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Split Realities and coco-pufs

Posted on Wed Sep 18th, 2024 @ 8:21pm by Lieutenant JG Kate Kono & Lieutenant JG Benjamin "Ben" Dalton

Mission: The Gambit
Location: Kate and Ben's Quarters
Timeline: skewed

After her shift on the bridge and in her office, she returned back to her quarters. The first thing Kate did was replicate various ice cream shakes and a few gallons of water. She had a bad day and it showed. Even someone that didn't know she just took a time-travel trip back to the old section 31 ship that was filled full of nightmares, it was obvious that she had been to some place bad and wanted to forget all about it. She turned on the holographic movie projector she got for the quarters and started playing an old archaic movie called James Bond, Silvereye. Starring Piercey McBozo and Sean Diesalot. She thought that a relaxing moment on the sofa watching a good flick and eipping an ice-cream shake would make her feel better.

Ben came in a few minutes later and saw Kate on the sofa, eating some ice cream and watching some really old movie. He knew instantly, she had a rough day. He came to the back of the sofa, leaned over and kissed her softly. "Hi there Kate sweetie." he greeted her as he took the spoon she was holding and used it to get himself a spoonful of ice cream. "Hmmmm, now that is some good ice cream! Where did you get it?"

"Mmm hehe the replicator store down on replimat avenue," she winked and scooted over to make room on the sofa. Obviously she felt better now that Ben was there. ".. got hit with that temporal distortion thing today. Wasn't very fun. Hope you had a better day." Kate said while watching the screen as it showed a spy jump off a dam with a bungee cord attached to his ankles.

Ben sat down next to her, "Ouch! I bet that wasn't a fun experience. How long did it last and what did you see?" He asked as he too watched some nut some off the top of a dam with a bungee cord attached to his ankle. "That man is nuts!" He declared.

Kate jumped into Ben's lap and used him for a chair as she kept watching.
"Ohh I saw the Section-31 ship I was on, and I was running from those shadow beings again. But suddenly I ran through a door and I was back on the Washington as if nothing happened," Kate explained. "I hope the next time this happens, it's a happier moment in my past and not a bad one. Have you had one of those temporal experiences yet?" Kate wondered as she sipped more from her shake.

Ben wrapped his arms around her and held Kate lightly. "That doesn't sound pleasant at all sweetie," He remarked and continued, "I hope you never have another experience good or bad and no I've been lucky so far I haven't had the misfortune of have one of those temporal nightmares."

"It felt like walking right into a different reality," Kate explained. "I hope neither of us have to do that again ever." Kate sipped more of the shake and squeezed up to him some more. "How was your workday? Anything new? I mean, I guess I would know since I'm the department head but I didn't see anything significant happen in the reports which is totally awesome."

ben chuckled at Kate's statement as she squeezed up to him. he like the feeling of Kate next to him. ">my day was good, Nothing extraordinary happened. It was all perfectly mundane and if I may say so boring. No sneaky Romulans hiding in the corner, no Breen or Dominion rumblings. Like I said boring and yes you would know if you would read the reports." He teased her.

Kate spun around to face Ben and straddle him as she kissed him passionately. She squeezed the shake between the cushions so that it wouldn't topple over and make a mess as she ran her hands through his hair and continued kissing him. She pulled back and smiled at him.

"Want to try the holodeck or something? Or play some other sort of game? I feel like doing something active to get my mind off all this."

Ben returned Kate's kisses with equal passion. He peppered her lips, neck and throat. "I love you Kate! I love you so very much. I will love you forever. As for going to the holodeck, sure we can do that. I think your idea is good, you need , we need to relax."

Kate jumped off of him and smiled. She walked with him to the holdeck. After a short trip, she was relieved to find that, as usual nobody else in the vast crew was using it for some reason, and she stepped in.

"What ya wanna play?" Kate jumped and up and down happily as she stood in the large, green gridded room.

Upon reaching the holodeck Ben turned and smiled at Kate, "Ladies choice. This was your idea, so you make the choice of what you want to play. I think I am up for anything." He answered with a smile.

