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Casting Off

Posted on Mon Jan 27th, 2025 @ 10:51pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: Training Cruise
Location: USS Washington

Shran exited his Ready Room and walked onto the bridge. The senior officers were all at their stations, and a few of the cadets were at auxiliary stations. Shran took note that cadet Farek was sitting at the helm. "Jon, take us to Vulcan" he said with a slight smile.

Turning, Jon caught Shran's smile and nodded. "Yes sir." To Ferek he said, "Mr. Ferek, signal the station we are ready to depart. Once we are clear of their space lanes set course for Vulcan."

"Aye sir" Farek responded. "Clearing all moorings, cutting umbilical, Engaging thrusters." The ship began to move out of the station slowly. "Engaging impulse engines, going to half impulse through the Asteroid Belt."

"Full impulse out of the system and then take us to warp 3 to Vulcan" Shran ordered. He leaned over to Jon, "So far so good. What do you have planned?"

"Sir, you wound me." Jon said in mock reproach. Then he added quietly, "Nothing yet sir. Want to see how he handles the routine stuff before throwing a few monkey wrenches into the mix. Any ideas you wish to contribute sir?" Jon added with a smile.

"As long as you put him through his paces, I am fine with however you work things with him" Shran replied. "Status cadet?"

Farek checked his instruments, "Coming up on Saturn now sir. We'll be going to warp in 3 minutes."

"Very good cadet" Shran replied. Looking back to Jon, "He seems to handle the basics pretty well thus far."

"Yes sir." Jon agreed. "He's handling the basics well." Jon agreed as he watched Farek and noticed L'Rissa also keeping a close eye on the cadet.

"Passing Neptune, preparing for warp speed" Farek announced as he input commands on the helm controls. Suddenly the Washington jumped to warp. "Warp speed, underway to Vulcan. ETA 14 hours at current speed."

Jon nodded with approval but reminded himself that Farek had done anything more than back the starship away from the station and set it on course to Vulcan. The test would be when more complex problems arose.


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