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‘Manava’ to Tahiti

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 8:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD & Ensign Zack Ravencroft & Lieutenant Seth Travis & Petty Officer 1st Class Amethyst Wyse

Mission: Respite
Location: Holodeck 3. USS Washington.
Timeline: Respite Pre Water Water Everywhere

Shon stood outside Zack’s door once again. She had not heard from him since their last meeting and frankly she was worried about him. She desperately wanted him to know she was his friend. She pressed the chime and waited.

Zack stood at the door as it opened, he looked rather rough, his hair standing everywhere and he hadn't even gotten dressed. So he was simply standing there in his boxers, not having fully woken up yet. "Doctor Doctor?"

She raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down and walked in “Good morning Zack, late night I presume” she kissed him on the cheek. “I told you I would be back, any coffee on the go?” the door shut behind her.

He arched an eyebrow at her as he rubbed his cheek. "I don't drink coffee, and no. Ran myself to the ground training." he knew he had more or less landed on the bed and fallen asleep before even landing. "I need a shower," he stated and headed for the bathroom. "You know where the replicator is." he stated before entering the bathroom.

She smiled and helped herself to a large coffee double sweet and sat down on his couch sipping the hot beverage. She put her legs up and hummed to herself trying to feel better than she really did, then she changed her mind ditched the coffee and replicated an Earl Grey tea. She resumed her place on the couch and waited for him to appear.

The shower was quick, waking himself up by using cold water. It wasn't more than a few minutes before he came out, a towel around his waist. He wasn't shy, in fact he was proud of his body. He had worked hard for it. The smell of her tea made him want his own, so he got himself some Earl gray tea with a splash of honey in it. After taking a sip he turned his attention to her. "So why are you here Doctor."

She took an long look at him up and down and for a moment her pupils began to silver. She looked away and crossed her legs. “I thought as we are all on leave you might like to do something today with me and maybe a nurse we both know?”

"What would a pair of babes want with a man during their free time." Zack asked, not quite fully awake yet. "Did he appreciate the sketch?"

She smiled at the ‘babes’. "Ah, and no I did not give it to him, I wanted to keep it as a reminder of the beautiful work you do. You made me look quite beautiful."

"I didn't need to change anything in the sketch." implying that what she saw was her own beauty. Maybe she sketched her smiling and posing in a special way, but it was all her.

“Cannot a friend want to spend time with a friend? I have some holodeck time, we could spar, or perhaps you would like to go sketching, anywhere. Perhaps we could sit for you.” She sipped her tea. "Zack, it is not my idea to confuse or hurt you, this is out of a desire for a real friendship with you, to be here for you when you need me."

"And what are you getting out of it?" The idea of sketching them were nice. She had already cracked his armor and she was worming herself under by giving him hope. But he wouldn't risk his sensitive self that easily.

“What do I get out of it?” She repeated his question. I get to spend time with a friend and find out how he is. I have no ulterior motive, look, I do not let people into my life very often, I can count the number of friends I have on one hand with change, please give me a chance?”

"Look. I have heard it all before, I have let friends and lovers come in too. But they have all left me. I need a test period of a month or two before I can be sure that you won't leave me, I can't take anymore rejection." Zack finally said, hoping that was enough to make her see how he saw it.

“You might have heard it all before but not from me however I understand, what do you propose regarding this ‘test period.”

"No strings, no expectations. I might be an ass..." Zack shrugged.

“ No strings no expectations and you might be an ass. I think I understand.” She smiled. “Now we have that settled what would you like to do?”

He arched an eyebrow at her, "your asking me? The most boring person on board."

“Right, be outside holdeck 3 at 14.00 bring your sketchbook and wear your shorts we’re going to Tahiti.” She pressed her communicator. =/\= Dex to Reece=/\=

Amethyst was just tucking into her breakfast when Dex’s voice came over the comms. =/\= Reece here, what can I do for you Dex? =/\=

=/\= good morning Amethyst, I’m here with Zach and we would like to invite you on a holdeck trip today if you are free. We are going to Tahiti so you would need to dress for the beach, fancy coming?=/\=

Just the mention of Zack was enough to get Amethyst interested. =/\= I’d love to! What time do you plan on being there? =/\=

=/\= can you come to my quarters at 13.00 we have something to discuss =/\=

Zack became pale. Tahiti was a beach location, which meant either a bathing suit or worse. Bikini. What made it EVEN worse was that now it would be two beautiful women in such attire.

