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No Time Like the Present

Posted on Mon Sep 5th, 2022 @ 10:42pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson

Mission: Time Bandits
Location: USS Washington

Shran made his way down the corridor as carefully and stealthy as possible. Door locks had been activated but not force fields, meaning the Romulans didn't have complete control over all systems just yet. Shran needed to get to Jon quickly, and then from there they could go to engineering to begin retaking the ship. He reached Jon and Callie's quarters. He checked and saw security overrides were in place. He grabbed an emergency door lever and began to work on opening the door.

On the other side of door, Jon had armed himself and Callie with phasers when he had discovered the door locked and he had been unable to open it and his calls to the bridge went unanswered.

Callie looked at Jon as the doors slowly started to part, “Jon, it’s Shran!” She didn’t need to see Shran to know it was him, she was used to the sense she got from him. Her thoughts were more for their son Harry, who was spending the night with a friend.

Jon looked at Callie, then back at the slowly opening door. Her statement spurred him into action as he put his phaser down and got his fingers between the door and the frame to help pull it back and allow the captain to enter.

Shran looked at Jon as he entered, "Glad you are awake. It was going to be a bit awkward if I forced my way in and you were both asleep. I assume you can tell we have a situation, but perhaps I should give you some details." Shran looked around, "Where is your child?"

"Harry is with some friends." He replied, "Right Callie?"

Callie nodded. “He’s safe, but I’d like to check in on him when I get chance. What’s happening Sir?”

"The ship has been taken over by time traveling Romulans." Just saying it exasperated Shran. "I know, sounds far fetched. I was visited by a temporal agent from the 31st century who gave me some information that I will now relay to you. Basically, these Romulans are breaking something known as the Temporal Accords by coming back to this time. They plan to somehow alter history to the benefit the Romulans in some major way. Oh, and the key to all of their plans are Shon, T'Plana, and the Vulcan mystic that came aboard a few hours ago. Whatever solution we come up with, it can't include the death of any of the Vulcans." Shran had an incredulous look on his face, "Now you know more or less all I do. I plan on going down to Engineering and gaining control of the ship from there to begin with, and I will require your assistance Jon."

"Time traveling Romulans? And Shon, T'Plana are the key along with the Vulcan mystic." Jon repeated, looking at Callie to see if she could confirm what the captain was saying was indeed true. Looking back at Shran, Jon nodded, "What do you need me to do sir?"

"We will make our way down to Engineering. It will potentially require both of us to voice access controls and lock out key functions. Once we have done that we will see about retaking the bridge and incarcerating these Romulans." He looked over at Callie, "Do you want Callie to come or will she be remaining here?"

Jon's emotions warred. He wanted to keep Callie and the baby safe but on the other hand another pair of eyes and phaser could come in handy. "I'd like her to come sir, she could provide lookout for us. But i worry about her and the baby's safety. However, the final decision is hers. What do you want to do Callie?"

“I’m going with you” Callie looked between Jon and Shran, before looking just at Jon. “It’s the only way to guarantee Harry’s safety in the long run.”

Jon nodded and smiled. "Very well Callie. But stay behind the Captain and me." Jon told her.

Callie nodded. “I will, I’m not going to be the one who gets either of you injured defending me. I’ll be your watchdog, with my senses it’s easier.”

Jon returned her nod, "Very good Callie, that will be fine. You keep that pretty head of yours down."

"Alright, if you feel up to it. Hopefully we can still use the turbolifts to get to engineering. If not, we'll have to crawl through the Jeffries tubes. Engineering is on Deck 14, that would be quite a crawl." Shran thought for a moment. "I'm inclined to leave most people locked in quarters for the time being, but I think perhaps a quick detour to deck 3 might be in order to grab Deanna. I'm going to go down the corridor here and see about grabbing Logan."

Callie looked towards Jon. “It’s probably best if we stick together, though I suggest we get out of here as soon as possible and without our comm badges, they can track us via those.”

Jon nodded, "I completely agree Callie." Jon said and "Good idea about the combadges." He answered. "What do you think of just leaving them here? Romulans will think we're still here in our quarters."

“Should we wait for Shran to come back with Logan, before we go for Deanna?”

"No, we'll tag after the captain Callie, that way there's no back tracking or worrying about missing someone. Then we'll go and get Deanna." Jon answered.

Callie nodded. “Understood.”

