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Insanity Loves Company

Posted on Thu May 21st, 2020 @ 1:31pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Commander N'Sachzny P'Glosho

Mission: Unto Darkness, Light
Location: USS Washington

Shran sat on the edge of the biobed as the nurse scanned him with the tricorder. He had a crazed look on his face and he was certainly intimidating, if not out right scaring the nurse who seemed to be scanning him as quickly as possible, keeping her eyes far more on him than the tricorder readings.

Celes remained in her biobed unconscious. Samantha had essentially done all she could at this time for her. It was a race to see who would win the battle in her mind, the invading presence or her. So far Deanna seemed to be doing no better than breaking even, and that seemed tenuous at best.

Samantha remained in the main care area with Jon, the two of them discussing the latest readings, basic analysis, and trying to decipher the maddening material that Shran seemed to be telling them. It was becoming obvious that the Andorian was no under the influence of Celes but rather was dealing with an invading presence himself, yet for some reason he seemed to be fairing far better than Deanna, though it was certainly driving him mad. He seemed to be warning them, perhaps even trying to tell tham something else, but they were still trying to figure out what to take literal and what was metaphor.

As Jon and Samantha discussed a new piece of the puzzle entered into sickbay in the person of Sachny, who was looking a bit dizzy at the very least.

"Doctor, could I talk to you for a moment", Sachzny looked at her Captain and Deanna. "It would appear I am not the only one suffering from strange delusions, perhaps I will return at a later date when you are not so busy". As she turned to leave she spotted Jon, "Are you also suffering Jon? She crossed to him and touched his forehead, "No, your mind is clear. Unlike my own. Have you not sensed anything at all?"

Jon was up and out of his chair in an instant at the sight of Sachzny. "Come sit down before you fall down." He said gently as he guided her to the chair. He shook his head at her question, "No, nothing Sachzny, nothing at all at least not yet. Maybe whatever is affecting the Captain and Deanna and what you are experiencing takes longer with me. What have you been sensing?"

Sam had a tricorder out and was taking a number of readings to determine to severity of what Sachzny was experiencing. It seemed related to whatever it was the Captain and Celes' were going through. She cast an eye towards to CO to make sure he was behaving himself.

Looking at her companions, Sachzny only nodded, "It could be your Human make up Jon, perhaps that is what protects you". She now looked at Sam, "Flowers Doctor, flowers who's name I do not know. And some sort of flying mammal, of which I am sure can not exist". Taking a breath Sachzny glanced at her Captain, "The final thing is what has me concerned the most, for it promotes a will to fight. An enemy in a strange uniform, Scarlet red I think".

"Have you had any luck with the sensors, or this 'wizard of oz' the Captain keeps referring to?" Sam asked Jon, hoping the XO was having a better day than she was.

Standing up, Sachzny looked at Jon, "I can use the sensors, I may have more success than you". She glanced at Sam, "Why do you look concerned Doctor?"

Sam sighed, composing herself a little before replying " I have two officers afflicted with an unknown illness that looks like it may not be isolated to those people only. We have yet to ascertain a cause let alone a treatment"

"No luck yet Samantha but its like looking for a needle in a haystack." Jon answered as he he shifted his attention to Sachzny. "You may be right Sachzny. I just know I'm not having either the visions or symptoms you, Deanna or the Captain are experiencing."

" I may have a bit of a theory on that one" Dr Howard started, grabbing a nearby padd and loading a few graphs onto it. " I believe the rapid and dramatic spike in Deanna's neurotransmitter levels caused some humans to be temporarily affected for a short time, but with the neuro-inhibitor working, we seem to have returned to normal. That may not be the case with all humanoid species though as each brain composition is different" She explained, showing them the readings she had taken during Celes' treatment.

Looking at Sam's readings, Sachzny just nodded. "I think my lesser reaction is caused by the fact my link has been supressed for sometime now, If I were to use my link fully I may fall pray as the Captain and Celes have".

" Or maybe we could use that suppressed link to our advantage. A somewhat muted link may provide us with more...intelligence...that what the Captain is providing currently" Sam mused, running a tricorder over Sachnzy for a more thorough brain scan. " The Captain is somewhat...incoherent" She said quietly, glancing towards the Captain who seemed to be behaving himself - at least for now.

"Sachzny, you fine tune the sensors, lets find that needle and help the Captain, Deanna and yourself." Jon suggested. "Lets go with the theory that your lesser reaction and use it for us to get some answers."

