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A Gift for Callie {Backpost}

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 6:20am by Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: The Gambit
Location: Grayson Family Quarters
Timeline: Prior to departure

Jon was putting the finishing touches on what he hoped was going to be a very romantic dinner for Callie and himself. He had candles on the dining room table, some vintage red wine cooling and dinner almost done. harry was spending the night at a friends. This night was for Callie and himself.

In the background Nat King Cole softly sang L-O-V-E and Jon accompanied him singing.

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can love
It's all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

Yeah, L is for the way you look, you're lookin' at me
And O is for the only one I see
V is so very very extraordinary
Now E is even more than any-any-anyone that you adore can love
It's all that I'm gonna give to you
Oh, love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't you break it
'Cause love was made for me and you

I'm tellin' you that love was made for me and you
Don't you know that love was made for me and you

He smiled to himself, Callie was remarkable. He was glad they were reunited. He got to fall in love all over again every day he woke up and saw her smiling face. She had been through so much and come out stronger than ever. Yes, she was an amazing woman.

Callie was enjoying her time at home on maternity leave, spending all of her time looking after their three children. Harry was proving to be a very responsible big brother to his twin siblings. Now the twins were down for a nap and Harry was at a friends home she was looking forward to enjoying a meal with Jon. “That smells completely divine!” She smiled as she walked over to Jon kissing him on the cheek.

Jon smiled at Callie's kiss and comment. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells." He admitted as he turned and took Callie in his arms and danced across the floor with her. Mrs. Grayson, you dance superbly." He commented as they continued to dance.

“As do you Mr Grayson!” Callie grinned as they gently danced. After 3 weeks she was still recovering from her operation, the site of her c section was still tender.

"Why Callie, you flatter me." Jon teased as they danced and he tenderly brought her close. "I have something for you after dinner." He said cryptically.

“I can’t wait!” Callie smiled as she enjoyed their dancing. “So what’s for dinner?”

Jon danced Callie closer to where their meal was. "You mean you can't tell?" He grinned, "I thought you would know for sure."

“Is that...” Callie paused to look. “You’re cooking my favourite! You are so wonderful.”

Jon grinned at her, "I knew your nose wouldn't fail you. Yes, it certainly is."

“In that case I can’t wait to savour it!” Callie grinned. “You are the most wonderful cook.”

"Why thank you Callie." Jon grinned. "You didn't need to say that. I was going to give you some to eat." He chuckled at her and the look on her face. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "I do so love you Callie."

Callie returned her husband’s kiss. “As I do you Imzadi. Now let’s enjoy this wonderful dinner of yours.” She looked at the table where a Rack of Lamb with Mustard-Shallot Sauce sat alongside Dijon mustard glazed carrots, buttered rolls and creamy scalloped potatoes.

"I call that an excellent idea Callie and once we've finished what I hope is an exquisite meal, yo can get the gift I have for you." Jon said smiling."

“I can barely wait!” Callie grinned as she sat down to enjoy her food, waiting for Jon to sit before picking up her cutlery.

"You only have to wait a little bit longer Callie." Jon joked holding his fingers up and part by a few millimeters. "Now dig in and let me know what you think." Jon told the love of his life.

Nodding Callie didn’t hang about, she dug eagerly yet politely into her food savouring the first mouthful. “Hmmm...” she nodded and smiled. “Delicious!”

Jon watched Callie's reaction to the food. "Really Callie?" He asked, not that he didn't believe her but she desrved the best and he wanted to make sure this meal was all she deserved and more.

“Hmmm” Callie nodded as she continued eating, motioning for Jon to eat his food as well. She knew their twins would only sleep for so long after a feed, she wanted to enjoy time alone with Jon while she could.

Jon chuckled at Callie's motion to eat."Yes ma'am. message received and understood." as he took a forkful of food into his mouth. "Hmm" He replied as he swallowed. "This is good." As he placed another forkful of food in his mouth. Enjoying being with Callie and their time together.