She noted with concern that he looked pale. “Are you okay Zack?”

He shook his head violently to hide the predicament he was now heading towards. He had not had anyone for some time and being a lonely male, he was susceptible to the sexiness of women... What was he going to do?

“So bring all your sketching paraphernalia you can sit away from the beach and sketch as much or as little as you would like, but I do advise one thing, a swim… you do swim don’t you?”

"Yes, I swim. It's an excellent way to keep fit."

“Then I challenge you to a race, winner buys dinner for us all. There is this lovely little restaurant just off the beach, agreed.” She smiled. “And I promise I will not be wearing a bikini as it is a naturist beach.”

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" he exclaimed, the mere though nearly short-circuiting his mind. "I will not let you ladies expose yourself like that. Especially to a stranger like me."

She laughed inside, she just could not help the joke. “Ah, well it is a good job that it is just an ordinary beach. I still will nor be wearing a bikini, swimming is my love and a one piece will do.” She was not about to tell him that it was high legged to make her long legs look even longer, or that the back was non existent cut round to her breasts, no, he had to see these things. “Of course I am not sure what Amethyst will be wearing. I would advise bringing a large sketchbook.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Do not forget your sunscreen, see you at 14.00. If you do not turn up I may be so worried as to come looking for you in my swimsuit.” She smiled to herself and left.

Again Zack stood speechless. After a few moments, he groaned. These ladies would be the end of him, he just knew it. "Maybe I should just shoot myself now and put myself out of my misery."
13.00 Dex’s Quarters

Amethyst arrived at Dex’s door wearing a lightweight kimono style dressing gown over her chosen bikini. She pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

“Come in Amethyst” she shouted, she was in the back putting on her costume.

Entering Amethyst walked inside waiting for Dex to join her. “So just how did you get Zak to agree to this?”

“Sometimes it’s just a question of backing him into a corner and telling him that’s the way it is.” She came out dressed in her one piece that was hardly much of anything at all and threw on her muslin cover up. “I wanted to talk to you about him before we go. “The first time we met we beat the crap out of each other on the holodeck, since then I am making him my project. Inside the ballsy exterior is a truly suffering man. I am sure you have noticed how rude he is.”

Amethyst nodded. “He’s trying his hardest to keep me at arms length. I just...I would like to get to know him better. I like him Shon.”

“I know you do and that is what he needs, he has only told me that he has been hurt a lot in the past and I have not got past that yet, but I will. I must admit it I like to tease him. I told him it was a naturist beach, he nearly had a cardiac arrest so I had to tell him the truth. You just have to push through, do not be upset by what he says. To be honest Amethyst I think it has been a long time since he was…intimate…with a woman so you will have to go slowly. I know he finds you attractive.”

She collected her beach bag with her towels. “I challenged him to a swimming race, the winner buys dinner so that has given him something to think about and he is also bringing his sketching things. Ready?”

Amethyst nodded. “I’m more than ready!” She offered a smile. “I just...Zack makes me feel awkward, like I’m pushing myself on him. I don’t like that feeling.”

‘Well let’s take it as it is, come on I want to get to the beach.”

They left her quarters immediately getting looks, mostly from male members of the crew.
Holodeck 3

They entered the holodeck immediately onto the white sand, the palm trees lined the shore with recliners set around covered by umbrellas. The ocean was so blue and the waves large. “One thing you have to know about me is that I love the water. There is a bar just to the right of us that serves the most heavenly tequila sunrises. Let’s go grab some recliners.”

Zack hand been pacing in his room for some time, not sure how he got himself into this mess or how to get out of it. He knew if he didn't show up, the Doctor would locate him and probably drag him off somewhere... Zack simply accepted his fate and was now walking through the door to the holodeck, holding a large sketchbook of the size of A2. He also had a small box that held his sketching tools. He was wearing a loose-fitting white dress shirt and a pair of colorful board shorts.

