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Digital Deep Dive

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 8:53am by Lieutenant JG Kate Kono & Ensign Kevin Mitchell
Edited on on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 9:16pm

Mission: The Gambit
Location: Main Shuttle Bay
Timeline: Dream

Kate and Kevin managed to break through some of the logs that were wiped by Admiral Weyland and she pointed out some of the decoded and recovered artifacts from the log.

"Ever heard of an Iconian gateway?" Kate asked. "What is that? Like, a transporter device or something?"

Kevin leaned in and pushed Kate out of the way playfully. Kate chuckled lightly as he scrolled through the screen.

"Nah, it's probably nothing but we can ask around about it. May just be a code-word for something they were working on. You know, just in case people like use were able to break the zeroing structure of the memory wipe." Kevin shrugged it off and Kate rolled back in her chair to combat her space back from her friend.

"I don't know," Kate said. "I think I remember hearing something about it -- not from the academy knowledge that Q dumped into my head when coming here, but just --- something in general. Let me look it up."

Kevin sighed and shook his head while pulling the PADD out of her hands.
"You're focusing on stuff that doesn't even matter, girl! Chill!"

Kate crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Kevin.
"I am chill... The shuttle bay is at 75 degrees. That's about as Chill as I can handle. Even with a Starfleet uniform on."

"What else would you have on?" Kevin asked playfully.
"Careful... If my boyfriend finds out you're asking with I do during naked-time, he may have to make you disappear!" Kate winked and giggled. "Now... gimme!" Kate opened and closed her hands rapidly in the direction of the PADD that Kevin had just taken from her hands.

"Why don't we continue going through the entire drive before we start focusing on whatever single phrases we find and then go through the entire thing all in one block. It would be more efficient."

"I got a better idea..." Kate said. "Why don't we just blast ICONIANS on the ship-wide noticeboard and see if anyone knows what kind of supposed 'code word' it could mean? You're right, it's probably nothing becuase we are sure they're going to Wan Valdez Prime, which is a far cry name from Iconia."

"What the hell is Wan Valdez?" Kevin asked.
"It's a world that Janeway founded. The entire surface is made of Coffee," Kate explained.
"Are you serious?"
"NO!" Kate grabbed the PADD back from him. "You go keep scraping the drive and trying to recover it and I'll just do this..."

Kate tapped a few buttons to send her findings straight to Jon. She then threw the PADD over her shoulders.

"What did you do?!" Kevin asked.
"I did the next best thing. I shot Jon a personal message to see if he knew anything about an 'ICONIAN GATE' -- now that it's in his hands, we can continue decoding this drive and if we don't get anything back from what we found, we'll know it was just gibberish! Tadaa! Easy peasy!"

Kevin seemed uncomfortable for reasons Kate couldn't figure out, but it was within regulations to do what Kate did, so she didn't understand why he was so stand-offish about the word Iconia. Kate did take notice though, and she made a mental note to look into it more after they continued the drive.

"So... What DO you do during naked time?" Kevin asked.
"Boink..." Kate answered as she scrolled through the data. Kevin looked on with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.


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