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Blood Sport

Posted on Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 5:57pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: USS Washington

The combat with the unknown aliens remained heavy. The Washington continued to fire in a somewhat erratic pattern in hopes to at least deter the hostiles. They had destroyed several of the alien craft, but they seemed to have made little progress against the aliens. Every time they destroyed an enemy vessel, two more seemed to decloak momentarily and hit the Washington with a volley from their pulse disruptors. That was difficult enough, but they were being boarded seemingly at will, and it was like dealing with roaming Jem'Hadar that were as blade happy as Klingons. Reports were streaming in from all over the ship, but right now, Engineering was seemingly under the heaviest assault.

The Washington was holding its own, but Jon knew that if this assault continued much longer the aliens would just wear the ship down. He had sent a security detail to Engineering to shore up its defenses against the aliens. He glanced at Imik to see if she had received any more messages from Sachzny, as her help would be greatly appreciated.

A pair of the aliens materialized on the bridge, one near Jon and the other near the rear of the bridge near Imik. Both seemed to snarl as they extended their blade weapons before attacking the nearest personnel, in this case Jon and Imik. Security personnel quickly moved to assist the senior officers, but it was clear that they would have to help themselves for brief moments before that assistance would be of use.

As the Alien attacked Imik, she drew a concealed knife that she always carried. A habit she had developed when fighting the Tholians, slashing down the Alien moved quickly. Imik dodged back and to the side, then just as quick moved forward and used her knife in the side of the Alien. An armored side panel deflected her blade, but Imik's eyes had spotted a seam where two panels met. Allowing the knife to slide to the seam, she then pushed hard again. This time the blade entered both the clothing and then the alien itself.

If shock could be seen, then the reaction of being stabbed was visible in the alien. It leaped back and seemed confused that a target would attack and injure it so quickly, but its murderous instinct kicked back in. It returned to its first intention of killing its target, but Imik wasn't about to meekly die. Seeing that the aliens could be hurt, she herself attacked with her bladed weapon. Seeking gaps in the aliens' defense and exploiting them, it was slowly working. The alien broke off its own attack and retreated, stood and looked at the Ojnas then disappeared. Imik checked herself then moved to help Jon.

Jon had turned to check on Imik when he saw her defend herself and repel the alien invader. "You okay Imik?" he asked as he looked for anymore invaders on the bridge.

Turning to look at Jon, Imik simply nodded. Then with a swift flick of the wrist, turned the blade of her knife to the rear. The Ojnas officer moved slowly and carefully, checking each time for an incursion. On reaching Grayson she finally spoke, "I am unharmed, are you also unharmed?"

Imik now reached out for Sachzny, *Sister of my Mother, we are surviving for now. But require much assistance in closing the anomalies and prevent further armed inturders.* She waited for a response, but for now silence.

Jon nodded. "Yes. I am also unharmed Imik and very glad to see you are the same."


LeFaye was having enough issues keeping things functioning and the ship in one piece from the combat at dealing with the anomalies. But they were dealing with security being underfoot as well as they dealt with attacks from outside and inside. She had set up a force field around the warp core to at least keep it safe from a stray phaser shot, but that didn't mean things were safe. It was wartime conditions in engineering, and she could hear Phoenix barking orders and the phaser fire streaming all over.

The strange alien intruders were materializing on both levels of main engineering, making the already chaotic environment a real mess. Torog though seemed right at home. The yelling and screaming, the sounds of phaser fire, it was like being back home on Tellar Prime. He snorted in joint joy and derision as he worked on keeping the power to the weapons and shields uninterrupted.

Just then Phoenix was shoved through some glass as a result of one of the aliens forcing him through the window in front of a nearby console. Phoenix landed back first and groaned before the alien transported elsewhere.

He picked himself up and said to Torog and a few others who were nearby. "Sorry for dropping in..."

Torog snorted. "Try not to break the ship lieutenant. I'm a little preoccupied fixing more important things at the moment." As he finished talking one of the alien intruders materialized and thrust its blade through his chest. Torog looked down at the bloody blade protruding and grunted. He hit the controls in front of him, rerouting power from the damaged transfers to secondary, keeping shields and weapons functioning. He looked to Phoenix, "Do your job lieutenant." He snorted again, spitting up blood as the intruder pulled the blade from him.

Phoenix fired at the alien on a high stun setting above setting five. It was a direct hit to the alien who was finally struck down, but not before he was transported away. James looked at the Tellerite. "Besides the blade, are you alright?" He asked Torog before he ripped off his field medkit from his vest and began to look over the Ensign, seeing as he had a second.

