Paradise Lost
Posted on Mon Aug 23rd, 2021 @ 11:07am by Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD
Edited on on Mon Aug 23rd, 2021 @ 2:29pm
Breen in Paradise
Location: Casperian Homeworld
Timeline: Current
The haze of the transporter began to clear as Dex shimmered into the Great Hall of the Casperian government, or rather to what was left of it. She could see it had once been a beautiful construction of what looked like colored hazed glass shot through with marble and stone like materiel surrounded by a blue metal compound. Her ears began to hurt from the screaming and shouting around her. Looking around as the other members of the medical team sent from the Washington appeared and began to fan out into the Capitol a humanoid man appeared, blood coming from a wound on his forehead. He spoke with a wavering voice as he grabbed onto her arm “You are from the Starship?” He asked. She began to scan him with her medical tricorder “ Yes I am Lieutenant Dex the Assistant Chief Medical Officer and these,” she waved her hand to the quickly disappearing members of her team “ and these are members of my medical team. You have a nasty head wound,” she grabbed a dermal regenerator from her pack and began to apply it to his forehead. He pushed her away forcefully. “I am fine” he replied in a firmer voice. I am one of the First Ministers team my name is Enjaro Ren. The First Minister is badly injured please…..follow me she needs help.” Dex did as he asked making their way through areas once beautiful now open to the sky, seemingly endless piles of rubble and under them many bodies. Crushed, broken, bleeding and most of them with the open unseeing eyes of those beyond help.
The Breen energy dissipator weapons had done their job as the going became harder. She noted that they were going down below the surface. “How are your hospitals holding up?” She gasped out as she tripped over yet another body. Ren gasped back “Last I heard the two left standing in the city although badly damaged were managing to control the casualties. We are here” he said using his shoulder to push open what looked like an old wooden door seemingly very much out of place in this part of the city. She wiped the sweat out of her eyes with what was now the remains of her sleeve.
A slight young woman in the middle of the room lay on her back moaning. She was covered by a fallen beam that had partially amputated her left leg. “Here,” Dex said as she handed a stasis bracelet to Ren, “apply this to her leg and press here.” He did as she said, as she knelt by the woman the bracelet he applied immediately began to stem the bleeding as it wrapped a small regenerative stasis field around the leg wound to protect the nerves.
The First Minister was unconscious muttering the odd word in what Dex presumed was Casperian. Her medical tricorder registered a partially torn aorta, bilateral punctured lungs and a contra coup brain injury. “What is her name?” Dex asked Ren. “She is First Minister Dalin Escher, please save her Doctor, she is all that is holding our world together and…” he hesitated. “She is my wife.”
“She needs immediate surgery Ren.” ’I hope our transporter can reach down to this level’ she thought. I need to transport her to the Washington immediately.” She tapped her communicator, =/\= This is Doctor Dex, three to transport to surgical sickbay from my signal immediately.=/\= “ Ren hold on to her so the transporter can pick up your signal.” Dex held Dalin’s shoulder and closed her eyes willing herself to feel the familiar pulse of the beam. She knew that with only the pitiful first aid med kit she held she could not save this woman here. It seemed like a lifetime before she felt the transporter take them back to the Washington.
They beamed into the unfamiliar, to Dex, confines of the Washington’s sickbay. Dalin already on the surgical bio bed. The bio sensors on the bed screamed in urgency. The surgical clamshell closed over her and Dex pushed Rens hand off her arm.
“I need 2ccs of Impedrazine, 3ccs of Leporazine, and 3ccs of trioxin. She asked for with Vulcan calm. We need to place her in bio stasis after I repair the aortic tear. Pass me the dermal cardiac regenrator and begin haemovan treatment.” As she worked calmly she thanked her Vulcan genes once again. Her wild Riasan ones she could let out at a time and place of her choosing, the ‘wilding time’ her grandfather had called it. But now she had a job to do. She repaired the aortic tear quickly and competently. “Initiate Metorapan treatment and then stasis.” The team worked competently around her.
Three hours had passed before she was able to release the stasis field and allow the broken women’s body to begin its own slow journey back to stabilization “Good work everybody.” She said amid the smiles and sighs of relief. Dalin had a long way to go but at least she was alive. Dex thought of all the bodies she had stepped over to get to the First Minister. Each one a person with a family, a life and a history. She knew she would remember them all in her meditation ritual.
“Ren.” She beckoned him over. “Your wife appears stable at this current time. The blood flow to and from her heart has been restored. She is on treatment for the fracture and partial amputation. We now have to wait for her brain swelling to go down, I have given her some medication for this and so long as it continues working I believe she will regain consciousness. You can stay with her if you wish?” Ren nodded and grasped her hands, he bowed his head, “May our Gods bless you for what you have done today Doctor.” He began to cry silent tears and embarrassed turned away to hold his wife’s hand.
Dex managed to fall exhausted into the chair in the CMO’s office and wondered how the CMO was doing stuck in her quarters recovering from her brutal wounds and she realized she had not even met her yet. A great feeling of loneliness filled her suddenly and she hoped that she would make some friends aboard the ship.
Someone placed a cup of steaming hot Dela leaf tea into her hand and she nodded her thanks. She sipped the restorative drink slowly and wondered what was happening in the great city below so full of death and pain. She thought of the Breen safe in their ice world and wondered why they had done this.