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Posted on Sun Mar 13th, 2022 @ 9:00pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson

Mission: The Orion Syndicate
Location: USS Washington

Things were chaotic, but Shran knew he needed to address certain members of his crew regarding what was going on. He had asked Callie to meet him in sickbay. He was making his way there now, slowly as he tried to determine exactly how he was going to address things with those he needed to speak with. He entered sickbay and saw Callie had already arrived and was sitting next to Dex. He made his way over to the, both. "Ladies, good of you to meet me here."

Dex had just woken from a troubled sleep, the insults to her mind still vibrant. Still unwell she was still desperate to get to the surface and she very definitely did not want Seth in danger. Now, this. She wondered what the Captain wanted with both her and Callie. She lay there not talking attempting to heal.

Callie had been resting feet up in her office whilst organizing her schedule. With Shran's call she quickly made her way to Sickbay arriving just before Shran. She had a bad feeling that something was going on. "Is there something wrong? Did something happen to the away team?"

Shran kept his usual stern and steady look. "Simply put, Jon's away team was ambushed on the surface. They were captured." He looked at Callie, trying to judge her reaction. "They are all fine though. The Syndicate failed to collect all of the communication devices, so we have been tracking everything. This is ultimately a small setback. Ayana and Samantha are leading an away team to retrieve them, and yes, Seth is part of that team. They just transported down." He waited for the potential harsh reactions.

Dex sat up and swung her legs over the bio bed. She nodded, “thank you Captain.” It was done now, and whatever it was would play out. “Do we know where they are being held and what part is Seth supposed to play in this?” She desperately wanted to be on Orion to help the away team and protect Seth.

Callie was uncharacteristically quiet, she was extremely worried about Jon after everything he'd been through lately. "Is there anything I can do?" she purposely didn't ask to leave the ship knowing Jon wouldn't want her risking her own life, or that or their baby.

Shran wasn't keen on giving out too much information, as he feared what both of the women might do. "They transported down to Mt. Navaar. StarFleet has suspected that the Orion Syndicate had a base of operations there for some time. We can now confirm it. Believe it or not, everything is happening according to plan." He considered what else he could say. "Most of the senior officers are now off the ship. You both now play crucial roles in the command structure. I'm aware you both are on the mend but have been cleared for light duty. I'd like you both on the bridge with me."

Dex stood, “Captain, I am sorry but you did not answer my question, what do you expect Seth to do down there, surely this is not a diplomatic mission?

Callie looked at Shran. “I’ll be there Sir” She then looked towards Dex. “Dex in the absence of Counselor down there, especially one whose empathic, Seth would be the logical choice to act as a negotiator. He’s a diplomatic officer, it’s what he’s trained to do.” She paused. “Besides we both know that our personal and professional lives have to be kept separate.”

Dex shot a look at Callie that implied betrayal. “I know all that counselor, I did not say I would not be there on the bridge, I just wanted an answer to my question from our Captain.

"He is acting as a proxy for you Dex. Perhaps you forgot about the conversation here a few hours ago with Samantha. You are not well enough to go down, but since you were so emphatic, he volunteered. Additionally, as Callie noted, should negotiation be needed, he is the logical choice. And I won't even bother with the fact that I'm the captain and determined he should be on the away team, which he volunteered for." Shran hoped that the sarcasm was understood. "Now, I think it best for us to get back to the bridge. Nothing but juniors officers up there right now."

Dex noted Shran’s sarcasm but did not rise to it. The fear that she had sent the man she loved possibly to his death weighed heavily on her, things would never be the same between her and Shran but she would be the officer he and the crew needed.

“Yes Sir” she said as they made their way slowly to the bridge. As they went she mused that professionalism had been missing in her dealings with most of the crew. Friendships came secondary and were sometimes harmful. She would concentrate on Seth, if, indeed he returned.

Callie looked towards Dex. "I didn't mean to offend you back in Sickbay Dex, I'm as worried about Jon as you are about Seth. I just ... know that Jon wouldn't want me stressing myself out, it's not good for the baby."

Dex did not look at her as they walked. “Yes you are due for a full check up tomorrow” she stopped and turned to Callie, whilst I know you are very concerned about Jon it is his job as XO, this was never a diplomatic mission and because I was unable too it meant Seth had to go, it is on me if anything happens to him and I will never forgive myself. See Sam for your check up.” She turned, tears in her eyes and caught up with Shran.

Callie sighed. For now she'd have to put her feelings aside so she could concentrate on her bridge duties.

As they traveled on the turbolift back to the bridge Shran looked at them both, "I know this is difficult for you both. You have a lot of personal feelings, but those on the surface are StarFleet and they understand their duty. You are StarFleet officers, and while you don't normally find yourself on the bridge under battle conditions, you do now. I trust that you both can handle the situation and be the officers I know you to be." As he finished talking the turbolift reached the bridge and the doors opened, Shran giving them each a look of confidence before stepping out onto the bridge.

"Captain, the away team has made it to the surface and is moving to infiltrate the facility" said a Tellerite lieutenant manning tactical.

"Very well. Deploy armor. Inform the teams on the captured vessels to hold their positions. Bring us back to red alert. Ready weapons for planetary assault." Shran took his seat and looked to make sure Dex and Callie took position as well.

Callie took her usual seat beside Shran, she had to be strong as a senior officer should be. "Where would you like me Captain?" She looked at Shran.

"Your usual seat for now counselor. I'll need you read to jump onto a station should something happen."

Dex wasn’t quite sure where she should be so she stood ready to help at any station that was required of her. She want often on the bridge but understood what she might be called upon to do. The planet Orion looked peaceful and serene from orbit not at all like it had been in her visions. She watched, and waited.

Shran looked at Dex. "Take a seat in Jon's chair doctor. I'll point you to a station should it become necessary." Shran looked around the bridge and could feel the nervousness of the officers. They were all junior officers, many from the delta and gamma shifts forced into service due to circumstances. "All of you are graduated of the Academy. You are trained StarFleet officers and you know your duty. I am confident you will all perform above and beyond. Now, let's remind the Orion Syndicate who StarFleet is."

Dex sat down in Jon’s chair. She smiled at everyone who threw her a frightened glance in the hope that it would calm them. She looked cross and Callie and smiled at her also, this was not the time for her grievance. “Aye Captain” she said.

Callie looked towards the viewscreen Shran’s speech was a rousing one and she could sense an air of calm taking over on the bridge. “Let’s make sure they regret taking our people.”

Shran looked at Callie and Dex. He knew they they were out of their element, but they were showing true grit at this time, and that is what he needed. "Bring the audio back up. Let's take a listen as to the goings on down there."


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