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Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 5:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Lieutenant Inara Senn

Mission: The Gambit
Location: Armory
Timeline: *After Senior Staff Meeting*

Inara was in the armory. She had replicated some interesting things. She put two sheathes into her wrists below her uniform, and she slid two carbon knives into the secret holsters. She then picked up the small type one phaser, sliding it into her boot.

Deanna watched from the door as Inara concealed weapons. "Perhaps some garters so that you can hide a few more weapons" she quipped.

"Starfleet intel fucked it all up? So, we're plan B?" Inara asked.

Deanna smirked at Inara's usual impertinence. "I wouldn't call us Plan B. We're more like the unexpected wrench in the works."

"Goddesses, Deanna. What have we been dragged into?" Inara mentioned. "And yes, I will make certain preparations, as everything you have told me about Colonel Lovok tells me that we cannot be too prepared for a individual as dangerous as he. Furthermore, let the realization sink in, as there's stories from defected Romulan dissidents that say the Tal Shiar have even experimented on captured Borg technology, and the Obsidian Order... They're much worse. It was said that a Cardassian citizen couldn't sit down for a meal without it being duly recorded for later reference." Inara mentioned. "These are the devils from the four hells of Betazed we're up against."

"I know all of that and more Inara. I know exactly who it is we are going after and all he is capable of doing. Believe me, things are far worse than what most of you know" Deanna replied.

"You need to cool your head too Deanna. Lovok will use that anger of yours against you." She noted. "And if I find this devil, I'm putting him down, as right now Cardassia and Romulus has a chance without these devils terrorizing their own people." Inara mentioned.

"Cardassia is safe. Garak won't let these devils as you say do anything to further harm it. Romulus...deserves its fate" Deanna replied. "You shouldn't concern yourself with Lovok. He is my concern."

"You're going after him, aren't you?" Inara noted.

"Unfinished business" Deanna said cryptically. "And debts that have to be repaid."

"Listen to me very carefully, and this is from the Scientist me." Inara mentioned. "The Iconian Civilization has fascinated me since I first heard of it, and we have not even scratched the surface trying to understand the Iconians, and something tells me we do not want to understand the Iconians too much." Inara noted. "According to what we've learned from the archeological expeditions to Iconia, we believe the Iconians to have been patronizing and condescending to younger races that just achieved space flight, refusing to share their technology. Perhaps they had a version of the prime directive, or perhaps they were patronizing assholes. That's why their homeworld is a cratered wasteland. And for all of our sakes, I hope we do not attract their attention, as something tells me the Iconians did not disappear, and they simply washed their hands of us. Furthermore, ancient texts called them 'demons of air and darkness.'"

Deanna remained silent. "I can't go into details, but some of what you said is far truer than you can possibly know. The Iconian Empire was destroyed, but some of the Iconians did survive. A small colony in a remote part of the Beta Quadrant. Shran was the captain of the Federation ship that found them. Part of the reason why he was sent on this mission." Deanna got quiet again, then spoke it a serious stoic tone, "That is not information you are to repeat to anyone."

"Understood. Starfleet Intelligence and its cloak and dagger bullshit." Inara mentioned.

Deanna listened to Inara's expected reply. "This isn't cloak and dagger Inara. And I wouldn't call this an intelligence operation either."

"We'll see Deanna." Inara left the armory.

Deanna watched Inara walk away. Normally she'd be the one to walk away. Inara was correct in one sense, this was going to be dangerous, even more so than most would fathom. She closed the door to the armory and headed back to the bridge, wondering what terrible horrors they would soon encounter.


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