Medical Review
Posted on Wed Mar 12th, 2025 @ 5:26pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD
Training Cruise
Location: Sickbay, Sam's office
With the test of the cadets now complete and the ship in orbit of Andoria, the time for assessments was now at hand. Shran had asked to speak with Sam and Shon and was now meeting with them in Sam's office.
"I understand things were rather interesting down here during the test. I'd like for you to give me an assessment of your medical cadets tomorrow before we arrive back at Earth. I suppose you two will need to discuss things, and I won't keep you. I'm beaming down with my family and will be back in the morning. I'll talk with you both tomorrow" Shran stated. The Andorian turned and left, leaving the two medical officers to discuss things.
Sam sat back in her chair and mulled over the whole event as the captain departed. She felt she needed to consult with Shon and indeed the rest of the medical staff as she was somewhat 'impreeded' by the virus that had been inflicted.
She turned to her 2IC with a raised eyebrow. "You were awake for more of it than I was, what did you think?"
“Truthfully it was not one of the best assessment’s I have ever gone through. The cadets were all thorough, they listened, learnt but there was no….” Shon searched for the word….there was no empathy. Not that there would have been any with Cadet T’Pau but, even she was cold for a Vulcan.”
"I agree with you, the bedside manner was definitely lacking. Whether they knew it was a test or not there wasn't any connection between doctor and patient." Sam mused, looking sceptically at the replicator. "Do I dare order another coffee?" She smirked.
Shon laughed. "You have just recovered from a new virus, of course you can have another coffee." Shon looked again at her pad. "I cannot fault their willingness to participate Sam and, of course they cured our malady. I think it would be better once they are split up, in their threesome they were not connecting with the rest of the medical staff. Perhaps once on their own they will be able to become part of a team."
Sam rose and ordered a coffee, raising an eyebrow at Shon to see if she wanted anything. "Once they graduate, they most definitely will be separated. New grads need close supervision to ensure they mold smoothly into our team. Plus, it allows mentoring and other learning techniques to happen more organically. Are you up for a new grad?"
Shon had indicated that she would also like a coffee and took the proffered cup. Sipping the hot liquid she nodded. "Of course I am, but one of the cadets gave me special worry T'Pau actually, it is easy to engender confidence but more difficult when dealing with the medical care of the crew. She has too much confidence and, some of that is because she is completely Vulcan." She took another sip. I went through everything she has done and I found several errors in her diagnosis. These errors occurred because she was too focused on the pure medical side and not integrated with the specific physiological and mental state of the patient.
Shon sat back sipping her coffee waiting for her bosses input.
Sam put down her coffee cup and pulled up T'Pau's Academy file. "She has passed most of her medical exams with high distinctions. The assessor did not entertain her diagnosis were generally very accurate. That being said, diagnosis in a holodeck or a simulation is one thing, diagnosing people with underlying medical or psychological conditions is something different." Sam mused as she reached for the mug again. "The others I found weaker in skills but slightly better in their mannerisms."