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Valuable Information

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 9:41am by Ensign Kevin Mitchell
Edited on on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 9:16pm

Mission: The Gambit
Location: Empty Quarters Aboard the Washington
Timeline: Dream

It had been many months since he needed to send another burst transmission that would be disguised as standard background radiation. Most of the Washington's previous missions had been too barren for any need for his services. Nevertheless, Kate's discovery that Sharn was involved in anything to do with the ancient Iconian Gateways was too rich to sit on and this was exactly why Romulan Intelligence reached out to him for intelligence such as this. The only prolem was, the crew was on high alert and Kate would probably find out that the ship sprung a serious leak if he sent any kind of a burst-transmission out to his Romulan handlers right now. There were simply too many highy trained Starfleet Officers onboard just looking for incconsistancies with what the ship puts out to not get caught.

Of course, if the Iconian Gateway technology had anything to do with the mission Shran was on, he needed to get the word out that the Washington was being sent out to find it, and their captain. The tradeoff was that, if he did send a message, it wouldn't be traced back to him, but it would certainly out their crew as having a leak, and then it would put Kate into high-gear to try and find the spy. Of course, this was exactly the type of information that warranted that risk.

There was another way to go about it though... If he were to make the crew believe that the mole had been found, just, tragically after the information was sent to Romulan Intelligence, then, he would be in the clear. Technically Kate was the only person onboard who knew anything about the Iconial Gateway. Would the crew believe it if he killed her, claiming she were the spy? No, probably not. The girl was too flakey and stupid to devise such a devious plan to betray Starfleet. She was a dedicated Officer who would blindly tow the line and make stupid sex jokes all day thinking the crew gave a shit while she performed her duties with patriotic dilligance.

No, it couldn't be her. Nobody would believe it.

Kevin flipped through the logs of who else had access to the Runabout that day and came across Crewman Jessica Kessler. Kevin smiled to himself as he looked at the name. He had caught her eyeing him in the mess-hall months ago and as far as he knew, she was still single. Considering Officers and crewmen weren't usually accepted as being dating-partners, it would be the perfect excuse to lure her into the empty quarters.

Granted, she had a daughter back home, but this was what was known as Colatteral Damage. Her family will just have to live with the sour false fact that this mother, this -- seemingly perfect Starfleet Crewman, was a traitor to the Federation; stopped and thwarted by the brave and heroic Kevin Mitchell wo caught her red-handed during the distribution of classified materials to a foreign entity.

The Iconian Technology was just too much of a feather in his cap to ignore. The beaches of Risa after a full-identity-change was so close, he imagined he could smell the scent of the ocean upon his nose. He could spend the rest of his years surfing, relaxing, and as Kate would say, 'boinking'. That unlimited-stay card was so real now he could imagine how it would feel in his pocket. The Tal'shir would reward him beyond his wildest dreams.

He may not even have to kill Kate to do it. Which would be good. He liked her. She may have been an immature brat but she knew how to make him laugh. With any luck, he wouldn't have to kill her, too.

If it came down to it, he would.


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