Dex and Amethyst saw him enter the holodeck and Dex waved him over. “Glad you came Zack welcome to Tahiti, we saved you a recliner. Would you like a cold drink?"

"No thank you." Zack said, making damn sure he looked straight ahead as he sat down. This was going to be hell.

Dex realised his discomfort. “The vegetation and flowers in Tahiti are beautiful, many famous artists have come here to paint and draw maybe you could concentrate on that for a while. Me, I am going for a swim, anyone joining me?” she stood and let her robe fall revealing the cut of her swimsuit that made her long toned legs look even longer the cut away back revealing her scars. She walked into the ocean and turned, she shouted “it is quite warm, come on.” She dived into the water swimming out underneath the swell.

Amethyst offered Zack a warm smile as she stood and removed her kimono, revealing her bikini underneath. Walking to the water she joined Dex, diving under the water she reappeared above the surf as she ran her hands through her now wet hair, the sun glistening off the water on her body.

Zack was literally staring at the women, the level of beauty and sexyness made him unable to process what he was seeing. It was a bad idea, not only were the two women showing off their bodies, one had worked hard to get past his defenses and the other was more gentle with her approach. Both were women he would happily accept if he had the chance, but it wasn't right to base his emotions on their beauty. He was well aware that the external part is the first impression. That was why he refused to let that be a factor.

“Why don’t you come and join us Zack” Amethyst smiled as she looked in Zack’s direction. “The water is lovely.”

Dex turned and stood up, her tall svelte body raising from the water “hey whatever happened to our race? Come on there is a beautiful reef a couple of hundred yards away.” She turned and dived again rising and beginning her swim to the reef.

He groaned. "You two are going to be the end of me." Zack stood up, removed the dress shirt he used to protect himself from the rays. Carefully placing his sketching supplies on the recliner, he flexed, deciding to give some payback. He wasn't much of a speed swimmer, but he could swim for some time though.

Dex was over the reef within a minute, the water was calmer here so she took a breath a dived. She wished for a moment she had tied her long hair up as each time she stopped it carried on obscuring her vision. The reef was beautiful, corals of every hue and size reached out to each other along the reef. Small fish maneuvered themselves in between them seeking protection from the larger fish patrolling looking for a fishy snack. A small shoal of yellow-covered fish began to nip at her toes. She could see where the reef ended and the deeper water began looking darker and more turbulent.

Zack finally managed to swim up to her. "So what's the rules?"

“There are no rules, at least not yet, did you pass Amethyst?

"I believe she is closer to shore."

Amethyst was simply lying on her back enjoying relaxing on the surface of the water.

“Oh, I thought she was behind me. Listen Zack you have to see this reef, let’s dive it is not far below the surface but, I need to ask you to do one thing for me. I would have asked Amethyst but she is too far away.” She produced a band. “My hair keeps getting in the way, could you pull it back and put the band round it?” She handed him the band and turned her back on him moving closer so he could pull the hair back from the front.

He accepted the band. "We need something to stand on, I might be good, but tying a knot while kicking water won't or one-handed isn't easy. I think there is underwater sand back that is enough to stand on over there." he gestured with his head.

Amethyst turned her attention to Zack and Shon. She couldn’t help but notice he seemed so much more at ease around Shon, unlike when he was with her. She couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.

Shon kept trying to catch Ameythyst’s eye to call her over it was she who needed to be near Zach not her however much she enjoyed teasing him.

“Okay, let’s go back a bit.” She swam to where she could stand.

Once both were on a more steady ground he offered her the ribbon back. "You want to do it on your own?"

She smiled to herself. “I thought maybe you would be gallant and do it for me.” She didn’t give him a choice as she turned her back to him holding the ribbon over her shoulder to him. She backed up until she was touching his chest with her back.

He gently pushed her away from him. "I need room to do this..." Zack took the ribbon and proceeded to tie her hair back. I had no idea why she was like this.

‘Damn’ she thought, that did not work. She had been trying to somehow to physically engage him as he seemed not to want female contact. “Thank you, now come and see the reef.’ She dived away.

As she moved away, he took a deep breath trying to collect himself. "This was such a bad idea..." he turned towards the shore. "Amethyst! You should join us!" he called, hoping with the redhead with them, there would be more restraint, hopefully he didn't need to die of a heart attack.

