of evading insane and depraved Jem'Hadar, almost three days since she was beamed down, and her squad was cut to pieces by the defenders. Now she approached a camp with a Federation flag.

The Federation camp was abuzz. It had been 70 hours since Shran and his people had transported down. They were due to return to the Jupiter in 2 hours. They had collected 56 other StarFleet personnel as they had looked to regroup those defenders holding the city. A lieutenant was the highest-ranking officer they had encountered, though finding an engineering chief with his team of 3 engineers had been a big win in Shran's mind. They had all seen heavy combat in these 70 hours, the Jem'Hadar frantic and bloodthirsty like rampaging beasts. Everyone knew that someone had managed to hit the ketracel white storage, and while they were grateful, dealing with Jem'Hadar like this was extremely dangerous.

In the distance several crewmen saw a single figure moving from out of the shadows. They called out and Shran came over to see what it was. Everyone readied their phaser rifles on the line, waiting for orders from Shran. As the figure came into the light, Shran saw the tattered uniform and knew it was a StarFleet officer. "Hold fire. Ensign Costner, get out there and escort her back in. Take her straight to the Dr. Del Rio" Shran ordered.

The young ensign jumped out from the line and rushed toward the female figure. His uniform was a bit dirty but still in one piece. He looked a bit like a young gunslinger from the ancient West on Earth. "How do ma'am. Commander wants me to get you back to base and to the doc quick, fast, and in a hurry. You able to move at speed or you need me to carry you?"

"No, I am not injured, and no I do not need a doctor. Also, how green are you, ensign?" Inara asked in a hushed tone. "Because it's loudmouths like you that die first."

Ensign Costner gave a soft chuckle. "I'm your huckleberry ma'am. Graduated 6 months ago, been on the Jupiter since then. Been in 14 different engagements, both shipboard and planetside. And no need for you to worry about me. Cmdr Shran hasn't given me permission to die, and if I die before he does, I'm positive the blue devil would drag me back from the afterlife just to dress me down. Let's get moving lieutenant, and don't bother arguing about seeing the doc. Commander didn't leave it open as a suggestion."

As the young ensign and Inara began moving back towards the Federation line, Shran fired twice, once directly behind them, and once in front of them. The shot in front of them struck a building wall, charring the outside. The shot behind them hit a cloaked Jem'Hadar who appeared and fell to the ground. "I knew some of those bastards could still do that. Probably a scout" he mumbled aloud. "Everybody stand ready. I expect them to hit us any time now" he said aloud.

Shran walked with purpose over to where Costner and Inara entering his defensive position. The Andorian looked right at home in this setting. He spoke sternly and with purpose, "You look like hell lieutenant. I'm guessing you are the lost sheep that caused all the havoc behind the Dominion lines. Get yourself back and let the doctor give you a once over. Maybe get yourself something to eat. Don't get too comfortable, your actions, while commendable, have turned these Jem'Hadar into rampaging beasts. I suspect a stampede soon, and you are going to have to pick up a rifle and join the line if you hope to get off this rock alive." He looked over at Costner, "Ensign, get her to the doc and then get back on the line. Going to need those fancy phaser skills of yours soon enough."

"Will do sir" the eager ensign replied.

"Why does everyone think I need a doctor?" Inara looked at Shran. "Fine. Let's go see the doctor so she can tell you what I am telling you."

The ensign escorted Inara towards the back of the military outpost as it was, towards a rather striking human female. The raven-haired beauty had her back to them as they approached and turned around showing off a beautiful face. "¿Qué es esto? Otro superviviente de esta maldita zona de guerra" she said with her Puerto Rican accent and heavy sass. "Damned war. Always another person needing treatment for something they otherwise would never have issues with. Not that those malditos idiotas in charge care." She took out her tricorder and scanned Inara. "Why in the hell did they send you to me? This has to be orders from El Comandante. I love that blue bastard, but he thinks I'm some sort of cure all."

Shran made his way over. "Everything good with her doctor? Is she able to hold a rifle and get back to duty?"

Dr. Del Rio turned and glared at Shran. Finally, she spoke with a heavy bit of attitude, "Oye, agárrate a tu jefe de tetas. She is fine. Feel free to send her to whatever damned warzone you feel appropriate."

Shran looked at Inara, "Alright lieutenant, grab a rifle and get over to the line. You'll have to get your hands dirty from your handiwork."

