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The Meeting

Posted on Thu Nov 21st, 2024 @ 10:00am by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: The Gambit
Location: Salvo II

Jon, Imik, and Deanna materialized a few miles from the colony on a small island beach. Deanna immediately pulled out her tricorder and scanned the area. "All clear" she said simply. "Now we wait to see if Lovok keeps to his word.

Jon nodded at Deanna's statement. "I'd like to think he would Deanna. That he would honor his word. Still, remain sharp, don't want to be taken by surprise."

Imik adjusted her blaster on her hip, she wanted to make sure her knife was clear if she needed it. Then a sense they were no longer alone settled on her, "Commander, your guest has arrived." She pointed down the beach as a faint light glowed, "They are not alone, I sense another party close by. But I cannot estimate their number." Imik turned towards Jon and Deanna, "It would seem as if the Romulan intends to eliminate us, orders Commander?"

Jon took in Imik's statement as he looked down the beach. "Orders? Stay frosty and sharp. I don't think the Romulans want us eliminated at least not here. I think this is a test to see how we react. Deanna. what's your opinion?" He asked his XO and waited for her assessment of the situation.

"Not surprising that Lovok is acting like a Romulan. The captain would say that the best thing to do is spring the trap" Deanna replied.

"And that is great advice except we don't want to spring the trap too soon Deanna. We need to play this out." Jon replied. "See what Lovok has up his sleeve."

"No better way than to force his hand" Deanna replied with a grin.

They walked along the beach, Lovok and two others were visible in the distance. The waves rolled in softly to their right, thick foliage was up along the dunes to the left. It was likely that the second Romulan contingent was hiding there. "Time for you to show your best poker face" Deanna commented to Jon.

"Very true Number One and thank you for your opinion." Jon replied with a grin of his own.

As they walked, he looked over to Deanna, "Stand ready to spring the surprise. As for my best poker face just watch me, Deanna." He glanced over at Imik. "Imik, stay alert and ready."

Lovok approached with a pair of serious looking Romulans flanking him. "Good of you to agree to this meeting. And it appears you have followed the agreement."

"Admiral." Jon answered civilly. "It appears you kept your word as well." As Deanna and Imik flanked him.

Standing beside Jon, the Ojnas Officer watched the Romulan closely. Just as on the ship, his hands never seemed to stay still. Not wishing to cause trouble Imik didn't probe his mind, but the thought did however cross her mind. The other group started to close in on the meeting place, and Imik did keep track of them. Their thoughts were of ambush, but more of capture than killing. Turning to Jon she spoke softly, "As an ambush location, this suits the enemy very well." She hoped Jon would decipher her comment, and realise that the second group of Romulans were not that far away.

Jon kept his eyes on Lovok but acknowledged Imik's statement. "Understood and thank you. Stand ready to take the appropriate action." Still looking at Lovok, Jon addressed the Romulan, "What did you wish to discuss Admiral?"

"Surely one of your telepathic associates has already plucked that information from me" Lovok responded, no emotion or anything else given away through expression. "Of all the people on that ship, you bring a Betazoid and an Ojnas. Well Commander, I have an admission, one I'm sure your telepaths have already deduced, I brought more than just my two men, but it isn't what you think. I have no intention of fighting with you, rather I simply wish to gather up a few insignificant trinkets and be on my way."

Jon was absolutely poker faced as Lovok spoke. "Insignificant trinkets Admiral? Please, I highly doubt for you to be in Federation space to gather trinkets let alone insignificant ones. As for admissions, you can do better than that. What are you after Admiral?"

"I would like to introduce you to someone, an advisor of sorts" Lovok said as he hit a small signaling device.

From the periphery walked out a trio of men. Seeing more Romulans was no surprise, but Deanna had to contain her emotions when she saw Shran.

"You know Commander, it is a long-held belief by my people that no species is more vicious than the Remans, and no species more tactically sound than that of the Romulans, but I must admit, my Andorian friend here makes me question that belief" Lovok commented.

Jon's face remained impassive as he looked at Lovok. "Well sorry to disappoint you Lovok but you're 0 for 2 in that belief." As he gave Shran a dismissive look before focusing back on Lovok. "An Andorian? That's the best you could come up with Admiral? A walking blue skinned popsicle? You mentioned wanting to gather some trinkets. Let's get back to that."

