
Shadows & Legends

Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 9:30am by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant Inara Senn & Lieutenant JG Kate Kono & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: The Gambit
Location: Veloz Prime

Inara's surprise materialized and moments later exploded. Phoenix and his three-person team materialized after the explosion, followed quickly by the rest of the away team. Deanna took in the area and then pulled out her tricorder and began to scan the area. "Nobody around but can't scan into the ruins. Detecting a dampening field. Ready back up weapons in case phasers are inactive inside that field. This is already feeling like what Sisko reported when they encountered an Iconian gateway."

Sam looked up from her own tricorder, feeling a little odd but not uncomfortable in her full tactical gear. "there's definitely a dampening field. I suggest we start there "

"Be careful around the gateway." Inara noted. "Captain Picard's log noted that it could potentially send someone anywhere, possibly to another universe or time."

Kate swallowed hard when she tested her sniper rifle, and nothing happened. She suddenly felt useless as she slung her rifle and fumbled with a knife on her belt to get it out while mumbling grumbled curses under her breath.

Deanna pulled her phaser rifle to bear and attempted to fire to no avail. "Phasers are inoperable, and I would suggest that tricorders will become the same way as we move in closer. Certainly not the way I wanted this to go. Hope everyone is prepared for close quarters melee combat." She looked at the terrain, "Phoenix, I want two of your people as rear guard. Sam will be back there with them, and I expect them to keep her safe. The remainder of the tactical team will be deployed to the point position with me. Imik, you will be the primary tactical person in the middle with Inara and Kate. I'll need you and Inara once we reach the facility, to deal with any Iconian technology we might encounter."

Sam nodded as she moved to the two guards Deanna had allocated and was prepared to stick to them like glue. Her rifle slung low over she shoulder, the straps crossed with that of her medkit. She knew there was a knife on her belt but felt loath to draw it just yet. Somehow defending herself and hurting someone with the same thing she could use to heal battled in her brain. The knife would wait for now.

The two officers moved into formation to guard Sam. Phoenix looked to Ensign Viers. "With me Ensign" he said as he moved to the point position as Deanna ordered. James moved to Deanna's left while Ensign Viers moved to her right.

Imik noted how similar to her own home world, some of the architecture seemed to be. "Commander Celes, have you forgotten that Iconian and Ojnas technology is similar if not the same when it comes to transporter or Gate technology? Would it not be practical for myself plus one other to deal with that part of the base?"

"We don't know how we will be dealing with anything until we get in there. Our primary mission is to find and retrieve the captain. Dealing with Iconian technology is a secondary concern at this time. We have no idea what the captain may have planned himself, though we can be sure if Iconian technology has been found intact here, the captain has a plan in place to make unusable very quickly" Deanna replied.

Imik bobbed her head and having noticed that the Federation weapons were inoperable, took her blaster and putting it on the lowest setting fired it. One of the guards fell while the other looked startled, a quick adjustment and Imik fired again. The second guard fell, "It would appear that Iconian based weapons are unaffected by the dampening field, would you like to use my weapon, Commander?" The Ojnas officer held out the blaster towards Deanna, "I sensed some hesitation in you earlier, this might relieve that hesitation."

For the briefest of moments Deanna let her guard down and her face showed annoyance, before she quickly became stoic once more. "Appreciated, but unnecessary" she said as she unsheathed what looked like a blade and then it seemed to extend itself from the size of a kukri to a full-on rapier. "I'm more than capable of handling anyone that approaches me with hostility with this. Now then, let's get a move on."

Before the mission, Kate had replicated a karambit. She knew nothing about knives other than the fact that the word "karambit" sounded cute, and she was sure that if it sounded cute, it must be good. The young Lieutenant tried several ways of holding it and found that holding it in a downwards position felt more comfortable for her because she could get punchy with her fists normally and maybe the blade would add some extra kick. Still, she eyed the knife with unfamiliarity and moved with the team while hoping nobody jumped her while she was out there.

The group assumed their formation and moved out; Sam sequestered towards the rear under the protection of the guards. Whilst she had been on tactical missions before this wasn't her bread and butter of daily duties and so appreciated the assistance.

They hadn't traveled far before Deanna noted that the tricorders had also ceased functioning. They traversed the rocky forested terrain until Phoenix signaled a halt. Deanna, only a few feet behind him stealthy moved to him. "What seems to be the problem lieutenant?"

"It's too quiet Commander. There should be some sort of ambient sound from the forest. There isn't here" James said to Deanna. "But I think we're getting close."

"I understand your caution. Only minds I sense are us. But we have to be close to whatever was uncovered here. Keep moving, slow and easy" Deanna replied.

James nodded. "Aye" he said before motioning to the extra security officers to continue on. After that he followed Deanna.

