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The Past Returns In Human Form

Posted on Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 4:04am by Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun
Edited on on Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 8:14pm

Mission: The Gambit
Location: Ojnas Vessel 32251
Timeline: Backpost


The Ojnas crew now began to repair their ship, but one detail had the misfortune of collecting the dead. Of a crew numbering 350, some 75 had departed this reality at the hands of the aliens, plus the vessel its self was dead in space and in dire need of help. Suddenly figures started to appear as a Federation work detail began to beam in, Sachzny watched as they gained form.

As Jon, Imik and the Washington work details materialized on the Ojnas ship, Jon's eyes sought out Sachzny. Finding her standing in the Ojnas transporter room with other members of her crew. A smile played on his lips and his eyes twinkled in delight at seeing her. "Captain." He said formally. "We've come to offer our assistance. Permission to come aboard?"

Imik also spotted Sachzny and bowed, "Blessings on your house and vessel Sinkahue, I request permission to assist."

Bowing as both Jon and Imik spoke, Sachzny smiled. "Blessings on your house Imik, it is good to see you and in good health it seems." She then turned her eye's on Jon, "Blessings on your house beloved, it does my eye's pleasure to see you once again. I hope your spouse enjoys her time with you, please give her my thanks." She stood upright and held out her arms, "Now allow me the gift of holding you, and there is a vanilla milkshake waiting in my ready room for all of us."

Jon's eyes were alight with pure joy at seeing Sachzny. Their friendship, their love for one another was as unique and special as they were. Jon missed her terribly and seeing her now up close and personal, eased that pain. His face split into a wide smile as Sachzny held out her arms. He didn't hesitate, he came off the transporter pad and had his own arms wide to give Sachzny a hug to beat all hugs. As he drew close. He quipped, "Vanilla milkshakes, who would have guessed?" As his arms wrapped around her and he hugged her.

Calmaxus looked on as Sachzny and Jon hugged each other, Imik now moved forward. "I am Imik Sha-Rathshu, blessings on your house." She bowed and then looked at the Ojnas XO, "It is a Human custom, family and friends indulge in it. They say it strengthens their bonds to each other, we are Ojnas and so need not indulge."

Calmaxus nodded and bowed back, "Blessings on your house Imik, I am Calmaxus."

Sachzny now pointed to the doors, "Come Jon, we must repair this vessel. But first, milkshakes, Imik please follow us."

Jon walked beside Sachzny a smile on his face, "Work details from the Washington are here to assist you. Direct them where they are needed." His smile grew as he said his next. "Milkshakes? Now that is a plan I can get behind."

Following at a respectful distance, Imik watched and listened as Jon and Sachzny talked. She quickly realised that she would only be in the way if she continued to accompany the pair, "Sinkahue, I request your indulgence. My company is not required in the meeting between yourself and Commander Grayson, may I therefore report to engineering to assist in repairs?"

Sachzny stopped walking and turn to Face Imik, "Your request is granted, and your understanding of the relationship between the Commander and myself is commendable. Dismissed."

She then turned back to Jon, "My sisters daughter is most certainly a diplomate, a fighter and a Federation citizen. I wish her well and a long life with a career to be proud of."

Jon watched Imik turn and leave. he then turned to Sachzny. "Imik is both a remarkable officer and person. I am pleased and honored to call her friend. She has as far as I know only one weakness." He told Sachzny, his face neutral but his eyes, oh his eyes sparkled in merriment. "She likes chocolate milkshakes." He informed Sachzny. Before laughing at his joke.

Shaking her head, Sachzny giggled. "Chocolate milkshakes, I suppose every family has one within who will be different. Imik is and always has been different." She linked arms with Jon, "It is her strength, and her weakness. Like myself, she stands outside Ojnas family life. You could call her a rebel of sorts, unlike myself she does not bend in the wind."

"A rebel? Imik? Nothing wrong in that whatsoever. You bend? Sachzny you are unique in your place within Ojnas culture as well as the Federation. You stand your ground and your beliefs. You don't abandon your friends. You don't blow in the wind." Jon replied firmly without hesitation or doubt.

