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Posted on Sun May 10th, 2020 @ 10:03am by Lieutenant Commander Estella Stratton & Lieutenant Commander N'Sachzny P'Glosho

Mission: Unto Darkness, Light
Location: Sachzny's Quarters
Timeline: Current

The away mission had gone off better than the Counselor had thought. Now that they had returned to the Washington, Estella took it upon herself to seek out her sister. Although she might not have said it in so many words, the counselor shared a longing that she had expressed one of the last times they had spoken. Back when Sachzny had opened up about her feelings for Jon and her desire for family.

That want for connection, Estella understood, though not in the same sense. In learning of Sachzny's feelings, Estella had been made to reflect on her own. Which had been less than pleasant. Especially in recent days. As there was no reconnecting with her familial ties on Earth, the Counselor could not help but seek to build the closest thing she had to family on the Washington.

Her Ojnas sister...

She walked slowly through the corridors and paused outside the door to Sachzny's Quarters.

Inside her cabin, Sachzny was meditating. Her thoughts turned to Estella, her sister here on the Washington. Though not of blood or species, Estella was her sister and she felt for her sister. Standing up she moved to the sonic shower and washed herself and then dressed, she decided she would go visit her sister and talk. Picking up her Ojnas family crest, Sachzny deemed it time she cemented Estella's acceptance into the family of P'Glosho.

Her one concern was their last meeting and Estella's intended Jon, she had told her sister of her want of Jon and her need for family. This had hurt her sister, and now Sachzny must ask for forgiveness. Much time had passed since that disclosure, would her sister still want to be her sister? She opened the door to find Estella in the corridor, "Sister of mine, please enter my humble abode. We have much to talk about, and I must ask for you to forgive my approach to your intended".

She stepped back and motioned for Estella to enter, would her sister accept? She had said they would talk when in the transporter waiting to beam down to the colony, had she changed her mind?

A small smile touched Estella's lips when Sachzny approached her. "Sachzny, I was actually just coming to see you." Though she arched a brow and looked at her sister inquisitively when she broached the subject of forgiveness.

Why did she feel the need to apologize? Her feelings were not wrong. In fact, Estella could understand why Sachzny loved Jon and she could not fault her for it. There had been a time she had pushed him away. If he had moved on, she could no more blame him than she could her Ojna sister. As it had been her who had ended things so badly with Jon. While that decision was one she had regretted, Estella could no more take it back than she could the tragic events that had followed.

Estella moved to enter the quarters, but paused to reach out a hand to clasp Sachzny's. "Forgive you? Sachzny, you have not done me any wrong. You have been honest with me."

Her sisters touch made Sachzny happy, but her comment confused her. "I did you wrong by approaching your intended, I knew he was your intended but still I confessed my feelings for him." She followed Estella into the cabin and before Estella could sit, stood before her family crest in hand. "This is our family crest, all members of our family must swear upon it to follow and abide by the family Patriarch's rules." She knelt before her sister and holding the crest in both hands looked at Estella, "You are my sister, and I will never abandon you. I can neither force nor threaten you to accept our family as your own, but I ask only as your sister that you pledge yourself to our family."

She could see Estella was confused by what she had said, "By swearing on this crest, you will never be alone again. Even if you leave this vessel, should you meet another of our family they will greet you as family never will they turn you away". Sachzny glanced at the crest, "I took my oath when I left for the Federation, in case I did not return. But when I did return I was welcomed as Sachzny of the family P'Glosho, this honour would be yours also". A further thought was now added to her request, "By swearing on our crest, you also have the Ojnas people behind you. None can ignore you, all must assist you if you request it of them. And you can live on Ekotsy or any other system within the Ojnas Republic if you wish."

Had Sachzny been a human woman, Estella might not have been so forgiving. Then, as she had ended her relationship with Jon all that time ago, it would not have been right for her to hold a grudge. The truth was, the counselor had become so good at breaking ties, that there were times she felt quite alone. Estella had given up much of her life for Starfleet. If not, that, then for a greater cause. Helping colonists, understanding new cultures... it was always the same with her. Until things had gone wrong on that one diplomatic mission. Losing her father and brother had made her appreciate things. That was why she had agreed to start over with Jon. What she'd seen between him and Sachzny was special. A rare form of friendship. It should have come as no surprise that it might have grown into something more. Jon would be so lucky to have such a wonderful woman in his life. Perhaps it was in seeing their unique bond and becoming more aware of Sachzny's feelings that made her realize how much she missed her own family.