Kate tapped a few buttons on the computer and the grid vansied, replaced by large mountain with a rock-wall style hand-hold system on the side of it for beginners like her.

"Never tried climbing before. Do you want to do it with the tether, or just have the holodeck safeties take care of the fall if we lose grip?" Kate winked and giggled as she looked up at the recreation of El Capitan with multi-colored hand-holds all over it that made it look not-so-realistic but still just as freaky a climb.

Ben looked up and down the rocky slope and then at Kate. "Let's have fun, no tether, but make sure the holodeck safeties are engaged I don't want us to be splattered across the holodeck floor if we fall."

Kate jumped onto the wall and started climbing. She giggled as she got about twelve feet up, but after about fifteen feet, she started clinging to the wall like a Garfield Plushie.

"Okay so it seemed fun until I got up to about here hehehe!" She giggled nervously but kept going, only slower. "Have you ever done anything like this before?"

Ben was a few feet higher and he turned to look back at her. "Are you kidding? Never done anything like this and I don't if I ever want to do anything like this again. Are you okay? Do you want to stop?"

Kate shook her head and just concentrated on the next hand-hold with a smile despite being scared.

"I guess that's the whole point of having fun. Getting a little bit outside your comfort zone and all." Kate focused on the next clump of rock, getting her fingers into the handholds of the objects that were basically just cheats. Technically, it was climbing a mountain but not naturally with the provided grips. It certainly made things easier for the both of them but provided the same amount of fun and challenge for anyone who wasn't skilled.

"Just don't look down hehe"

Ben gave a quick glance back at Kate, "Sage advice Kate." He replied at he reached for a handhold to pull himself higher up the mountain. This was definitely a challenge for them both but it was an enjoyable challenge.

Kate hadn't realized how taxing that climbing would be on her fingers. All the other climbers made the act seem easy enough but she found herself using muscles in her hands that she hardly ever used before and they were quickly becoming worn out. She reached into her bag to pull out a powder that kept the sweat off of her hands as she climbed. Despite how her hands felt, she was still having a good time. At about a hundred feet up the mountain, she stole a look down and smiled.

"I think Admiral Kirk did this climb once -- but without the ready-made handholds..." Kate mused.

Ben stopped his climb and looked back and down at Kate. "Are you okay Kate? We can stop if you want to and find something less taxing for us to do." He suggested as he didn't want Kate to hurt herself even if the holodeck safeties were engaged. Nor did he want her to get frustrated with climbing, for if she did she might never try this again.

Kate grappled onto the rocks and contineud climbing up with a smile even though she had to strain herself to keep up.

"No, it's fine. You know, sometimes, it's fun to do things and enjoy things you aren't used to because it gives me a new appriciation towards people who have different skills. And it's great that you want to share those hobbies with me even if it means I have to lag behind a little." Kate caught up with Ben by the time she finished her statement between labored breaths.

Ben smiled at her as she caught up to him. "Why I love you Kate. You are up and will try anything. Your attitude is amazing, so positive. I want to share everything with you Kate and I want you to share with me. That's part of being a couple, sharing, taking an interest in each other and their hobbies." He smiled again, "I think we can rest here for a bit."

Kate looked at the wall she was grappled to and found it amazing that Ben felt she could rest there with him. She crossed her eyes playfully and stuck her tongue out to the side in a playful way for just a moment.

"You can stop on one spot on the rocks and call it resting?" She laughed. "No wonder you have such super-awesome stamina elsewhere!" Kate winked at him and giggled through her teeth.

Ben laughed in good humor at Kate's statement. "It's just knowing Kate. You will learn it too if you want to. Just give yourself some time." He smiled at her comment about stamina. "That's just one of the good things about me." He joked. "When we get back to our quarters, "I'll give you an up close and personal demonstration."

He wagged a finger at her, wanting her to come closer, when she did, he leaned forward and kissed her softly. "Thanks for being such a good sport."

Kate kissed Ben back and smield while hanging from the rocks with him.
"This is fun! And yeah so will the stamina thing be hehe."

"This is just a warmup Kate. The real fun starts later." Ben promised

Kate giggled and nodded before spinning toward the wall to climb faster.


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