Pulling Jon closer to her, Sachzny smiled and looked at the floor. "You still have that silver tongue my beloved, you can still bewitch the listener. I always wondered if my departure would change you, I see it has not and that is good." They arrived at the ready room, the doors hung at strange angles where the had been blasted by the alien boarding party. "Please enter and I will serve our milkshakes, then we will talk of old times and remember old friends."

Jon smiled and held stroked Sachzny's cheek softly, tenderly. "Ah but you are wrong Sachzny. your leaving did change me. Outwardly I am the same but inwardly, inwardly. I have an empty space, and that space is you Sachzny. I miss you terribly. I miss our talks, drinking milkshakes, the adventures we shared even when we went through that period where we weren't talking, I knew you were there just a walk down the corridor. Now you aren't. I know you were called back and I am thrilled you are a captain, you deserve it. I hope your crew sees what I see in you. Your compassion, your concern for them and your strength to see things through no matter what the outcome. You are an amazing person Sachzny.'

Glancing at the wreckage around her, Sachzny slowly shook her head. "For 70 of my crew I failed, for the Federation I also failed. I failed the 70 for now they are no longer with us, I failed the Federation because I did not arrive in time nor did I find the solution needed." She moved across the ready room as she spoke, picking up two milkshakes she now made her way back to Jon. "Only you have seen this person you speak of, I only see an Ojnas who doubts herself and finds the separation of old friends a hurt which grows with time."

Handing him his milkshake, Sachzny planted a kiss on his cheek at the same time. "Your spouse is a lucky woman, I envy her." Pointing to a bench seat she herself sat behind what was left of her desk, "So my beloved, has the years been kind? Having a wife was something I believe you wanted."

Jon took the offered seat and sat down. Only after sitting and taking a taste of the milkshake did he speak. "Sachzny, my precious Sachzny, you are your toughest judge. You did not fail not by a long shot. Look at what you accomplished. You stopped the influx of both the invaders and the temporal anomalies. You helped two ships and two crews. You deserve a medal and a commendation. As for me, I love Callie deeply . We adopted a little boy and she just gave birth to a boy and a girl who would be delighted to see their Aunt Sachzny." He answered as he took another sip of his milkshake.

"You have younglings, I find that a surprise Jon. You always appeared to shy away from younglings." A wide grin now appeared on her lips, as she waited for her comment to take affect. Jon had in fact always been drawn to children and it had often been commented on how good a father he would make.

Sachzny looked down slightly as she continued, "You consider me a relation to your younglings? I am indeed honoured, I will await a time and place with great excitement." Standing up, she crossed to a cupboard and opened it. Taking out a small box, she crossed to Jon and handed it to him. "This is an Ojnas award, it is for you from me. I have an official one for Sinkahue Shran." On the box in both Federation English and Ojnas was the following:- "Presented to Sinkahue Sachzny P'Glosho for her part in the joint mission between USS Washington and Vessel 32251".

She now returned to her desk, "Our high Command wanted this mission to be commemorated, so presented the two Sinkahue's with these medals, I would be grateful if you would accept this in my stead." Sitting down she smiled at Jon, "My Earth younglings can see it and know their Ojnas aunt is thinking of them."

" Yes, I have younglings. I figured I would give being a dad a try." He grinned at her and continued. "Of course I do Sachzny. You know how much I think of you and care for you. I want Cassie to meet you as well as my children so they can know and love you like I do. In fact." He continued, "When you come to the Washington to give Shran his medal, we'll have a family dinner, and you can meet my family." He grinned.

He looked down at the box and then back at Sachzny. "Sachzny no, I can't accept this! This is your medal. your award for your actions. I am honored and touched that you want me to take this and show to my children and tell them of their aunt but not like this Sachzny." He looked at her, "Sachzny." He said slowly, "Why don't you use the link we share? Are you upset with me? I miss what we had. Do you not use it because it is painful for you to feel me?"

