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Posted on Wed Jul 15th, 2020 @ 9:54pm by Commander Samantha Howard & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: The Borg Encounter
Location: Sickbay

8 hours after Dr Sam Howard had finished the operation she was back in sickbay, coffee mug in hand and feeling much refreshed. Dr Perrim had discovered her snoring softly in her office and ordered her to bed for at least 6 hours sleep, something Sam couldn't argue with. Sleep, food, coffee, shower and a fresh uniform did wonders for the body and mind.

Rising the black thermal mug to her lips she savoured the bitter taste of the coffee, letting it permeate her senses and awaken her soul. Whoever had thought to roast beans, grind them and mix then with water and milk really did need more recognition than they actually got.

Sam headed over to the main biobed where the ships XO was resting peacefully and recovering after the mammoth ordeal of being assimilated then reverted back to humanoid. His vital signs were strong and stable, giving Sam the encouragement to wake him from his enforced slumber. A quick tweak of a hypospray and the barely audible hiss of the injection was all that was needed.

Jon's eyes jerked open and he looked around panic etched on his face as he tried to determine where he was.

" Hey, just relax, you're in sickbay, you're safe" Sam smiled warmly, placing a gentle hand on Jon's shoulder to prevent any idea of getting up.

He looked up at her, his eyes focusing on her, "Howard, Samantha, CMO..." He began then caught himself, "Samantha." He said again in greeting.

Sam was careful not to let any emotion show on her features, instead running a mental checklist of all the Borg components they had removed from Jon's body - had she missed one, was there a rouge chip somewhere that was still trying to exert control over him? She raised a tricorder and ran another detailed scan.

" How are you feeling Commander? Any rouge urges to assimilate?" She quipped, trying to diffuse any tension in the room.

"I feel lousy, terrible like I've been in a fight with a dozen Klingons. I don't feel good at all." Jon answered. He didn't say anything about the nightmare of the Borg coming to reclaim him. He'd talk to Essie about that.

Sam reviewed the results of her scan with a furrowed brow as she listened to Jon's words. It wasn't unusual to be feeling pretty lousy after everything that he'd be through. The scan showed some residual inflammation and toxin levels that weren't settling as quickly as Sam would have liked.

" You've been through the wringer and back again for good measure. I'm not surprised you feel like something a Targ ate for breakfast then barfed up again." She smiled, reaching for another hypo and dialing up the appropriate setting.

" This should help with any discomfort" She started, injecting Jon in the neck before reviewing her tricorder again. " When you feel up to it - I'd like you to have a chat with Estella, I think you two will have much to discuss. Only when you're up for it though. " She smiled warmly.

Jon gave a brief nod, his eyes closed briefly then popped back open. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't! "Probably a good idea." He replied softly. Though he was grateful for Samantha's genuine concern and caring about his well being. His concern was more personal. He was worried that he was a ticking time bomb. That he would suddenly turn on the crew, reverting to a Borg and try to assimilate them all.

" I'll call her in to see you shortly, rest up in the meantime" Sam couldn't start to understand the damage to Jon's psyche after being assimilated. The body she could heal but the mind was outside her realm of expertise. She hoped Essie was up for the job.


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