It didn’t take more than a few minutes for Callie to clear her plate, sitting back in her chair as she politely wiped her mouth. “Thank you Imzadi, I enjoyed that very much!”

Jon smiled at Callie's compliment. "Thank you Callie. I'm glad you enjoyed it . Would you like some dessert? Or are you full?" He teased.

“There’s always room for dessert Imzadi” Callie grinned a wry grin. “I’m never too full.”

Jon smiled at the love of his life. "Wonderful Callie, We have some strawberry shortcake with whipped cream. How big a slice to you want?" He grinned at her.

“Just a medium sized piece please” Callie smiled. “There’s always plenty more for later then.”

"One medium slice coming right up. You obviously forgot about Harry once he finds out there is cake here." Jon joked, Their son loved cake. In a few minutes Jon returned with two plates of cake topped with whipped cream. " Dig in Callie. Then you get your gift."

Callie didn’t need to be told twice, she eagerly dug into the cake savouring every morsel as she ate it. Once finished she politely wiped her mouth. “If Harry would like some he’s very welcome to have some, it’s delicious! A delectable treat.”

Jon smiled at Callie. "Well, I guess that means you are ready for your gift Callie. Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." He said as he disappeared into their bedroom only to return with a elegantly wrapped box. "I hope you like it Callie." Jon said as he handed her the box.

Callie gave Jon a big smile as she gently took hold of the box, carefully opening it she she pulled out the first of two gifts that were inside. “Ohh Wow!” Inside was a two carat diamond V shaped necklace. “Ohh Jon it’s beautiful.” Her eyes sparkled with emotional tears as she pulled out a second gift hidden by tissue paper, a gorgeous silver bracelet with intertwined hearts and the inscription. "Yesterday, today, tomorrow. My love for you is eternal." and then both their initials. “I don’t...know what to say!” She wiped away happy tears. “Can you help me put my necklace on?”

Jon smiled happily at Callie's reaction to the necklace and bracelet. "You don't need to say anything Callie. Your smile and tears says it all." He answered as he moved behind her to help affix the necklace around her slender neck. As he finished, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Callie. Just like the inscription says. My love for you is eternal and Happy Anniversary darling."

Callie smiled. “Thank you Imzadi, it’s hard to believe we’ve come so far from where we thought our relationship had ended. I’m glad our divorce never went through.”

Jon kissed her again, "We were meant to be together Callie." He answered softly.

“Now that I completely agree with” Callie smiled as she stepped away a little. “Actually I have a gift for you too.” She motioned for him to wait while she went to get it, before returning a few moments later with a wrapped gift. “Here you go...”

Jon took the wrapped the gift and smiled at Callie, "You didn't have to get me anything Vallie. Your love and support is enough but thank you." He finished nas he opened the gift and then just stared as a soft gasp escaped from his mouth. He was looking at the Lord of the Rings trilogy. "Ohhhhh Callie." He remarked as gently took the books out and held them. "Thank you so much darling! These are fantastic!" He exclaimed and then gasped louder, "Oh my gosh! They are signed! by J.R.R. Tolkien himself!" He turned and kissed Callie passionately. "You are the best!" He exclaimed and "This is the best gift ever!"

Callie grinned. “I knew you’d love it! The best gift for the best ever husband.”

Jon smiled at Callie, "It is perfect, and it is from the best wife ever." As he leaned forward and kissed her again.

Returning his kiss Callie let it linger enjoying it before cries from the nursery signalled that at least one of their bundles of joy was awake.

Jon sighed at the sound of crying coming from the nursery. "Oh boy, someone isn't happy. Want to bet on who is making a fuss?" He asked Callie.

“My bet is on Shona, she’s more highly strung than Stephen but I could be wrong!” Callie grinned. “Let’s go and see.”

Jon smiled at Callie, "I think that is a safe bet Callie and I'm right with you." He answered as they moved to the nursery to check on the twins.


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