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Away team

Posted on Tue Mar 15th, 2022 @ 9:34pm by Lieutenant Ayana Hillis & Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Aiko Kato & Lieutenant Seth Travis

Mission: The Orion Syndicate
Location: Orion

Commander Samantha Howard trotted towards the transporter room, medkit slung over one shoulder, tricorder and phaser on her hip. The brief was simple, retrieve the away team. It wasn't her first rodeo but still the flutter of fear emanated from her belly.

Celes checked her phaser and then her tricorder, making sure both were in proper condition before holstering both. She thought on it a moment and grabbed her phaser once again. They were transporting down to a potentially hostile area after all, best to be prepared. "Ready doctor?" she questioned.

Seth got himself a phaser, checked that it was fully charged and adjusted the setting to heavy stun. He was ready to beam down and rescue the away team.

Aiko arrived in the transporter room and nodded at those that were gathered. She was trying so hard not to let her excitement show out of respect for her comrades that were captured. She was acutely aware of the danger that they faced, including the one she and this team were about to dive into. However, Aiko was ready to serve some payback to the Syndicate after what they had done to her. The subjugation of three Orion ships was a good start and she was looking to add more to the tally of loses for the Syndicate.

She drew out her phaser, making sure to first check that the power cell was fully charged, then she activated the phaser, dialled up and down the settings to make sure that it had the full range of disruption settings. Satisfied, she set it to heavy stun until she was otherwise instructed and holstered her phaser. Next she moved on the tricorder and similarly did a quick diagnostic check to make sure it was functioning normally.

Ayana was the last to enter the transporter room, along with 4 additional security troops. The ship was going to be stretched pretty thin in some departments, especially tactical and security at this point, and she worried about that, but the captain seemed to be fine with it. She put the thought out of her mind. They had a job to do, that was all their was to it. "Phasers at the ready everyone. Keep a sharp eye, these Syndicate folks aren't nice people."

"I can vouch for their nastiness," Aiko replied as she drew her phaser at the ready. She felt her heart begin to beat faster as she mentally prepared herself for what was about to come.

"Energize" came the simple command from Ayana. She wasn't the senior officer present, but she was the lead tactical officer. The away team dematerialized in the standard blue shimmering hue and a few moments later they found themselves on the edge of the wilderness on Orion, the mountain casting a distinctive shadow over them.

Celes looked around and once satisfied they were alone, pulled out her tricorder and began taking readings. So far, so good she thought. Thus far everything was going as planned. "The entrance is in that direction, about 300 meters. I'm detecting four lifesigns outside, likely the sentries. As we get closer I'll work on negating any surveillance equipment they have and jam their communications frequencies."

Ayana nodded in understanding and agreement. "Riggs, Murtaugh, take point. Aiko, you follow close behind with Celes. Seth, you stay close to me and Dr. Howard. Pine, Elliott, you bring up the rear. Everyone stay sharp. We are going into the belly of the beast."

Aiko nodded as she fell into formation along with Celes behind the two security officers taking point. Her gaze swept across the strange alien planet. She had never been to Orion before and was struck by how ominous it seemed particularly at the base of the gigantic mountain ahead of them.

"Of course Lieutenant." Seth whispered to Ayana as he moved himself into position. He took a breath and slowly released it as his heart rate which had been racing lowered back to a normal level.

Sam fell into position in the formation, somewhat protected by the bodies and rifles around her. She didn't feel mollycoddled, she'd been on pointe before, she'd shot people before, there was no need for a doctor to be shooting unless things went very wrong on this mission. Her role was to patch up the away team enough to extract them and get their asses back to the Washington.

The away team moved swiftly towards the entrance. As they neared contact, Celes did as promised and cut off communication and surveillance, leaving only the 4 guards to fend for themselves. Ayana and her troops quickly dispatched the forward guards, leaving the entrance open. They pressed forward. "Stay sharp. Remember, we are here to rescue or people."

Sam nodded, bringing her weapon to bear and flicking her medkit onto her back and out of the way. She kept low, moving quickly with the rest of the team as one fluid unit as they entered.

Aiko did much the same, keeping low but alert for the slightest possibility of danger. The interior of the mountain, in contrast to the height of the mountain was rather narrow although still quite wide enough to probably fit six or so heavily armed Klingons abreast. She wondered what was ahead and instinctively glanced at Celes whose face, as she expected was buried in her tricorder.


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