Sachzny shook her head, "It is not painful for me to feel you, it breaks my heart I can not hold you or forever be your intended." She stood up and crossed to Jon, "I do not use the link because I have no wish to intrude into your domestic life, your spouse would think ill of me if I simply put myself before her and the younglings."

Jon blew a frustrated sigh between his teeth. "Do you not think it breaks my heart to not to be able to 'talk' with you? You don't intrude on my life domestic or professional. You seriously misjudge Callie if you think she would feel ill of you. Not to mention me and cutting me out of the decision. I told you once before I wanted this link and I still do." He looked at her, "Sachnzy, don't you see? Don't you know? You are forever part of me. You are my love. Different from Callie but still a love, I treasure and want in my life." His eyes grew moist. "Sachzny P'Glosho, you are a forever love and never doubt it."

Sachzny now looked at Jon with a slight smile on her lips, "You were never trained to use the link correctly, and although some Ojnas can communicate over vast distances. Most can not, and for some such as yourself this distance is even shorter. I can reach a moderate distance, but not from Ekotsy to this far area in space. Remember, I did not know where you were. So how was I to focus my thoughts, the Ojnas are not all powerful."

She collected the small box from Jon, and placed it back within her desk. "My love for you will not change, it can not change. Despite many Ojnas attempting to usurp you, my heart stayed true only to you." Sachzny sat back down and looked at Jon squarely, "You have a spouse and younglings, and I hope a happy life in what you do. I have my command and a life full of possibilities because of you, what I learned from you and others like Sinkahue Shran has changed my people and how we as a race now interact with ourselves and other races."

"My life is very happy but it would be even fuller and more complete if you were in it Sachzny. As for the link, I think I do the best I can seeing as I had no training with it. Sachzny I'm flattered and honored you hold me in such high regard. Your place in my heart is secure and always will be. But you should at least interact with some male Ojnas. Don't you think? And as for any changes you made or your people made. You would have made them despite anything I or Captain Shran did. I am fully convinced of that."

"You should ask Imik to teach you to use the link, she has taught many difficult pupils. Being Human you would benefit much from her help, I am unable to teach you because of our relationship." Sachzny glanced sideways as Jon spoke of making his life fuller, and then to interact with male Ojnas. "I can not have two loves, just as you can not have two spouses. But for us to be closer, one of us would have to place their career second. You will never do that because of who you are, I can not because of what I am."

"I'll do that once our work here is done and we are back on the Washington." Jon replied. He was silent as Sachzny spoke about not having two loves. "No, I suppose that is as true a statement as any Sachzny." He smiled at her, it was bright and full of love and joy. "What a pair we are, and I wouldn't change it for anything." He said with conviction.

With a sigh, Sachzny stood up and headed for the door. "I think it is time we joined our crew in repairing this vessel, Shran may think we have kept you." As she passed she ran her hand over Jon's cheek, "I have enjoyed our meeting my beloved, let us not wait as long for the next."

Jon smiled at Sachzny and her statement. "I suppose that is a good idea Sachzny. Thanks for the milkshake. I owe you one. As for our next meeting, I hope it occurs much sooner than this one. I'm still coming to your world Sachzny, and I want that guided tour. You promised me." He grinned. "Maybe I can get myself appointed as a diplomat to the Ojnas people." His hand going to her as she brushed his cheek. "Promise me, you'll reply when I contact you via our link."

A smile now crossed Sachzny's lips, "I will respond to you, once you learn to use the link. And my world awaits your arrival, as do I." She stopped at the door, "I see my sisters daughter awaits us, come Jon we have work to do."



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Comments (2)

By Commander Jonathan Grayson on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 7:51pm

Such a fun and enjoyable post if even a bit bittersweet and I owe it to my coauthor Ayesha for making the post as good as it is with her portrayal of Sachzny.

I hope another chance comes to write Sachzny and Jon again.


By Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 9:37pm

To bring Sachzny back and write for her has been a joy, and Jeff seemed to slip effortlessly back into the role they once shared. This character holds a special place in my heart and so to have Jeff allow me to revisit her made me grateful. Thank you Jeff, and I hope we can indeed revisit Sachzny again.
