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Posted on Thu Nov 16th, 2023 @ 4:39am by Commander Samantha Howard & Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson & Lieutenant Ayana Hillis

Mission: Hard Earned Peace
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Set After Jon returned from the Ape Planet


Sitting in her office, Callie sipped a drink of fruit juice as memories of Jon’s return from the surface filtered through her mind.

~ ~

With news that Jon and Ayana had been rescued from the surface Callie had quickly made her way to Sickbay to be at her husband’s side. She had no idea what sight would greet her; she had butterflies as she rushed into Sickbay.

It was soon evident where Jon was as Callie rushed over to his side trying not to get in the way of the medical staff. “Jon! Imzadi...” she stood worriedly at the head end of the biobed.

Jon turned his head at the sound of Callie's voice "Hiya Callie." He wheezed. "I'm afraid you aren't seeing me at my best."

Callie was extremely worried; she hadn’t seen Jon like this before. She gently leant in and kissed his head. “Don’t talk Imzadi, you just lie there and let Sam do what she does best.”

Jon nodded and closed his eyes briefly before looking at Callie. "Hard to talk Callie. He crushed my throat. I feel broken up inside." He explained.

Callie was trying not cry at the state of her beloved husband. “Just hold on Imzadi, I’m not going anywhere I’m right here with you.”

Jon tried to crack a smile and failed. "Hold on. Good advice Callie." He whispered as he reached a hand out to hold hers.
"Stay here." He added.

Callie took Jon’s hand and held onto it. “I’m staying that’s a promise!”

Ayana didn't look nearly as bad off as Jon, but she sat on an adjacent biobed looking distraught. The nurse was finishing some sort of treatment, which included a hypo and some dermal regeneration. As she got up to leave her eye caught Callie's and she feared the counselor might be aware of her fragile emotional state. She quickly dashed out to avoid conversation.

Sam continued to work on Jon, treating his injuries and making a note to speak to Callie about Ayana's stress responses. The poor woman had adrenaline and cortisol flooding her system, keeping her in a state of high alert. It was medically treatable but unless the root cause was addressed the hypo would only be a stop gap measure.

"Just a few more minutes and you'll be as good as new. Your voice may be a little hoarse for a few days " Sam advised as she switched out her medical tools as the recovery progressed.

Callie had seen Ayana rush off, and made a mental note to go and talk to her as soon as Jon was comfortably settled. She had every faith that Sam would have Jon as good as new in no time.

"There you go, I want you on light duties for a day or two until it fully heals but until then I see no reason to keep you here" Sam smiled at the couple.

Callie breathed a huge sigh of relief hearing that, she was going to make sure Jon followed the instructions to rest. “Thank you so much Sam!” She smiled at Jon. “Ready to go home?”

"Ready." Jon croaked as he prepared to leave Sickbay with Callie. He stopped and turned back to Sam. "Thank you Sam, for everything. You are the best."

"And you're more than welcome. Now get out of my Sickbay before I change my mind and confine you here for a week or something" she laughed as they exited. With a smile she set about cleaning up and waiting for the next patient to walk in.


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