"What do you mean her handiwork?" questioned Dr. Del Rio.

"She is the one responsible for destroying the ketracel white stockpile and turning the Jem'Hadar into undisciplined bloodthirsty savages" Shran replied.

"Chica, you do that?" she questioned as she looked at Inara. "Estoy muy impresionada" she said with a wry grin.

"That's what happens when you send a scientist to fight a war." Inara noted. "Hey, pick up a rifle, follow orders, and charge into the grinder." She picked up the rifle. "Nah. I've seen disciplined organized Jem'Hadar. They're far more dangerous than Undisciplined bloodthirsty savages. You can just shoot those guys." Inara had an attitude too. She looked at Shran. "So, you're going to send a scientist to fight more of this war. You do realize that I am still going to be crueler to the Dominion than they are to us. I might come up with more ways to make them regret the day they were ever born." Inara noted.

"Oh, I am sure you will. I am happy to use somebody like you to fight this war" Shran replied. "For now though, I need you on the line. They may be like shooting fish in a barrel as the pink skins say, but they are going to be stampeding likely and that is still dangerous to all of us."

"Esté seguro comandante" the doctor said softly. "Usted también, teniente."

Inara rolled her eyes. "Note to self. Never pretend to be sophisticated by speaking a romantic language. Anyway, I have an idea to give us an edge. I'll need a few specific items."

In the distance the sound of a bang rang out. Shran turned to take a look, a medic and a few others running to aid an injured person. Shran shook his head, "Damn Houdini's." He looked back at Inara, "Get to the perimeter line lieutenant. If you need something beyond that phaser rifle, extra energy packs, photon grenades, I'm sure Chief Jensen can assist you. She is that petite female just over there" he said as he pointed out the chief. "Just don't go out past our perimeter. I have some surprises planted all about to help thin the herd, don't want you accidently tripping one of them. You'll also find we have no scanning abilities. They have way too many jammers in place, and so do we. This is going to be something more like the sort of warfare not seen in centuries."

=^=Lookout to Shran. Commander, we have significant movement headed this way. Estimate we'll have contact in the next 5 minutes. =^=

=^=Understood. You know your job. Keep sharp. Shran out. =^= Shran unslung his phaser rifle. "Incoming people. Let's make them pay dearly" Shran yelled out.

"Oh lovely, don't I just love being a soldier." Inara noted as she moved to her position.

The screams and howls of the Jem'Hadar could be heard before they were seen. Shran looked over his battlelines as he waited for them to appear. He had Chief Jensen to his left, and the Lynn sisters to his right. The chief looked steady, but the ensigns both looked a bit spooked. Shran offered them a stern reassuring look as he readied his rifle on the open range before them.

The road before them stood vacant, almost like a stone scene from an old Earth Western. As the Jem'Hadar streamed into the road Shran took aim, but he waited. He knew he had a few surprises in place, old fashioned Earth devices that he felt were perfect for the situation. The Jem'Hadar were a third of the way down the road when suddenly small metallic devices seemed to spring up from the ground and get just above head level as they sprayed the area with tritanium projectiles that tore through the enemy. Dozens of the Jem'Hadar seemed to fall, while others continued to push forward toward the StarFleet personnel. Shran looked over at the diminutive chief next to him. "Just a little closer chief."

As the Jem'Hadar moved closer some began to fire wildly. They were now halfway down the road and Shran looked to the chief, "Now chief." Modernized clamor mines exploded from the perimeters on either side of the road, thinning out the Dominion ranks further. Then Shran called out, "Fire!" The StarFleet lines opened fire as the firefight began in earnest. The fire fight was intense. The StarFleet troops had the benefit of partial cover, the Jem'Hadar were in the open. It was only a matter of time though before they broke through, as there simply was too many of them. Shran was ready for hand-to-hand combat, but he knew this fight was going to get bloody.

Inara drew the Jem'Hadar war blade she had for quite some time. 'You want to know how cruel I can be? I will serve it up... you bastards.' She thought to herself. 'I am a scientist... not a soldier.'

As the firefight continued, the bodies of the Jem'Hadar piled up in the road, but the StarFleet personnel were not immune to the danger. Several StarFleet personnel had fallen, and things were about to take a turn, as the mass of Dominion troops simply overwhelmed the fire StarFleet was putting out and broke the lines, moving things into hand-to-hand combat.