Shran made his way down until he reached Logan's quarters which was the quarters just before the officers mess. Again he checked the door and found it locked. He began working to pry the door open. Once the door was open several inches he looked around. The quarters were dark and he assumed Logan must be asleep. He could see a chronometer from his vantage point which said it was 0415 hours. These Romulans were wise to try this when they did. And other shift and some of the senior staff would be on the bridge and chances were that others would be awake and could be anywhere aboard ship. As it was, this was the perfect opportunity to catch the senor officers asleep. Shran continued working on the door, keeping a watchful eye out for Logan in case he managed to wake her up.

Nicole was fast asleep, an alarm set to wake her at 0530. This new assignment had been difficult for her to acclimate thus far, though she had met several of the senior officers, most notably the various medical personnel. She was dreaming the dreams of peacefulness when a noise woke her.

Shran finally opened the doors and slowly entered Logan's quarters. The light from the corridor helped to illuminate the living area, but he didn't see Logan, so he trekked slowly over to her bedroom area, hoping to not catch her off guard. He stopped suddenly and looked back, seeing Jon and Callie coming towards Logan's quarters. As he turned back around he was shocked momentarily seeing Logan a mere few inches from him.

"Captain?" questioned Logan.

Jon looked between Logan and Shran. "Now that we have Logan, next stop to free Deanna?"

Shran looked at Logan, "Sorry to barge in, but we have a situation. We need to move quickly." Shran turned and headed out, looking at Jon and Callie, "Yes, down one deck. Check the turbolift and see if we can use it Jon."

Callie was keeping her senses alert for anyone approaching their location, last thing they needed was any surprises.

Jon eased down the corridor, cautiously looking left and right. Even though the crew were locked in their quarters, the chance still remained that a roving Romulan patrol might come by. Reaching the lift, Jon saw the controls were still accessible and he waved the others forward.

Shran approached with Logan and they all quickly entered the turbolift and went down one level. As the turbolift doors opened they were met by Deanna and Ayana who stood there smiling. "I should have expected as much" Shran said in a deadpan manner.

"You didn't think something like a Romulan takeover was going to keep Ayana and me on lockdown did you?"Celes questioned in a rhetorical fashion.

Ayana was straight to business, "I assume you were planning to get down to Engineering and cut them off from most systems. Deanna and I managed to use internal scanners to detect the Romulans and they have a large contingent, 40 all over, include 10 in engineering as of the scan."

"Sounds like a manageable group." Shran turned to look at Jon, "When we breach engineering, you take Logan and Callie and flank to the right, I'll take Ayana and Deanna and flank left. We'll work to retake the area as quickly as possible. Everyone just watch your fire. Most things down there don't take kindly to phaser hits."

Yes sir." Jon answered and turned to face Callie. "Callie, when you fire aim for their torso. It's the biggest part of the body and the easiest to hit and just breathe nice and slow, controlled." Giving Callie a quick lesson on markmanship.

“With all due respect Imz...Commander” Callie smiled, with Shran with them she needed to use Jon’s proper title. “I’ve brushed up on my marksmanship skills in the last few years. I’ll do my best not to miss what I’m aiming at.”

Jon smiled at Callie, "That is wonderful to know and hear Callie. Your best would be greatly appreciated here and even more if you hit what you are aiming at." Jon bantered gently.

Callie grinned and looked towards Shran. “We’re ready to get on with this when you are Captain.”

Everyone got aboard the turbolift, "Computer, Deck 12." Shran look at everyone, "Here we go. Phasers set to setting 2 medium stun."

Jon adjusted his phaser to the appropriate setting. He gave Callie a wink as the lift made its way to engineering.

Callie took a deep breath, then let it out slowly to steady to nerves as she set her phaser to medium stun as well. She just had to hope that retaking the ship would prove easy when it was by surprise.

The turbolift came to a halt and the doors opened. "Here we go" Shran said in his usual serious tone. "Ayana, take point." Ayana smiled and charged forward.

Jon turned and motioned Callie and Logan to follow him as they prepared to enter Engineering and confront the Romulans.

Callie followed on behind her husband. She wasn’t aiming to get caught by surprise, it was the Romulans who were about to get one.

Jon, Callie and Logan, moved stealthily as they wound their way through the different pieces of equipment to catch the Romulans in a cross fire with Shran and his group.


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