Shon heard him just before she dived under and congratulated herself that her scheme had indeed worked, now with Amethyst in the mix there might be some chance.

Amethyst smiled as Zack called her across, swimming over she smiled as she paused alongside him. “I didn’t want to... interrupt the two of you. You seemed to be enjoying yourselves.” She kept treading water before a sudden bout of cramp in her leg made her ungraciously flail about in the water.

Zack growled in frustration, quickly holding on to her so she wouldn't go under.

Shon kept an eye on the situation ready to help Amethyst but it was just the thing that was needed and she prayed that Zack would help. She herself was going to swim beyond the reef into the deeper water if Amethyst was safe and leave the pair to it.

It wasn't the best place to care for her, so Zack moved the redhead so she was able to hold on to his back as he started to swim back to shore. "Hold on and make sure your head is above the surface." he was an excellent endurance swimmer so swimming with her on his back was cumbersome but still manageable.

Amethyst held onto Zack as he helped her ashore, she wanted to get close but not by turning into the damsel in distress. Admittedly the holodeck safeties wouldn’t have let her drown. As they reached shore she moved to sit on the sand massaging her leg muscle. “Thank you Zack!”

Shon was pleased to see the pair together on the beach, turned and began to swim out into the deeper water.

Zack only grumbled as he picked her up in his arms and placed her in one of the recliners. Without a word, he took her leg and started to massage the muscle she had been nursing. Being this close to a woman who barely had anything on didn't help though as he focused on her leg, but even that wasn't helping. She had excellent muscle structure in her legs and he could absolutely appreciate that.

Amethyst relaxed back in the recliner, her body glistening in the sun. Zack’s touch was wonderful but she knew she’d scare him off if she told him so. “That’s feeling... much better, thank you.” She smiled warmly.

Zack said nothing, after thinking about it for a little bit. The holodeck safeties should have kicked in. He sighed, was the Doctor one of 'those' people. "Computer, end the program but leave recliners." he ordered. He would have a stern talk with the doctor.

At the request to end the program there was a soft buzz and then the reply ‘Program has been locked by Lieutenant T’ghaan Dex, holodeck safety’s are off. Program will discontinue only at her request’

The ocean was much colder once she had passed the reef, there were also a myriad of sea creatures that would not approach the reef. She dived down to swim with the enormous rays and followed them for as long as she had air. She surfaced and orientated herself, the shore looked even further away but she continued out. She was an extreme swimmer who could swim great distances and her Vulcan heritage made it easy for her to retain breath for much longer than was possible for a human. She dived again this time deeper and began to see evidence of sharks.

Zack growled. "You want to play it that way?!?" There was one thing he could do to end this. "Security override. Authorization Zack Gamma 1018."

Again the Program repeated its message and added ‘so long at Lt T’ghann Dex is using the program it cannot be ended’.

Zacks anger only grew. "Doctor! You turn off this program this instant!" he bellowed. How she could risk the life of herself and others like this was beyond him. She was a doctor for God's sake.

Shon was unaware of what was going on onshore. She had her own problems. A large white had begun to track her, she swam deeper and tried to find a shoal of fish that would interest it more. It worked for a few moments then it lunged. She hit it squarely on the nose which worked but not before it tore her arm. She reached the surface and managed to remove her costume and wrap her arm to try to stem the blood but it did not work. She cursed in Vulcan and lay on her back trying to stay conscious. “Computer end program Dex Welcome to Tahiti” she was unconscious before the program ended.

As the program ended he noticed the doctor laying not far away. "Damnit Doctor. No time to play dead!" Zack walked upto her and noticed the blood that was spreading. "Medical Emergency transport of Lieutenant Dex to sickbay!" he called to the computer and moments later she was gone. "I think you should go there," he said to the nurse. "she was bleeding badly."

Dex arrived in sickbay and regained consciousness “where is Seth? Please find him I need….” She lapsed back into unconsciousness. The doctor on duty Perrim prepped her for emergency surgery as her arm had nearly been severed. “Nurse get me 5 units of Vulcan blood.”

