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Tactical Training Prep

Posted on Tue Feb 4th, 2025 @ 9:36am by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: Training Cruise
Location: Captain's Ready Room

Imik had requested a moment with Shran and Jon. Shran was in his Ready Room when the door chimed. He called for the door to open and Jon entered with Imik. Shran turned off his computer and looked up to the officers, "Jon, Imik, I assume you want to discuss things regarding your cadets under your charge."

"Yes sir. Imik has an idea to test our cadets and if they are good as the reports we've been given about them." He looked to Imik. "You want to explain your plan? After all it is your idea."

"I have requested an Ojnas vessel to engage us as an enemy, on board will be Ojnas cadets from our training collages. The only condition placed upon my request was I had to Captain the Ojnas vessel, as such I will need to use one of the Washington's Type 2 shuttles." Imik faced both Jon and Shran as she spoke, "The weapons of the Ojnas vessel have been disabled in regards of using full power, and the computer programmed to react and display damage inflicted on the vessel. The aim of the test is to board and capture the opposite Captain, we have both time and the ability to adapt the Washington to the same specifications before the exercise begins." She now looked straight at Shran, "That is of course if you approve the exercise, Captain." Imik used the Federation title as she wanted no misunderstanding.

Shran offered a wry grin. "War game for the cadets. I think that sounds like an interesting idea. I'd want the attack to commence after we leave Vulcan, while we are en route to Andoria, during the Gamma shift. We will have the cadets at duty stations along with junior officers, forcing the cadets to have to deal with real world combat situations." He looked to Jon, "You have to discretely speak to the other department heads, make sure they understand the situation without tipping their hand." Looking back at Imik, "Consider it a go, lieutenant. We'll have Ayana keep the tactical cadets running around while you are gone. Get going. Sooner you leave, the more time both sides will have to make preparations."

Imik bowed and smiled, "I have combat experience Sinkahue, it may not go as you expect." She turned and looked at Jon, "And I know some of your secrets also, I look forward to showing you my command ability." She exited and headed for the shuttle bay, there both Imik and a type 2 shuttle left for an unknown destination.

Once Imik had left Shran looked to Jon, "I think it should go without saying this, but I expect for us to win this little war game."

Jon watched Imik leave before addressing Shran. "Yes sir, I agree completely."

"Now, you need to prepare the cadets, covertly of course" Shran said with a wry grin.

"Oh, yes sir. Absolutely we will win, and I will prepare the cadets accordingly. Covertly of course." Jon answered with a smile of his own.

Shran nodded. "Alright, let's get to it. I have to go check on the cadets, see how they are doing with their instructors. You get things moving on this end, I'll catch up with you in a bit."


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