"Why are there no natural sounds though?" Sam mused to herself, cursing that her tricorder wasn't working. She couldn't see any reason for a complete lack of other lifeforms.

Deanna moved with the rest of those on point through the rest of the rocky wilderness until they reach the edge of the tree line, and they saw the ruins of what could only be an Iconian facility. Deanna looked around. It was quiet, too quiet honestly. It looked deserted. She tried to scan telepathically to sense if anyone was around and sensed nothing. It was frustrating at the very least. She signaled for the others to come in closer, "There it is, but it appears to be deserted. I don't sense anyone around, but that doesn't mean somebody isn't lurking about. We don't have a choice, we are going in. Everyone ready whatever weapons you have that function."

Inara drew one of her hidden blades and moved forward silently. "These are Romulans, Deanna. Assume they have a way to go undetected by telepathy."

Sam holstered her tricorder and pulled the knife from her belt, hoping she wouldn't have to use it. It had been some time since she'd had hand to hand combat refresher training. "Aye Sir" she replied, keeping her eyes peeled.

"Agreed" Deanna replied to Inara. "Crafty, treacherous bastards. The other possibility is that they have come and gone, and that concerns me." Deanna considered the situation. "Alright, we are going to make a push into the ruins. Two groups, the forward group will sprint across the 100-meter field and secure the outer area of the ruins, the rear group will follow 20 meters behind on a more cautious approach. Sam, you stay back and run the rear team with your two protectors and Kate, the rest of us will be on the forward team. Everyone be prepared for anything. Questions?"

Kate suddenly launched a flare into the sky and gave up the groups position. At least, that's what she did in her imagination. She was too quiet and cautious because in her mind, that's what she felt like she was doing, being a complete reckless endangerment to the entire group and it just felt like any little thing she did would give the entire team away to the enemy. She pushed that imaginative mind of hers in the back of her thoughts and stayed focused on NOT actually launching flares or being a hinderance. She was afraid to even nod to tell them that she was okay because she imagined that head movement would be the one thing some Romulan would see and yell out that Kate was the one that ruined everything. Still, Kate checked her bag to make sure she didn't actually have any flares, or, bullhorns, or drumsticks, or airhorns, or glowsticks, or noisemakers...

What the heck am I going to do with this knife?! she thought to herself. She wasn't a hand-to-hand expert and everybody that knew her well enough understood that. Without her trusty sniper rifle, she was baggage and the self-realization of that made her slender shoulders slump. All she could really effectively do was be a good pair of extra eyes so, she focused on that.

Imik had followed the rest as they progressed through the base, she had holstered her blaster and ensured her knife was free to use. This blade was a relic of her service during the short war between her people and the Tholians, many of her people had died unable to defend themselves so all pilots had begun to carry these six-inch blades. Now she herself could not operate without knowing it was close at hand, and with the training she had undergone Imik was more than capable of using and defending herself with it.

Using her psychic ability of walking ahead of herself, something all Ojnas were trained to do in combat, she checked for booby traps and enemy combatants. Her companions were a mixed group, some confident and others not so. But here and now all of them had but one goal, find the Sinkahue and return with him to the Washington. Fear seemed to surround them, fear of the Romulans, fear of the unknown, fear of failure. Imik struggled to understand all that seemed to encompass her and the group, focus she must focus or even she could fail.

Deanna could sense the doubt and indecision coming from some, especially Kate. It was probably for the best that Kate was in the back with Sam considering her thoughts at this time. "Alright, let's go."

Deanna led the way as they headed toward the ruins. She wasn't in the most objective state of mind herself, and she knew it, but she could put that aside and focus on the task at hand. She hoped they would find Shran here, rescue him and return to the ship. If they were lucky, they might get the opportunity to look at Iconian technology firsthand; she'd always wanted to do that to be honest. But the focus needed to be at the task at hand.

Kate headed up the rear like a pro. If anyone tries to sneak up behind us, I'll -- POKE them to death this this Karambit like there was a Poke sale going down on Poke Avenue, buy one Poke -- get two Pokes free! Kate shook her head at the absurdity of her situation. Do I try and attack? Do I call for help? If I call for help, will that give away our position?! What if someone farts! Kate's breathing increased slightly but she reminded herself to stay calm. She was with a whole group of professionals who actually know how to fight. Kate bit her bottom lip and nodded to herself confidently, or at least, feigned confidence.

Phoenix kept an eye on the rest of the away team, especially Sam and Deanna. He knew that with Shran missing like this, mentally they knew that they may not be in the best place. He was no counselor, let alone the fact that he was a junior officer, but he knew. Granted, he was worried about Shran himself. Who wasn't.

As he followed Deanna, James looked at the junior security. They were doing just fine, in their positions in the away team. James looked to Commander Celes. "What are your orders once we get to the ruins?"

"We secure the entrance" Deanna replied as she made her way across the open field. This was a moment of truth.