While roughly half of the StarFleet personnel continued firing at the stampeding Jem'Hadar, the other half were now fighting for their lives in personal combat. Shran dodged a wild blade swing by a Jem'Hadar and jabbed his elbow into his gut, followed by a phaser blast point blank. The Andorian swung around and fired twice more, hitting a pair that were bearing down on his position. Another Jem'Hadar approached him and knocked his rifle from his grasp. Shran quickly took the disadvantaged position and countered, taking his opponents leg out and then pulling out his own blade, an Ushaan-tor, and slamming the blade into his opponent's chest. He rolled over to where a Jem'Hadar was standing over the chief about to fire and sliced the Achilles tendon, felling the foe before he swung upward and caught the artery and ketracel white tube, sending blood and the drug splashing about. He took hold of the control the chief had been holding and unleashed the final surprise, as massive plasma fire streams flowed outward from the buildings, setting the enemy aflame, and in some cases, incinerating them.

Inara opened fire as they charged, charged at her, and then when they were close enough, she pulled out what was a Jem'Hadar war blade and started slicing. She was one of the few that had experience with a blade there. Cutting them down left and right. She buried the blade into one of them, turned him to use as a human shield against his comrades, and then pulled his sidearm to shoot them both. It did not occur to Inara that it could have ended. She was a survivor. She got good at surviving because her entire squad was dead. And every time she killed another Jem'Hadar. She got angrier, crueler...

"I hate you." She chopped off a Jem'Hadar's head and then fought another. "I HATE YOU ALL." This time it wasn't just slashing. She was one of the last few of them left, and she was a scientist. She took the war blade and sliced his head off again. She was driven by pure rage as she took the head, got a pipe, plunged it into the ground. and slammed the head on the other end of it.

That was the day the Dominion would probably regret turning a scientist into a soldier. "I fucking hate being a soldier." She said under her breath as she walked away from the macabre display she put up after the battle was over.

The fighting ended, bodies laid everywhere, at times in small piles, small fires burned, and a light gray smoke seemed to float through the air like some sort of eerie fog. Dr. Del Rio and her medics were sifting through the killing field, treating the injured StarFleet personnel and at times, easing the suffering of those that were suffering unnecessarily.

Amongst that eerie fog was a silhouette of what was most certainly an Andorian standing at the focal point of the battlefield. As the glare from the sunlight passed from the horizon and dipped behind the towers of the war strewn Cardassian buildings the survivors saw Cmdr Shran standing, looking around the battlefield, taking in the aftermath. His uniform was filthy, with ragged rips and tears in multiple spots that showed exactly how deep into the fight he had been. He had his Ushaan-tor in his right hand, which was dripping blood profusely, evidence of how deadly combat had been.

Lt Chambers approached Shran slowly. unable to find any open ground that didn't have a Jem'Hadar corpse upon it. "Commander" she said softly, reaching out and touching his arm.

Shran turned with a severe look momentarily, then he seemed to let go of that darkness. "You survived lieutenant. I'm glad. It was a hard-fought battle, one of great sacrifice, but we held. How many of the others remain?"

"We lost Cheevers, Fugere, Dirks, Francis, and V'Lek. Dr. Del Rio is treating the injured, including Lt Kerrigan. Most of the losses were from the personnel we gathered after we arrived" Chambers replied, her voice cracking as she tried to keep her composure.

Shran looked at the young lieutenant and wiped a tear from her cheek, "It's alright Marilyn. This is the nature of war, the senseless tragedy. The Dominion doesn't think we will fight for our beliefs. Days like this will make them think differently, at least in dark rooms." Shran wiped his blade clean on his tattered sleeve and then sheathed it. "Has the Jupiter signaled?"

"Yes sir. They are ready to transport us back. Capt Sisko has arrived with a convoy and fresh troops to take our place here" Chambers replied.

Shran nodded his approval. "Very well. Gather up the survivors, all of them, and get them up to the ship. Dr. Del Rio and the wounded first. We've earned our reprieve from this hell." As Lt Chambers left Shran slowly walked back to the safer position in the rear of the lines. He saw many of his people looking haggard, but they were alive. Coming in from the periphery he saw Costner and the science officer, Inara, slowly walking with a Jem'Hadar war blade. She looked just as haggard as his people, and he could see the mental strain weighing her down. "Glad to see you survived lieutenant. You've earned a rest from all of this. We all have." As he finished speaking the remaining members of the group dematerialized, beaming up to the Jupiter, away from this horrible place.


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