"What are the Patriarch's rules?" Estella asked as she examined the crest, wanting not to be ignorant and better understand the bond that Sachzny wanted to share with her. The invitation into her Ojna sister's family was the sweetest thing she could hope to hear, given how raw her emotions were when it came to being estranged from her own relations. She had to blink back tears. The counselor mimicked Sachzny, and came to kneel in front of her. In her heart, she'd already accepted, but wanted to show the proper respect before making the commitment.

As her sister knelt before her, Sachzny dipped her head. "The basic rules are simple, as one of our family you must never turn away another family member. You must always place the family first, unless it is a matter of the heart then you must decide with another family member of your choice". The crest was placed in Estella's hands, the Egret type bird in the middle had a ruby type stone as an eye. A blue sea scape framed the white bird, below in Federation Standard Sachzny had placed the family motto. (Distance is no Barrier).

"I will teach you the other rules as time passes, but for now those two are the most important". She placed her hands on the top of the crest and looked at her sister. "Repeat after me". Sachzny said. "I am from the house of P'Glosho, my life is part of that house. It's glory is my glory, it's pain is my pain. I swear to forever defend my house, just as my house will forever defend me from harm". A smile now appeared on her face, "Once you take this oath, you will forever be my sister. My Father will be your Father, and as such you will have a home on Soor Major within our family lands."

Sachzny presented some vows that struck personal chords. Ones that stung a little as there were things she struggled to open up even to Jon about. Maybe though, given time, she could. Sachzny was the closest thing she'd had to a sibling too since... well... since Levi passed on. Estella's fingers curled around the P'Gloso family crest, which she brought in toward her chest. Almost perhaps as if in silent acknowledgement of the rule her sister had presented her, and the vows that she was about to take.

Then slowly, Estella brought the crest back down, away from her body and listened as Sachzny spoke. "I am from the house P'Gloso," she repeated with growing resolve. "My life is part of that house. It's glory is my glory," Estella paused and took a deep breath, weighing in her words as she did. "It's pain is my pain." Her eyes sought Sachzny's as she finished. "I swear to forever defend my house, just as my house will forever defend me from harm."

As Estella finished Sachzny rose to hug her sister, "Sister of mine welcome to our family, my father is your father and my home is now your home". She turned and picked up a small package, she now presented it to Estella. "This is a gift from our father, he welcomes you and wishes to know when you will honour him with a visit". Within the package lay two things, one was a small replica of the crest. The other was a key, solid gold with Estella's name etched on it "Estella P'Glosho our daughter". On the back was etched "Mozztar and Cymtall", Sachzny smiled. "The names of your father and mother, your unworthy sister Sachzny has been tasked with teaching you how to be Ojnas". She laughed at her statement, as she knew Estella was Human but Ojnas at heart and now Ojnas by family.

"I do not know what to say," Estella whispered when Sachzny presented her the package. Her fingers traced along the outside of the family crest. "I'd like to go as soon as we can," Estella replied. Although she made no promises just yet. Her eyes glistened as she noticed the golden key and the names etched on it. "Mozztar and Cymtall," she said their names softly followed by one more. "And my sister, Sachzny." She brought the gifts to her chest and held them close before moving to draw Sachzny in for a hug. "Then I will be an eager student." Estella promised.

As Estella hugged her, Sachzny touched her mind. She was checking to see if like Jon, she would be able to be linked. Things appeared to be promising, but she would ask her sister first if she wished to be linked. "Your first lesson might not be to your liking, for I must ask a question of you". She stepped back and took a breath, "Estella my sister, I have touched your mind and found it able to be linked. But this must only proceed if two things allow it, one is your own permission to want to be linked. The other is seeking permission of the Captain to allow you to be linked".

Sachzny waited as Estella thought about what she wanted, "I suggest you talk to your intended, as he is already linked to me. He can guide you in many ways, once you have decided then move on to the next step what ever that is". She moved forwards again and hugged her sister, "My joy can not express its self, but please come to me if you want guidance in our ways. I do not expect you to forsake your Human life style, it is who you are. But if you wish to learn our Ojnas ways and take them as your own, then I your loving sister will do her best to teach you."

