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Time Asunder Pt. 2

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 10:24am by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant Inara Senn

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: USS Washington

Previously on the USS Washington...

The Washington was sent to investigate massive temporal anomalies with a partner vessel, the USS Andromeda. As the two vessels moved closer to the location of the anomalies, the crews began to deal with temporal dysphoria, and it seemed nearly everyone was impacted by it. This temporal dysphoria had varying effects, as some crew members experienced vivid memories of past events from their lives, while others caught glimpses of the future. They also learned of a virus created by the anomalies was the cause of the temporal dysphoria. As the proceeded deeper into the sector and closer to the anomalies, they were attacked by the aliens responsible for the anomalies, and began to fight them, but not without taking casualties. As things began to look bleak, and old friend arrived, an Ojnas aboard her vessel, and they fended off the invaders. A plan was developed to close the rifts, but it won't be easy to implement, as the closer they get to the temporal anomalies, the more time is torn asunder.

And now the conclusion...

Shran remained distracted, deep in conversation with his progenitor, the legendary Andorian Cmdr Thy'lek Shran. As the two continued to speak the time distortions continued to wreak havoc on the ship, and more and more temporal incursions were happening. Suddenly Shran heard Deanna say something that caught his ear, and he turned and looked at the viewscreen. He couldn't believe his eyes. The Enterprise-B, famously lost. The ship that Kirk had died on, as he gave the last full measure to save the crew and the El-Aurian refugees they had rescued from another temporal anomaly. He knew at this very moment, he couldn't allow for distractions. "Continue on course. Time to target?"

"Ten seconds to optimum firing ranging range" Deanna replied, her voice still carrying a bit of disbelief in what she was seeing.

Shran turned to Imik, "Confirm target lock lieutenant. We are only going to get one chance at this." He eyes turned to his XO, who looked as steady as the Rock of Gilbralter. "Glad one of us has managed to remain immune to the effects of these anomalies" he commented reassured.

Jon looked to his friend, his mentor, his captain replying, "It is hard sir but anything worth fighting for is hard and one cannot falter in the face of adversity."

Imik scanned and then doubled checked the results, "Target locked and confirmed, fire when ready Sinkahue." As she spoke another voice within her head also replied, *Target locked and confirmed, will report if we succeed and survive*.

Inara held onto Josie's hand as she waited. She would lose her all over again, but she wanted to savor this final moment. She did not know what compelled her to do terrible things, but she did them. This was almost as painful to Inara. Almost as painful as....

It slipped her mind... Someone did something to them. It was terrible... enough for Inara to do terrible things. She was never always this way, she used to be sickingly naive one time. Hopeful. Now she was pragmatic and cynical. Solely concerned about surviving.

Shran looked at the readout and waited what seemed like an eternity. "Fire" he ordered finally.

The Washington launched a bevy of torpedoes toward the target. The torpedoes streaked towards the anomaly, everyone watching with bated breath. Finally, the torpedoes began to detonate just as what looked like a rather massive and dangerous vessel was emerging from the rift. The torpedoes all hit their mark, and the results were immediate. The rift contracted to nothingness, splitting the vessel inside it in half. A massive visible energy exploded from the center of what was the anomaly and raced outward.

"As expected, we have a massive temporal wave approaching" Deanna reported. "The good news is that this means we have collapsed the anomalies. "A second wave is emanating from the anomaly the Ojnas targeted."

"All power to shields and structural integrity. Helm, prepare to turn us into the wave" Shran ordered.

Jon hit his combadge. "All hands prepare for impact with energy wave. I repeat prepare for impact with energy wave." As he finished he thought of Callie and Harry praying they would be alright and a second later he reached out to Sachzny. *Sachzny, brace yourself and your ship, massive energy wave is approaching!*

Ojnas vessel 32251 had fired her salvo at the target, now she reaped the reward. A massive energy and shock wave barrelled in towards her, the crew could only prepare to be hit by it. "Sinkahue to crew, ready yourselves for an energy wave to hit the vessel. Damage control parties move to designated areas, medical staff standby for casualties."

The ship now turned her bow into the wave, but instantly began to buck and bounce like a demented horse. Inside the crew were thrown around like ragdolls, systems crashed and damage taken. Sachzny held on and watched as her XO continued to engage and fire on the other anomalies listed, "Report on targets destroyed."

Calmaxus turned with a smile on his face, "Targets collapsing as predicted, and other anomalies are starting to become unstable and fold in on themselves. Sinkahue, we are successful in our mission."

Inara spoke towards the Imperial Guard Shran. "So... I hear you lost a bluff to Johnathon Archer. Oh, the Embarrassment. Rest assure that bit of history is well remembered."

"Inara...." Josie noted. "Focus."

The Andorian looked back at Inara. "A bluff? You seem to have heard things quite incorrectly."

Shran looked back from his command station. "Indeed Inara. I know well the story you refer to, but it was not a bluff, nor was it directed at Admiral Archer. As I recall, the conflict was between my ancestor and the Tellerite ambassador, prompted after the Tellerite had attacked and ultimately killed another Andorian, a female as I recall."

"Wave impact in 10 seconds" Deanna announced, hoping to defuse the situation.

