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Shadow Games

Posted on Sun Sep 8th, 2024 @ 9:13pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: The Gambit
Location: USS Washington

The Washington had been at Starbase 12 for two weeks, undergoing repairs from the damage that occurred dealing with the temporal anomalies and fighting the invading trans dimensional aliens. Shran had given the crew permission to disembark the ship and enjoy the station and nearby Federation worlds for the sake of a little shore leave, and Deanna had used it as an opportunity to return home to Betazed. For his part, Shran had hoped to relax, but a day into the R&R he had received a Priority 1 message and had left the ship to Jon within 3 hours. He hadn't given Jon much information, only that Deanna would be able to get information should it be required. It was obvious he was going on some sort of covert operation, and he was doing so alone. That was 8 days ago...

Jon was in his Ready Room again going over the facts (few as they were) about Shran's receiving a priority one message, leaving the ship and he (Jon) in command and hearing nothing further and that was 8 days ago. All his inquiries were met with a polite 'stand by'. He let out a frustrated sigh and muttered to himself. "Enough of standing by, I want some answers." with that he sent an urgent message to Deanna on Betazed asking her to return to the ship. Now he waited.

Deanna was getting aboard her runabout when she got the urgent message from Jon. She confirmed that she was on her way back and she would attempt to get some answers while in route. With the speed of the runabout, she would be back aboard the Washington in only a few hours' time. She told Jon that they may need to have the Washington ready for departure when she arrived, giving him something to accomplish while she made her way back.

After receiving Deanna's reply that she was on the way back to the Washington and would be back aboard in a few hours and then her later message that they may need to be ready to depart. Jon wasted no time. He ordered an immediate recall of all Washington personnel and got about making the ship ready for departure. Hopefully Deanna could shed some light on what was going on.

Deanna arrived at the Washington and quickly made her way up to the bridge. She found Jon sitting in the command chair. "Commander, we need to go to Beta Agni II. We can be there in 2 hours at warp 8."

Jon looked at her, "Hello to you too Commander. My Ready room now." He said standing and walking to the ready room not waiting for Deanna. Once inside and alone he turned to her. "What's going on Deanna? Captain has been gone for eight days, Command is tight lipped and won't tell me anything and you just arrive and say we need to leave. I want some answers, and I don't think that is asking too much.'

"I apologize for my brashness" Deanna replied. "I understand your desire to have information, but I have gotten very limited information thus far. All I can tell you at this point is that the captain was sent on a classified mission, that had to do with some sort of mercenary team made up of former Obsidian Order members and disavowed members of the Tal Shiar, presumably these operatives are survivors of that ill-fated joint operation that attempted to eliminate the Founders. And the last known location of these misfits, as well as the captain was Beta Agni II. I am probing every resource I have, but thus far most are being rather tight lipped" she continued to reply, frustration showing up in her voice as well.

Jon shook his head, "Oh Deanna, I'm not mad with you. I'm frustrated over the inability to get any information. I'm not some recent academy recruit. I can be trusted or does Command suddenly think I can't?" He sighed, "Keep trying to find out all you can as I am getting nowhere fast in attempting to gain information." Jon answered. His frustration obvious.

Deanna could feel Jon's frustration. "You should know this is most definitely a black op. Whatever is going on, it is the type of mission where they disavow you if you get caught. The people that could tell me something of real substance aren't talking to me. I am equally frustrated. Hopefully we can find some things out ourselves at Beta Agni II."

"I figured that out on my own Deanna." Jon replied still frustrated by this whole situation. "Alright, we're wasting time here. Until we find the captain, I'm acting captain and you are my executive officer. Any objections?"

"No commander" Deanna replied firmly. "I assume we can get underway immediately. All repairs complete? All personnel accounted for, beside the captain?"

Jon nodded, "Good. Yes, we are ready for immediate departure and yes, all crew are back aboard except for Captain Shran." he paused for a moment then continued. "You know Deanna, you can still call me Jon. It is my name."

Deanna smiled. "I know Jon. Just trying to be official. You are the captain at this time after all" she said with a grin. "Let's go find the captain, shall we?"

Jon nodded and smiled. "Deanna, I never worry about you being official and I appreciate the gesture however I am only acting captain until we find Shran. So, let's get to the job at hand shall we Number One?"

Returning to the bridge Deanna began to give out orders, "L'Rissa, signal the station that we are getting under way. Clear all moorings, lay a course out of the system, full impulse. When we are clear, set course Beta Agni II, warp 9." She sat in the XO seat, feeling a touch out of place.

Jon was silent as Deanna crisply issued orders to bridge crew and they moved to comply. He moved to the center seat but didn't sit down He looked at L'Rissa, "Make it so L'Rissa." Only then did he sit down.

The Washington left the starbase and jumped to warp. They were going to find the captain.


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