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For All Things A Time

Posted on Tue Jun 11th, 2024 @ 8:41pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant JG Kate Kono & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: Man & Machine
Location: USS Washington

The bridge was quiet. Delta shift was manning the stations, Deanna sitting in the center of the bridge in the command station. Everything was status quo aboard the ship. The turbolift doors opened at the rear of the bridge and Kate and Phoenix exited. Deanna glanced in their direction, "Captain is waiting for you in his Ready Room."

James raised an eyebrow and looked at Kate, unsure what was going on. He had nothing more to report. Possibly new orders? Whatever the case, he'd find out shortly. He looked towards Deanna. "Aye Commander" he said before starting towards the ready room door.

Kate looked to James and shrugged her shoulders. The young officer stepped over to the ready room doors and walked through.

"If it was just me I would have thought it was about the holographic decoys," Kate mused. "But you had no part in that. I guess... Let's see what's behind door number two." Kate said as she walked through the second door that separated the bridge hall from the ready room. And just like Leroy Jenkins she went right in.

Shran and Jon stood in the room looking stern. The two young junior officers entered the room. Shran looked at Jon and then at the two ensigns as they came before them and stood at attention.

Jon was looking especially stern if not downright grim as Kate and James came into the room to stand before Shran and himself.

Kate waved at the both of them and smiled even if it felt like maybe she was just sent to the principal's office. "Hello, sirs."

Jon's stern expression didn't change. He gave a curt nod to Kate and James as they entered and stood before Shran and himself. "You're at attention Ensign. Remain quiet." He said firmly.

James stood at attention quicker than he thought he could. It must have been the holographic decoys Kate had used? That was all he could think of. Or maybe it was something entirely different. There was a slight fear in the Ensign’s eyes. He had never been reprimanded by Captain Shran or Commander Grayson before.

Kate wondered if maybe her crimes were all the dirty thoughts she had about Kyle Reece. But she kept most of that to herself. She'd only have an empath to blame if those silent personal fantasies came out. She just stood still.

Shran had remained silent. It wasn't uncommon for the stoic Andorian not to speak much. He said plenty just with his looks and demeanor. But now was a time for him to speak. "Ensigns, you have both been here for a significant amount of time now, so I suspect you are familiar with all rules and regulations. I like to believe that I treat all pf my officers the same, be they my senior officers like Cmdr Grayson, or junior officers like yourselves. DO either of you feel as if you have been treated differently?"

Jon stood watching Kate and James, to see what they had to say if anything.

"No sir," Kate said. "What's this about? I don't think neither of us can think of anything we've done wrong recently. I mean, aside from my thoughts about Kyle Reece," she instinctively bit her finger accidentally after she said that, but she caught herself and stood back at attention. Kate was truly at a loss for why either of them were there.

"Yes, your youthful outbursts and occasional indiscretions could be a reason why you are here indeed ensign" Shran said with an almost parental disappointment. "But that is not why we are here today" he said as he slowly walked behind the two ensigns.

Kate looked to James and raised a brow while shrugging her shoulders. The suspense was immense. If suspense could kill, Shran was the tree mulcher, and she was in Fargo. She just stayed still waiting for whatever it was that was on their minds to finally come out. She almost wished she did something blatantly wrong, that way she would at least know what it was all about.

... Maybe taken one of those cute homeless dogs from the planet or something. Would have been totally worth it. Kate smiled and nodded in comfort over that particular thought in order to escape from the current anxiety producing moment she was in.

Jon caught Kate looking at James and shrugging her shoulders. "Eyes front Ensign. No one told you to look at your fellow ensign. You've both done enough already."

Shran remained behind the two ensigns and looked at Jon and offered a sneaky smirk as the two senior officers continued this seemingly harsh meeting. As he continued to walk menacingly slow behind them, he continued to speak, "Let it be known that as of this day, Ensign James Phoenix and Ensign Kate Kono are hereby ordered and required to take on the rank of lieutenant, junior grade, with all responsibilities and privileges that come with such an honor." Shran looked at Jon who had been palming the pips up to this point.

Jon moved in front of Kate. "Ensign Kate Kono. It is the distinct pleasure and honor of Captain Shran dh'Klar and myself to award these pips of your new rank." He thrust out his hand "Congratulations Lieutenant Kono." His face splitting into a broad smile.

Phoenix watched Kate get pinned with her new rank out of his peripheral vision. The promotion had taken him by surprise. He didn't know what to think. To be fair, every part of him was now frozen in place, attempting to process this.

Shran watched as Jon pinned the new blacked out pip on each of the officers. "Congratulations to you both. Now, I believe the senior officers have prepared a little celebration for you both in the officer's lounge. I believe someone said something about a Ktarian chocolate puff. Enjoy, and we'll see you in the morning for your next duty shifts at your new ranks." With that he dismissed them.


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