"The pink skin blusters, but he shows the capability of insight" the Andorian said as he moved closer. "Perhaps you might see if they are as intelligent as they try to make you believe them to be."

Jon pointedly ignored Shran and kept his attention on Lovok. "Do you always follow your 'advisors' opinion?"

Focusing on the Romulan, Imik now moved her hand to the handle of her knife. "Do not dismiss an Ojnas in such a fashion Romulan, I care nothing for you or your rank. I would not degrade myself by reading such a mind as yours, perhaps your Andorian pet can do that for you." The Ojnas Officer had made a bold statement, with luck either Shran or Lovok would react and reveal their true intentions.

Jon never took his eyes off Lovok or Shran as Imik made her bold statement. He waited to see how Lovok would react to it as well as Shran's reaction.

The Andorian whispered to Lovok. Deanna focused on their minds. Reading two minds at once was not something we did often, mostly because determining who was thinking what became very difficult. She picked up on something, but it didn't make sense. One of them was thinking about the slaughter of the Ojnas by the Tholians. The Ojnas were a dead race. But it made no sense. It was as if they were thinking about something that didn't happen, or it happened in another reality. She looked over to Imik and sent a telepathic message, One of them isn't from our reality.

"He advises, he doesn't control. But a valiant attempt to provoke a reaction by your pet Ojnas" Lovok responded.

"Imik is no pet. What she is, is a trusted and valuable member of my crew." Jon replied evenly. "Quit stalling Admiral. What insignificant trinkets were you looking to collect?"

"I'm not inclined to tell you about what I'm here for beyond what I've already said" Lovok responded.

Jon was silent for a moment, when he spoke his voice was as cold as an Andorian winter. "Then it appears these talks have ended Admiral, and this meeting was nothing more than a pitiful attempt at stalling. To give you time to do whatever you are planning."

"Well then, I suppose you leave me little recourse but to take you captive. Don't bother calling your ship, they are preoccupied" Lovok said nonchalantly.

"Do you really think we're going to agree to that Lovok?" Jon snapped. "Deanna, Imik, defensive positions." He ordered even as he tapped his comm badge. "Grayson to Washington, Beam us up now!"

The comm remained silent for a moment before Ayana's voice finally came across, =^=Afraid that isn't possible at the moment sir. Dealing with several enemy vessels. If I had permission to use the big guns, it might speed things up a bit. =^=

Deanna looked to Jon, her phaser drawn and spoke softly, "I think we need to consider our defensive situation. Not sure we all can make it to those trees. But if you are keen to turn this into the O.K. Corral, I'll be your huckleberry."

"Permission is given Ayana. Unleash the big guns." To Deanna and Imik he spoke, "You and Imik head to the trees. I'll cover you and I'll be your huckleberry."

Deanna offered a half smile as she kept her phaser trained. "Even if we weren't friends, I'd be obliged to point out that that idea is completely against regulations. Respectfully, I'm not leaving you out here alone, and I somewhat doubt Imik would follow such an order as well."

Jon shook his head at Deanna. "Well, I am certainly glad we're friends. In addition, we'll forget about the regulations part and I rather doubt Imik would follow the order either. I thank you for that and I'm sure Callie will as well. Let's get some cover." He finished as he fired at the Romulans.

Imik had already drawn her blaster, "A pointless death gains nothing, but an honourable retreat to safer positions seems in order." A faint smile crossed her face before she looked at Deanna, "The Klingons often say, it is a good day to die. I disagree with that statement, in fact today I will ignore it completely and suggest you do the same."

She opened fire on the Romulans and headed for the trees, but then dropped and turned once again to face the enemy. From her position, Imik now gave supporting fire to her companions. This allowed them to make ground towards the tree line, rolling off to the side she regained her feet and again began to race to the trees. This time her luck ran out, Imik pitched forwards as a disruptor blast hit her.

She lay there, her mind in turmoil. But a memory of a far-off battle with the Tholians filtered into her thoughts, Imik now grabbed her blaster and rose up heading for the trees. She noted with relief that her two companions had made it also, now the real battle would commence. A battle they had to win, or they would remain here far from home.

