

Posted on Thu Mar 13th, 2025 @ 12:22pm by Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: Training Cruise
Location: Captains Cabin on 22162
Timeline: Present


As she sat at the desk, her mind returned to the squad Shran had used to defeat her Cadets. As far as she was concerned Shran had acted illegally, the aim of the exercise was to test both Federation and Ojnas Cadets not some new security section.

Did he not realise this? Or did he want to win at any cost? Imik had been reprimanded by the Ojnas council, they had agreed to the exercise as long as only Cadets were being tested. The sudden appearance of this purple clad squad was not in the agenda, one of the Cadets linked to the Second Officer had informed them of all the details.

As things swam around in her head, Imik now realised that the Federation had shown just how far it would go to win or more correctly how far its Captains would go to win. This was something she expected of the Tholians or Romulans, but Shran and the Federation?

Jon it seemed had not been fully informed, but even so. Would he not have been informed even slightly when a complete squad beams onboard his vessel? How could she bring this up with Shran, in his eye's she was a junior Officer. But by service and Ojnas rank she was his senior, she had taken a step back simply to get away from her last Federation vessel.

Once back on the Washington she would no doubt have to face this problem head on, for now Imik was content to list her concerns and see how Shran viewed the whole exercise.



