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Settling In

Posted on Wed Apr 8th, 2020 @ 4:27pm by Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish

Mission: Unto Darkness, Light
Location: Chief of Flight Controls Assisgned Cabin

As ordered, Cassia returned to her cabin. Once in there, she checked her messages. Just one from Jack, her long time friend surrogate Brother. She smiled, remembering the fact that he had been the one to find them all on that ice ball. Find them and bring them home.

Cassia was looking forward to the posting. It would be different for her and she was hoping that things would not wind up the way they had as they had on the Jean Luc. Victory had come close to that not weeks before.

The memory of the Jean Luc still haunted her. She vowed never to go onto an ice planet they could shoot her as traitor for refusing an order but the words HELL NO would come from her before she went down to an ice planet again. She had, had enough of those places to last her a life time. Not to mention what had happened when she had returned to Earth.

The questions, the looks, the interrogations disguised as briefings. Her best friend Jack’s arms around her as she sobbed out things to him that she had never told anyone, not even Jac from the Jean Luc.

The accusations, of dereliction of duty, of treason (If they could make that stick) and causing a conflict which had been flung at the survivors. All hidden quietly behind closed doors. The public heralding of them as survivors and heroes of sorts, and the private condemnation of them as traitors or worse for not dying on the battlefield. The counselors, the doctors, the pitying looks and the fury of her parents that she had survived to come back and show up her sister. The invasive exams, the whispered conversations around her being anorexic or some such. The abusive letters from her parents, telling her to kill herself that she was a waste of space in their lives. Of holding Jack back as he stalked off to kill her parents. Of her holding other friends back, her closely guarded friends back, from helping him. Of her siblings and their comments and silence. Of Mia standing in the medical lab, sneering at her. Of James glowering at her, stating that she was a disgrace to the family, that at least if she had died, they could have mourned her as war hero. Of Eric merely standing behind James and nodding in agreement. Of Carla, her little sister, standing there saying nothing, looking at the floor. Carla who was the apple of her family’s eye, the baby, the beloved, not saying anything to a sister who had, for years, taken her punishments and the blame for her actions.

Shaking her head, Cassia pushed it clear of her mind and focused on her unpacking. Once she had finished she replicated herself a meal, which was set to the recommendations from the Doctors to put weight on her bones and sat down at the small table near the window to eat. Once she had eaten she would hunt up that Lieutenant the Captain had mentioned. And see what they were about.


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