The tree line offered suitable protection for the Federation officers as they fired at the Romulans. Jon saw Imik had been hit with a disruptor and moved to her. "Imik, you're hit, how bad is it?" Yet even as he asked, he was thinking of the Washington, of Callie, Harry and the twins. He knew Ayana was a highly capable officer and a superb tactician and would do her best but he, Deanna and Imik should be up there.

He looked at Imik, "You know, Sachzny is never going to forgive me for you getting hurt." He teased.

Deanna fired rapidly as she held her ground momentarily as Jon and Imik bolted for the trees. Phaser fire flew from their side, disruptor fire from the Romulan side. She quickly made her way towards the trees as well, seeing a disruptor blast hit Imik. Taking up a position behind a large palm tree she gauged the enemy strength. They had taken down two, but that still left them with an advantage. The back-and-forth volleys was kicking up dust and sand, creating a haze that limited vision.

Suddenly the sound of disruptor fire could be heard but not seen. Running through the haze was the Andorian, wild disruptor blasts hitting all around him as he approached Deanna's position. She trained her phaser on him but did not fire, trying to get a quick telepathic scan of him. He dove next to her behind the tree and looked up at her, his antennae raised, "Looks like we are in a bit of a mess Sundance."

"Captain!" Deanna exclaimed.

With her back to a tree, Imik looked at her injured arm. "I am attempting to wonder why this universe has a problem with this arm, first the Tholians then an accident. Now the Romulans have managed to hit the one part of me that I do not wish to injure any more, I only hope the Doctor is able to assist me." She looked at Jon and smiled with a wince, "Sachzny will blame me for not weaving more, your reputation will shield you from her wrath." As the Andorian arrived Imik raised her blaster, she probed his mind and slowly lowered her weapon, "If you are who you claim, what is my drink of choice?" The blaster lay in her lap, but it was gripped with purpose, "My wound and your mental block is preventing me from confirming your identity, so unless you wish to die." Imik's last statement hung in the air like the sword of Damocles, she slowly raised the blaster and pointed it at the Andorian.

Jon smiled at Imik's statement. "Sachzny won't get mad at you. She'll be proud of you, just like I am." He turned to see the Andorian running towards their position and then dive in next to Deanna. "Captain?" He said warily. As he raised his phaser at the Andorian.

The Andorian turned to look at Jon and Imik, as one threated him and the other questioned him. "You shoot me lieutenant and I promise you Sachzny won't have anything left of you to come looking for." Looking at Jon and then back towards Deanna, "I go on one little covert operation and the two of you seemingly fall to pieces. Chasing Romulans, getting into ill-advised fire fights, not the sort of things I'd expect from my senior officers."

Jon looked at Imik and then to Deanna. " Ill-advised fire fights? Fall to pieces?" He asked incredulously. And here I thought we were being loyal officers. Shows what I know."

With her blaster still trained on the Andorian, Imik winced in pain, but the weapon never moved. "The only ill-advised incident, is a Sinkahue who deserts his crew with no explanation and then threatens that very crew when they follow his example and attempt to find him." For once her voice was flat and emotionless, her eyes almost drilled into Shran. "You taught us that we are a crew, a crew that does not abandon one of their own. An almost Ojnas trait, but now all you can do is berate a fellow Officer who would defend you with his life."

"Never ceases to amaze me the Ojnas inability to understand sarcasm and other forms of humor." The Andorian slowly got to his feet, "You know, several years ago, when Sachzny served on my ship, I helped her in what was a rather deadly situation. Your people were at risk of annihilation and Sachzny herself was very likely to be killed by your own people." He looked to Jon, "Perhaps you remember that particular mission Jon?" He looked back at Imik, "I did something that honor demanded, something few might do, but as an Andorian it made perfect sense to me; I took Sachzny into my family. So, you see, that means you are part of my family as well Imik, so lower that damned weapon. That is an order."

Deanna looked to Jon and Imik, "It's alright. It is the captain."

Jon looked at the Andorian and slowly said. "Did you enjoy your vacation...sir?" Two could play the sarcasm game.

Before anyone else could say anything, they dematerialized in a blue hue, returning to the Washington and finding themselves on the transporter pad with a full security contingent targeting them, Ayana among them.


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