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Wearing the Gold Uniform

Posted on Tue Jan 21st, 2025 @ 10:12am by Lieutenant Ayana Hillis & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: Training Cruise
Location: USS Washington

Leeta and Sitak both had quiet stern looks about them as they traveled to the bridge on the turbolift with Phoenix. Ayana had escorted the medical cadets to sickbay, while others had gone with Jon and Deanna. It was seemingly awkward, almost eerie how quiet the turbolift was at this time as the two security cadets waited to meet the head of the department they would be serving in for the next few weeks.

Phoenix stood sternly with his arms folded behind his back, watching the cadets like a hawk. They were the elite cadets of Starfleet Academy but not seasoned Starfleet Veterans. Not even Phoenix was, and he'd been through a lot in the last year. The academy wouldn't completely prepare them for the things the Washington and her crew had been through. The Lieutenant remained silent, waiting for the turbolift ride to be over.

Leeta wasn't going to let this opportunity pass her by. Sitak might be fine remaining silent and awaiting orders, but this was her chance to talk with a junior officer about life aboard a starship. "Lieutenant, have you been out of the Academy long? What is it like serving on a ship like the Washington?"

He noted Leeta breaking the silence. Not technically out of the norm. "Nearly three years. Class of 2384. As for the Washington, it's very rewarding especially since Sovereigns are considered a prestigious assignment. It's also dangerous. Hence why I said what I said back in the transporter room."

Phoenix's response piqued Sitak's interest. "Dangerous in what way?" she questioned. "The typical starship shouldn't have much out of the ordinary, and as a security officer, beyond being vigilant in our tasks, our job should be relatively straightforward. Are you saying that isn't the case?"

Leeta was intrigued by the answer Phoenix had given to her question, but even more so now that it had prompted Sitak to break out of her usual cold and quiet state. She wondered what Phoenix might say regarding Sitak's queries.

"You're absolutely correct Cadet. The risk during cadet cruises and day to day operations is typically low" he started. "But you need to remember that we're in the vast void of space. There are many phenomena, factions, and species that are dangerous. Unexpected things can happen. Not to mention with a ship like the Washington we may be ordered to do a border patrol or prevent a war. We're not the usual cadet training ship you may be used to."

Sitak rose an eyebrow in curiosity in typical Vulcan fashion.

"Look, I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just pointing out that there is always going to be a risk to putting on and wearing that gold uniform each day. Sure, one day you may be walking a beat on Deck 15, but the next day you could be marooned on a hot desert planet with anything and everything trying to make your body cold" he said coldly.

"I think what he means Sitak is that this is not going to be like security and tactical training on the holodeck. We are going to be dealing with real problems and challenges. Frankly, I look forward to it" Leeta replied enthusiastically.

"I am aware of the dangers of space. I look forward to applying logical solutions to the many problems we may encounter" Sitak replied.

James nodded simply. He decided not to respond. There was nothing wrong with being enthusiastic about this line of work. But he was concerned about the Cadets underestimating things. He thought about possibly bringing up this concern to Ayana and Imik later.

The turbolift reached the bridge and the doors opened. Leeta and Sitak waited for the senior officer to exit before following. Things looked busy on the bridge. And then they saw Imik, who was something completely foreign to them.

"Morning ma'am" James said approaching his boss. "These are Cadets Sitak and Krim from Red Squad" he said indicating to the two new arrivals.

A quick glance and Imik's eye's returned to her console, "Blessings Lieutenant, have they both been briefed on their duties?"

"Yes ma'am" Phoenix nodded.

Ayana exited the turbolift after dropping off the medical cadets. She noted that the others were on the bridge already. "I see the gang is all here. Are we ready to get these two acclimated to life aboard this ship?"

"Yes ma'am" Phoenix said simply and turned his attention to Imik and the Cadets to hear their response.

Imik now looked up at the Cadets, "I sense a feeling of carelessness emanating from one of these Cadets Lieutenant, I hope it is not from a place of misunderstanding. This is a combat vessel and as such is liable to be called into action at any time, as a member of Security I expect each of my Officers to know and carry out their duties as per the orders of our Sinkahue or Captain for those not Ojnas. This includes all members of Security, from the top to the bottom and those attached to the department. Am I clear on both my expectations and orders for our latest members?"

"That is logical" Sitak replied. "You may expect me to be prepared for whatever situation you wish me to deal with."

Leeta seemed to need a moment to understand some of what Imik was saying, specifically focusing on terms that were unfamiliar to her. "Yes ma'am."

"Mr. Phoenix, take these two on a security tour of the ship. I want them to be familiar with it all. I will catch up with you both in a bit" Ayana stated.

Phoenix nodded. “Yes ma’am” he turned to the cadets. “With me please.”

Imik now turned to Ayana, "Lieutenant, do you have a complete syllabus for our Cadets? I do not want them to be idle nor thinking that Security is an easy duty. My trainer once said an idle Cadet is a useless Cadet, please ensure we do not have any useless Cadets."

"No syllabus, but I will make sure they are properly trained" Ayana replied.


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