"Whatever you do - I have a feeling that time is of the essence here." Sam mused, before reaching for a small cortical monitor " This is a cortical monitor, it will record your brain activity and alert sickbay if it detects anything out of the ordinary" Sam placed the small device just behind Sachzny's ear.

As the monitor kick in, Sachzny felt a small pain. "Doctor, I think this monitor may cause a more extreme reaction. My link is being stimulated by it, which is now causing more images to appear and increase my fight or flight response". She suddenly felt a surge of anger rising, "I think it might be best to remove it, before I react violently". She held onto the Biobed in front of her, the frame slowly being bent as she did so.

As Samantha and Jon both focused on a suddenly worsening Sachzny, Shran went from docile to willful once more, but this time with far more tactical methodology. He stealthy got hold of a hypospray that had a sedative/tranquilizer mix and quickly injected the nurse, catching her and laying her down quietly. As the others were still distracted he bolted for the door, exiting sickbay and moving quickly down the corridor to the turbolift. Entering he ordered it to the bridge and then, forcing himself into a semi-coherent state for at least a moment, ordered the computer to initiate a site-to-site transport to the captain's yacht. Upon materializing he raced to the controls, activating the personal vessel, and then began barking orders to the computer, "Computer, activate scattering field. Disengage interlocks and launch yacht. Lock out Washington command functions for 30 minute window under captain's personal clearance. Authorization dh'Klar-alpha-seven-two-seven-omega."

The computer beeped and processed the the various orders as quickly as he was providing them. He laid in a decent course for the planet, and then provided one more order to the computer, "Computer, open transporter gap in scattering field, transport counselor Stratton to the yacht and place a level 3 force field around her." The Andorian sat down and watched as the counselor materialized, a rather confused look on her face. He flashed a cheshire grin and then spun around and began to take readings as the craft descended into the atmosphere.

Meanwhile Sam grasped the small device from Sachzny's skin, removing and deactivating the device and taking a step back for her own safety. She'd already bore the brunt of one attack from a deranged officer, she couldn't afford to be incapacitated again.

"Is that any better?" She asked, still taking readings with her tricorder.

The pain Sachzny had been feeling now slowly abated, she glanced down at the damaged Bio bed. "Sorry Doctor, I appear to have damaged your medical equipment". Rubbing her neck and ears, she glanced at Jon. "I must apologise for distracting you, our Captain has made good his escape". Sachzny stopped and looked into a corner of the sickbay, her face changed as she could clearly see the enemy dressed in Scarlet.

A soft groan could be heard from the Captain's biobed, and Sam risked a sidewards glance, thinking the sedatives Shran was due to have had finally kicked in. However the Captain was nowhere to be seen, only his treating nurse slowly coming to on the floor. Swearing not as quietly as she would have liked Dr Howard quickly assisted the groggy nurse and eased her onto the biobed to recover.

" Damn you Shran, this is NOT making my day any better" Sam grumbled, resisting the urge to rub the bridge of her nose where the mother of all tension headaches was blossoming. She turned to Commander Grayson to see how he and Sachzny were faring.

"Tell me about this link you spoke of earlier? Will it allow you to objectively view whatever is going on with Deanna and the Captain but not be influenced by it?" Sam suggested, grabbing two hypospray just in case.

Sachzny looked at Sam, "Doctor, you know of the Ojnas link. I have used it before and demonstrated how it is part of my people. But in answer to your question, it may offer either myself or Jon to probe the thoughts of Deanna or the Captain. As for influence? Who can say". She glanced at the hypospray's in Sam's hands, "I think the Captain's normal defense will be down, so entry to his mind should be an easier prospect".

"So what do you need me to do?" Sam asked with a quizzical expression, "relax, this is a nutrient booster, it'll give you a sustained slow release energy for the next few hours. Heck I think I'll use one myself" she injected herself on the arm before offering the hypo to Sachzny.

"Thank you Doctor, but I need to have our Captain before me to access his thoughts. To attempt long range penetration, would be to alert him and his possible reaction would close his mind".

Shran looked back to where Estella was now sitting, the counselor trapped beneath a force field. "Don't worry dear counselor, I just need you to help me gather the poppies before the flying monkeys arrive from the Red Keep. The White Queen has promised the purple poppies will be our salvation." He once more gave off a Cheshire grin before turning around and landing the yacht on the planet surface.

Upon landing the yacht the Andorian stood and walked to the weapons locker, grabbing a phaser. He turned to the Estella and began walking towards her, "Come now, or we shall be late for tea." He deactivated the force field and directed her to exit the yacht, grabbing a small bag on the way out.


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