Amethyst arrived at Sickbay just in time to hear the order given, rushing to storage she quickly fetched the blood handing it to another on duty nurse to put up. She tapped the comms. =/\= Sickbay to Lieutenant Travis, you’re needed here as soon as possible. =/\=

Back in the holodeck

Zack sighed deeply. Now that things had calmed down and what had happened sank in. All the memories of two very sexy women being so close and he was massaging the leg of the sexy redhead made him look at his hands. He wondered what they thought about it, it was a rarely to him.

He started a hologram that was back at Tahiti with a recliner, it wasn't Dex's program because he didn't have access. He sat down and started to sketch, now he knew exactly what their bodies looked like they looked far more real. Of course he wouldn't show anyone these sketches, he doubted they would approve him sketching their sexy bodies in nice beach relaxing poses.

Seth was in the diplomatic office, reviewing some documents when the call from Sickbay came in. He was surprised to be summoned to Sickbay but acknowledged the message/ "Travis to Sickbay. I'm on the way."

A few minutes later, he was standing in Sickbay. He found Amethyst and walked over to her, "I'm Travis, you asked me to come to Sickbay?"

Amethyst nodded. “Yes, thank you for coming. Dex has asked for you, She was injured in the holodeck, the doctors are taking her to surgery.”

Dr Perrim saw him and walked over. “Dex was asking for you, she was involved in an accident on the holodeck, her arm was nearly severed by a shark. She is asking for you before she goes into surgery.”

Seth's face went white as Perrin told him what had happened to Shon. he nodded quickly. "Where is she? Please take me to her."

Amethyst looked to Perrin. “I’ll take you through, come on” She motioned to Seth directing him to where he’d find Dex.

"Thank you ma'am." Seth replied as he fell in behind Amethyst as they went to see Dex.

Shon had refused to go into surgery before she saw him and her eyes lit up. “I am sorry to interrupt your day but I made a stupid mistake swimming with sharks with the holodeck safety’s off.” She made a brittle laugh. She was very pale and obviously loosing blood. Perrim was standing there looking exasperated. Dr Dex we need to save that arm…now.”.

She looked at Seth. “I love you.” She said.

He kissed her quickly, "I love you Shon." He said, "Now let the Doctor save your arm. I'll be here when you come out of surgery."

An hour later she was out of surgery but still unconscious. Dr Perrim called Seth over. “Lieutenant Travis Dr Dex will be fine, we managed to save the arm and she should regain full movement in it. She is still unconscious but I am sure she would appreciate it if you were here when she wakes up.”

"That is wonderful news Doctor! Thank you so much for coming here to tell me." Seth exclaimed happily, tears threatening to fall. "Where can I wait for her and be out of your way sir?"

“You are welcome to come and sit with her, the biobed is just recording her life functions and I have given her a hypo of analgesia but she should wake up soon.” He led Seth to the biobed where she lay. “Please take a seat. Is there anything we can get you Lieutenant?”

Seth shook his head, "No, no thank you Doctor. I'll just sit here and wait for her to wake up."

Her head cleared as she slowly returned to consciousness, her arm hurt like hell. Her eyes shut at the harsh light, “Seth, Seth are you there?”

He was beside the bed in an instant, "Easy Shon, I'm here. just relax and lie still. Perrim saved your arm." He replied as he bent over and kissed her forehead.

She sighed in relief , “you are the only person I wanted to be with me.” She paused, “I need to apologise to you for taking you into danger needlessly. I seem to have this need for it as though I do not care if I live and that is it true. I promise you if we are to go on together to try and rein in that side of my personality.

"Well, I very much care whether you live or die because I plan on us having many years together and I can promise you that I can rein in that part of your personality."

“I promise you I will see a counsellor to help me with this. The last thing I want as a medical practitioner is to endanger those I love……or those in my care. They will be letting me go tomorrow, if you are available will you take me back to my quarters?”

"I'm not going anywhere Shon, staying right here with you and of course you'll go to my quarters so I can watch you and attend to any needs you have." Seth replied.

“You know you do not have to do that, I presume you have your own duties.”

"Shon, I am not leaving you." Seth answered firmly. "I have nothing pressing at the moment."

She leaned back feeling grateful that she finally had someone in her life that loved her and whom she loved, she realised she had been too lonely for a long time now. “Thank you” she whispered to him as she fell asleep.


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