Thy'lek looked over at Deanna and then looked over at Shran, "A fine crew. That one up there is trouble, and this one, she is feisty. And that pink skin who is your first, he reminds me of Archer; strong, dependable, trustworthy. It appears this alliance Archer proposed was everything we might've hoped for after all."

Jon heard the compliment and inwardly beamed. He was about to reply when the energy wave slams into the Washington and crew were thrown about the bridge, slamming into consoles that sparked and fizzled and went dead. "All stations report damage!" He called out as he was slammed backwards into his chair and sprawled over it even as the ship continued to shake like a bone caught in a dog's mouth.

As Shran gathered himself after the energy wave hit the ship, he looked around the bridge. The viewscreen, which had been showing the anomaly and then the temporal wave and the Enterprise-B now only showed open empty space. He continued to look around the bridge and saw that his ancestor had indeed vanished, returned to his own point in the timeline. He then looked back to the rear of the bridge assuming to see Inara looking heartbroken, but to his surprise, she was sitting there with astonishment in her eyes as Josie remained as she had been prior to the temporal wave hitting the ship.

Sachzny now sat in a static ship, silent except for the moans of injured Ojnas. Calmaxus slowly got to his feet and glanced around, "Bridge to engineering, report." No response, he now looked over to his CO, "The engines appear dead sinkahue, we are not moving. Permission to report to engineering."

Taking a deep breath Sachzny raised her head and listened, there was no hum of the engines no throbbing through the ship as they flew through space. "Go, we cannot remain here. But inform the Federation first, they will no doubt expect us to form up with them to debrief the results of our join mission."

Moving to the comms station Calmaxus soon realized they no longer had communications or weapons nor in fact did they have life support, "Sinkahue, we are dead in space. And at this time, we have six earth hours of life support remaining, no weapons and no communications."

Standing up, Sachzny joined her XO in checking the state of the ship. Damaged systems reigned supreme, and the most vital were dead or so badly damaged they were about to fail. "I will attempt to contact Washington by the link, there should be two on that vessel who will hear and assist us."

*Imik hear me, Jon my beloved. I call to you for help, my vessel is no longer able to move or contact you* Sachzny now waited for a response, but she hadn't used the link to Jon for many years would he still hear her? She could at times hear him, but as time moved forward their link had become weak through Sachzny not using it. Imik on the other hand was her best bet, that link was strong and if she could Imik would assist.

On the Washington, Jon was receiving damage reports from various departments when he stopped, his heard hurt though not from a headache this was different. He concentrated and listened. A voice! He heard a voice straining to hear he focused on the voice, moments passed, the voice was faint, but he knew who it was, it was Sachzny! He looked toward Imik to see if she had also heard Sachzny.

"Sir" He spoke to Shran, The Ojnas ship is dead in space, they need our help. Sachzny contacted me through our link." Jon explained quickly as he looked to Imik for support.

"What is our situation?" Shran questioned.

"Hull breach, deck 5, section 8. Force fields are in place and holding. Engineering reports warp engines are offline, and they have plasma fires and energizers are down" Deanna replied.

"Damage control teams to close that breach. Let's get additional personnel down to engineering" Shran ordered. "Move us to transporter range of the Ojnas vessel. Get a tractor beam on them. We'll send teams to assist them as well."

Imik heard Sachzny, and turned to see the XO looking at her. She nodded her head and looked at Shran and nodded again, there was no need for words Grayson was linked and he had also heard the call. Stepping forward Imik now spoke, "I wish to volunteer to assist on the Ojnas vessel Sinkahue."

"As do I sir." Jon added simply.

Inara spoke, "I'm reading a complete collapse of the anomaly. It should have sealed in whatever universes and realities it appeared in. I hate to say that we saved the multiverse, but that appears to be the case. Unfortunately the invaders will have other problems." Inara mentioned. Doing this took an enormous amount of energy from an unknown means."

"Very well" Shran agreed. Looking at Jon and Imik, "Give Sachzny my best. Transport over when we are in range."

Deanna looked back at Inara and saw Josie. "I suspect they were siphoning energy directly from stars somehow. If this is the case, they will be dealing with multiple supernovas based on the actions we took to close the anomalies." Deanna got up from her station and walked to the back of the bridge where Inara and Josie were seated at the science stations. She looked at Josie, "I find it intriguing that you remained here once the anomalies collapsed. I'd be interested in what seemed to anchor you here."

"A mystery worth investigating" Josie replied. "You will understand that I am merely grateful. I will gladly assist you in the investigation but seeing as the crisis you were facing seems to be over, perhaps Inara and I might have a few moments together first."

Shran looked up at Inara and Josie, "Seems like a perfectly acceptable request to me. You are free to reconnect with your..." Shran considered what word to use next, "...colleague." Shran hoped Josie being present might be a positive change for Inara. Perhaps she might be a soothing balm to Inara's normally acerbic attitude.

Shran looked to Deanna, "Contact the Andromeda Deanna. Confirm that the anomalies are closed at their location as well and review all data. I want to have a briefing on these anomalies and the fall out in one hour."

"Aye sir" Deanna replied.


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