Elite Cadets
Posted on Sat Jan 11th, 2025 @ 9:01pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson
Training Cruise
Location: USS Washington
The Washington remained docked at McKinley Station after the repairs and upgrades had been made. All crew had returned from leave were getting things ready to get underway upon the captain's return. Deanna walked with Jon down the corridor as they made their way to the transporter room. "O'Connor reports everything is ready to go, and they are standing by to get underway. Imik says everything is status quo, and I can report Operations is ready as well. We can leave as soon as the captain is aboard. Which leads me to this, why are we both being called to meet the captain?"
"Knowing the captain, I'm sure there is a good reason for it Deanna. There always is," Jon answered as they reached the transporter room.
They entered the transporter room and Deanna looked to the transporter chief, "Is he ready?"
"I have been signaled that I am bringing a group aboard" the chief responded.
"A group?" Deanna questioned looking at Jon.
'News to me Deanna, maybe it's a group from the station who finagled for a tour of the Washington which if I'm sure just pleases the captain to no end," Sarcasm evident in his voice. he looked at transporter chief, "Bring them aboard chief." He ordered.
The transporter lit up as it activated, and the blue hue came and formed around six distinct forms. Deanna began to smile as she sensed who it was as the forms materialized. "Well, this will be a fun meeting" she whispered to Jon as the transporter cycle was completing, Shran and his family standing on the pad.
Jon looked at Deanna about to ask what she meant when the the transporters patterns solidified.
Shran stepped off the transporter pad, "Jon, I'd like for you to meet my family. My spouses Jhamel and Talas, and my children, Archer, Thy'lek, and Talla." He looked to Deanna, "You know everybody. I have a surprise from Command."
Deanna looked annoyed as she sensed the surprise. "You have to be joking" she said in a deadpan voice.
Jon stepped forward, "Jhamel and Talas it is both a pleasure and honor to meet you." His gaze shifted to Shran's children. "Archer, Thy'lek and Talla. It is good to meet you as well."
He looked between Shran and Deanna. "A surprise from Command? That is a contradiction in terms if I ever heard one." His gaze narrowed, "What kind of a surprise?"
All of Shran's family formally greeted Jon, but Talla quickly raced to and hugged Deanna. Shran smiled as he saw his daughter hug Deanna before turning his attention back to Jon. "We are going on a little training cruise, compliments of Command. We are making stops at Vulcan, Andoria, Teller, then back here to Earth to drop off the cadets." He remained silent as he saw the look on Deanna's face and waited to see what Jon would say.
Jon hid his surprise well but he turned to Sharan and asked, "A training cruise?
"Yes, I should have mentioned it sooner. We will be hosting a group of Red Squad cadets on this little training cruise to see how they handle things before they graduate. I requested Command at least give me an idea who we are getting before they come aboard. You'll see that it is a rather diverse group, but it will likely cause some potential problems if we aren't careful" he said as he handed a PaDD to Jon.
The PaDD had detailed files on all the cadets coming aboard, including the departments they would functioning in while aboard the ship.
Cadet Farek, Ferengi male, helm officer.
Cadet Krim Leeta, Bajoran female, tactical officer.
Cadet Minena Haro, Bolian female, intelligence.
Cadet Traci Kuzma, Human female, operations.
Cadet Sitak, Vulcan female, security.
Cadet Iliana Belor, Cardassian female, science.
Cadet Sergei Chekov, Human male, engineering.
Cadet Viviana del Rio (doctor) - Human female, medical.
Cadet Emilia Freud - Human female (counseling), medical.
Shran looked at Jon, "I think you can see where the problem is going to be."
Jon looked at the PaDD and saw the names as well as the species and gender of each cadet before handing it back to Shran. "I do see the potential problem sir. Who in Command thought this was a good idea? Sir."
"Too many admirals to single out just one" Shran replied flatly. "The cadets will be coming aboard in an hour. I want the cadets berthed near each other for simplification, and we'll need to meet with the entire senior staff in 15 minutes to prepare them for all of this. Inara is going to blow a gasket" he said as he began to walk towards the door. "I'm going to escort my family to quarters and will then meet everyone in the conference room."
"I'll make the cabin assignments as well as informing the senior staff of the meeting." Jon answered and the continued, "A gasket? You have a remarkable talent for understatement sir. Inara is going to go freaking nuts over this."
"Perhaps have Sam or Shon bring a sedative for Inara. And have Imik come armed, phaser on stun" Shran joked.
"Yes sir." Jon replied, his voice earnestly serious. "Will do."
Shran and everyone else exited the transporter room, Shran heading to the right with his family towards the turbolift, Jon and Deanna going left to get another turbolift to the bridge.