Estella met and search Sachzny's eyes. "Unpleasant?" She asked, more than slightly intrigued by her sister's words. Was the link that Sachzny shared with Jon something that had taxed both of them? Or was there something else? The counselor remained there on her knees in front of her sister, waiting for more of an explanation. Estella considered being selective with her words, but decided there was no point tip toeing around the subject. So she opted to be direct. "What is this link, exactly?"

All of this was a lot to take in. The new familial ties. The possibility of a deeper understanding of her Ojna family. The promise of a connection. It was more than she could have hoped for. It was both frightening and exciting. For she would have to open herself up in ways that she had made a point not to with anyone. Not even the person she loved more than anyone else out of fear that he might not like what he saw and... well, turn her out much as her mother had.

"The link I speak of would allow you and I or even our father if he is close, to talk to you with a psychic link. I would know if you were scared or happy, as you also would know if I were happy or confused". She smiled as she spoke and then added a little more, "But do not think I would know all you do or all you think, I would teach you how to control your thoughts, how to hide that which you wish to remain private and forget that you wish to forget". Sachzny placed her hand on Essi's shoulder, "It is the reason you must talk to both your intended and the Captain, Jon knows about the link but only as an Ojnas child knows. The Captain made the rule that forbids Humans and Ojnas being linked, but I have seen your mind and it will be able to control the link. Plus you are now Ojnas, our way is to be linked".

Sachzny looked at her sister and thought of how to explain just what being Ojnas was, "Our link binds us, both as a family and a species. It is this link that allows you to know what our father wishes for the family, how our mother is feeling about her children". She held Essi's hand and looked into her eye's, "It allows sisters to know and help each other should that need arise, but learning to control and using the link will not be easy or quick."

Sachzny's explanation of the link answered many questions that Estella had not yet asked aloud. Her sister's elaboration gave the counselor a broader understanding of the bond that her and Jon shared and insight into the structure of an Ojna family. The fact that Sachzny wished for such a connection with her moved her. Yet, when she mentioned the Captain's having forbid it, her heart sank a little. Was this the same despair that Sachzny had experienced? Was this the kind of loneliness that ate at her day after day? So much of her Ojna sister's actions made sense. Still, love could bring a person... or well... anyone to do some rather crazy things. Then, was it crazy for someone to yearn for another's affections? Or even wish to belong?

She raised her eyebrows. "You can sense all those things?" Such a bond was closer than most things she'd known as a human. Outside of her youth, anyway. As she could recall many a time when one of her brothers had barged into her room. This kind of connection though, while it might have sounded intrusive, was in fact, quite intimate. It fed a curiosity. Multiple actually. Even made Estella's heart ache a bit for the connections she'd lost. "Does it have a likeness to a Vulcan mind meld?" The question came in a soft tone. Almost as if she meant to apologize for any ignorance she might have shown in her asking.

Sachnzy nodded, "In a fashion, a mind meld only lasts as long as the two are connected. An Ojnas link lasts your entire lifetime, and yes we can sense those feelings in others of our family. As you learn to control the link, you to will ba able to sense these emotions from within and without the family". She sat down and looked at Essi, "I can sense within you a troubled mind, you wish to belong but you are unsure if we Ojnas will fully accept you. You also wish to return to your Human family, but are at a loss as to how to achieve that goal".

She now smiled, "Sister know this, I accept you fully as my sister. Our father and mother accept you fully as one of our family, as will all others within our family home and house". Sachzny held out her hand, "I swear as your sister, you are welcome here in my heart. If you wish to leave us, no one will ever stop you though we will miss you". She waited to see how Essi would react to her comment, Sachzny wanted to join with her but had to wait until permission was given. Until then, she would support her sister in any way she could.

Estella blinked and her breath caught. A lifelong connection, talk about close knit! Such intimacy and like mindedness amazed her. What costs came with such links? What boundaries were there? With each answer Sachzny gave a new question arose. Her cheeks burned slightly at her sister's words and he recollection of her recent conversation with Jon. Was she that transparent?

"Your support is much appreciated, my sister." Estella whispered. "I ask you now to forgive me, for I have doubts. Not in you, but my own worth. This honor seems above me."

Sachzny shook her head, "Our father expected this, and tells you this. You are P'Glosho now, we give no honour that is not deserved. Your acceptance of this family dictates the granting of this, we wish for our daughter to be a full and valued member".

She held Essi's hand tighter, "Doubts are understandable, but with time and training they will evaporate. And only you and I will fully know, what secrets each of us holds. For to teach you, I must show you. So you will learn much about me, that even Star Fleet does not know."


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