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First Impressions are Always Important

Posted on Sat Jan 18th, 2025 @ 4:58pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Inara Senn

Mission: Training Cruise
Location: Inara Senn's Office


Cadet Iliana Belor. She holds distinctions in geology, chemistry, quantum physics, and xenobiology.


Inara watched the cadets arrive from her Office. Not more than a minute after she finished materializing, her comm badge chirped. "Cadet Illiana Belor, this is Lieutenant Inara Senn. Report to my office immediately."

It was now time to turn this child into a skeptical bitch like herself. Suffice to say, her ass belonged to that lieutenant.

Iliana looked at Shran and Deanna and excused herself. She made her way to "the office" of Lt Senn, which she had been told by Cmdr Celes was what the lieutenant called Science Lab 1. Upon entering she located the lieutenant and reported in, "Cadet Iliana Belor reporting as requested."

"What are you doing here, Cadet." Inara mentioned while at a white board, writing things down. "You're a Cadet... And there happens to be a thousand Starfleet officers, begging to be given what you have been handed on a silver platter, and that pisses me off." Inara was the definition of eccentric, but she's been through hell. She had plenty of very interesting souvenirs. One was a phaser rifle that had the name 'The Purple Jem'Hadar eater' and some she didn't want. There was this picture of a woman with horns that she didn't want to look at. And a poster with Sigmund Freud with a big red diagonal cross mark on him and writing that said, 'Psychology is a soothsaying philosophy.'

"I should have you spend this entire tour, having you clean the cages in Xenobiology, but you won't learn anything from that." She sighed. "Oh, the torments of my existence, very well cadet. I have a very specific and calculated hell for you. The tenth level if you have read Dante." She folded her arms.

Iliana found Inara to be a mixture of the human and Cardassian foibles she had dealt with most of her life. "Tenth level of Hell, so that would make you Satan. Strange, I thought you would look different. No matter, use me as you see fit lieutenant. I'll follow your orders as required, or if you are so inclined, you might allow me to be of actual use. I am sure you know where I am of particular use, and I might add that I have recently taken an interest in stellar cartography and astronomy. But, by all means, if I remind you of poor times in your life, lash out against me. I enjoy seeing people project their own issues on others."

Inara smirks. "You have spirit, I like that, and you are incorrect. You see Satan is one level above us. I'm down here in level ten. So you want to learn about stellar cartography huh. Why not. Its time to pry you out of any comfort zone you.." Aw hell." She grabbed a cloth and put it over a small picture of a horned woman.

"You have half an hour to get stowed away before you're supposed to be in stellar cartography." Inara explained. "And do brush up on Dante. I like my subordinate to be proficient in their literature."

"Hate to disappoint you, but I must correct you. The 10th level of Hell in Dante is the center of Hell where Satan resided. Perhaps it is you that needs a refresher. Not to worry though, if you wish to discuss other aspects of human literature and philosophy I will be at your disposal. I'll make my way to stellar cartography, no need to do anything else at this point." She turned to exit and then spoke again, "Cmdr Celes was right, you do have a chip on your shoulder. Reminds me of the Guls and Legates back on Cardassia Prime. They all think they know everything and have axes to grind as well. Pleasure meeting you lieutenant."

"Goddesses that meddler." Inara noted. "You may hate me at first Cadet, but after this cruise. I assure you; you will name your first-born daughter after me and make me her godmother." She noted. "Now get ready, I will not train subpar science officers."

Iliana offered a half smile, "Should I have children, yours is not the first name that comes to mind should I have a daughter. And do not worry lieutenant, I don't do anything subpar."


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