Torog slumped onto the console in front of him and then slowly collapsed onto the deck. His breathing was labored, and blood was pouring out of both sides of the wound. He looked up at Phoenix and snorted. "At least you got that guy. Head on a swivel lieutenant. Doubt that was the last..."he trailed off.


Shran looked around the bridge, and seeing no standing intruders, returned to his command station. "Deanna, report on the situation."

Deanna looked hazard, so did the bridge for that matter. She checked her console before answering, "Engineering has rerouted power to shields and weapons to secondaries. We continue to be attacked by multiple hostiles from multiple vectors. The Ojnas vessel has eliminated the Romulan vessels and multiple additional hostiles, but they have taken serious damage. We need to find where these vessels are coming from."

"Imik, continue firing. Focus weapons to the Ojnas quadrant. Give them support so they can get back to their feet" Shran ordered. He looked to Jon, "Get Inara back up here. We need her to assist Deanna tracking these ships and working out a way to close these anomalies."

Sachzny manoeuvred her ship around some debris and headed for the Washington, " Calmaxus, report on our situation." Looking back over to his Captain, the Ojnas XO shook his head. "Sinkahue, we have taken damage on our starboard engine nacelle, also our starboard weapons station is showing serious damage to our phasers. Our photon torpedoes are expended, but the weapons Rathshu has located components for another 20 within cargo bay 1. He has detailed a works group to build these torpedo's, estimated time three earth hours."

Sachzny looked down and then around her bridge, damage from enemy fire and alien troop incursions was everywhere. "Send others to that work group, I want those torpedoes in two earth hours. We will have need of them, also send another work group to assess the damage on the phasers station." Calmaxus nodded and headed off to comply with his orders, other parts of the vessel showed where aliens had boarded and bodies of Ojnas taken by surprise littered the corridors. But they were winning, that much could be clearly seen.

"Captain, incursions are increasing in frequency. We need to arm everyone immediately" Deanna offered.

As she finished speaking another of the aliens decloaked directly behind her. Shran leapt from his seated position and tackled the creature, saving Deanna in the process. He began to wrestle with it and finally kicked it up into the air enough for it to be in a somewhat standing position, where he watched multiple phaser blasts hit it. Shran moved out of the way as it fell to the ground. He got up and looked around, seeing the bridge officers all looking at him. "Well done everyone" he said with a smirk.

Jon looked at the body of the fallen invader "messing with the wrong crew buddy." He snarled before he looked at Shran. "Are you alright sir? He asked.

"I'm good Jon" Shran replied as he straightened his tunic. "These intruders with this disappear and reappearing act is getting old. We need Inara up here so she can work out a solution with Deanna." He looked back at Imik, "Keep firing lieutenant. Run the phasers dry and run through the entire compliment of photons and quantum torpedoes if you have to."

Turning to Shran, Imik shook her head. "As the Ojnas vessel is alongside the Washington, to continue firing would simply place both vessels in greater danger." As she spoke another figure began to appear on the bridge, "Shinkahue, beside you."

Shran turned and pulled his phaser, assuming it was another of the intruders. It wasn't a creature decloaking though; rather, it was a creature beaming in. He recognized the pattern, an Ojnas.

A voice now spoke, "Is this the way the Federation welcomes old friends Captain Shran dh'Klar?" Sachzny now stood next to her old Commanding Officer with a wide smile on her lips, she turned to Grayson, "Jon my beloved, it delights my eyes to see you once again." Two more Ojnas now appeared and moved towards Imik, "Daughter of my sister, these are your protection against the alien invaders. Do not refuse, my sister your mother made me swear to protect you if I located you." Another smile played on Sachzy's lips, "Now Captain, I think it is time we planned how we resolve our present situation. Between both vessels I am sure we can find an answer, what say you?"

Despite the seriousness and the tension in the air, Jon's face split into a huge, brilliant smile. "SACHZNY!!!!" He shouted in happiness at seeing his dear, close friend again. He then blushed and replied in a more somber tone. "Captain, it is a distinct pleasure to see you again. You are a joy to see once again." As he struggled to refrain from rushing forward and hugging her.

A quick turn of her head and she nodded, "We will embrace soon, but before we can rejoice in our reunion, we have a duty to perform, one which will test us all I fear." Sachzny again looked at Shran, "Sinkahue, lead us. Show us the way, as you have before."

Shran holstered his phaser. "Good to see you again Sachzny. You look good, considering the circumstances. Not to worry, we'll beat these aliens. I have Deanna working on a solution, along with one of our new officers since you left, my chief science officer, Inara. She is as difficult to deal with as you were when you first came aboard, but she is brilliant when it comes with temporal mechanics. Of course, we have to deal with these alien vessels and all the intruders first. By the looks of you and your ship, I'd say you have had an equal amount of fun with them as us."


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