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Tactical Prep

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 11:43pm by Lieutenant Ayana Hillis & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: The Gambit
Location: USS Washington

The ominous meeting with the department heads had ended almost 20 minutes ago and Ayana had eagerly wanted to know what was going on. She had pieced together the fact that something had happened with the captain, likely to do with the cryptic mission he had been called away to nearly 2 weeks ago. Jon was running the ship and Deanna was agitated. This was feeling like a black op, and they were being pulled into it as she expected, blind and with little information being made available, which meant whatever this was, it was very dangerous.

She had gathered Phoenix with her to hear whatever Imik could tell them. She imagined Phoenix would be equally as interested as she was to learn anything at this point.

Imik had not returned directly to Security once the head of departments meeting had finished, she had if fact returned to her quarters and accessed her Ojnas data base. Something mentioned by Deanna had caught her attention, Iconian technology. After checking her facts, she now made her way to Security, unsure of what exactly to do next.

Did not this crew know that most of her Ojnas technology was based on Iconian technology, due to both races meeting centuries ago briefly and exchanging their knowledge. Ojnas transporter technology directly mirrored Iconian gate technology, the Ojnas no longer used it as Federation transporters had proved easier to fit to Ojnas vessels. In her hand she carried a small disc some six inches in diameter, on it four distinct areas were mark ed out. Within each area, triangular buttons were arranged in blocks of nine.

She entered Security and took a deep breath, walking over to her desk she placed the disc in front of the assembled personnel. "Our Sinkahue is missing, and I think the original technology behind this device may be the reason." She waited for questions, though to be honest she really had few answers.

Ayana looked at the device. From what she knew of both Ojnas and Iconian technologies, this device looked Ojnas, but it had similarities to Iconian. "Excuse my ignorance lieutenant, but that device appears to be Ojnas, though it has aspects of Iconian technology."

"It is Ojnas, but the basic technology is Iconian. The control layout is pure Iconian, my people found it easier to simply learn the Iconian way of usage." Imik picked up the device, "If this vessel was fitted with our old transporter devices, then I could generate a gate to transport myself. That gate would be as familiar to an Iconian as it is to an Ojnas."

She now looked at Ayana, "There are some who believe that Iconian technology will be a revelation and boost their own knowledge, and for one or two of those advances they may be right. But as one who was educated in the Iconian practices for using their technology, I can honestly say it is more trouble than you would think." Imik now turned back to the desk and placed the device back on it, "All weapons will be checked and made ready, patrols will be undertaken to ensure the integrity of this vessel and crew. Lieutenant Hillis, you and I will take on 24-hour duties turn and turn about until further notice. I wish to have a senior Security Officer on call at all times."

Ayana considered what Imik said. Iconian technology in use by the Ojnas. She considered that to be a dangerous thing, but she couldn't do anything about it. The gate technology was what concerned her more than anything else. Nobody should have access to such technology. It would leave everyone vulnerable, including those that possessed it. "Understood. Can you tell us anything about who we might be fighting against? Considering our current location, Cardassians would be my guess, but we are also close to Tzenkethi and Breen space."

Imik could feel Ayana's concern, but her instincts reminded her that Humans react badly if confronted suddenly with those very concerns. So, she would have to wait until Ayana voiced them, then and only then could she as an Ojnas possibly lay them to rest. Imik's mind returned to the question of enemies, "You are correct about the Cardassians, but the Breen will not be involved. Exchange the Breen for the Romulans, or more precisely the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order." She now looked directly at Ayana, "Does that assist you, Lieutenant?"

While waiting for Ayana to answer, Phoenix felt concerned, mostly for the captain, but for the entire crew. Very little was known about the Iconians, let alone for a young Lieutenant Junior Grade. And if the Cardassians and Tal Shiar were involved too, that meant serious trouble. Phoenix spoke up. "If I may interject, what is the potential danger to the crew at the moment? Looking for the captain and all?"

Turning to face Phoenix, Imik thought for a moment. "From the briefing I have just attended, it would appear that both those Romulan and Cardassian services had a battle against the Dominion. A certain Romulan Officer suffered defeat and capture in that battle, then when released returned to Romulus and conducted a purge. It is he and his forces at Veloz Prime that we most likely will engage with."

Phoenix turned to face both Imik and Ayana. "What are your orders?" he asked his direct superiors.

"Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar. The only thing that comes to mind is the joint venture they took in a preemptive move against the Founders. It ended badly for them, especially the Obsidian Order as I recall. Some of the details are classified, but the event is well known" Ayana replied. "Considering who we may encounter, I would guess Cmdr Grayson would want a full tactical alert. All security personnel armed and at level 1 security posts. We'll need to get to the armory and begin arming the security officers, and we'll need to make a full check of all tactical systems" she said as she turned to look at Imik, "if that meets with your approval."

James already knew to help get the junior members of the security department on alert. He was already trying to figure out the fastest way to do so in his mind. The faster they got ready, the more prepared they would be for a firefight or worse.

"You are experienced Officers and are more than capable of knowing what to do. I know I can leave this in your hands, you do not need my approval. I trust my staff, and I trust my senior Officers this is the Ojnas way of command. Please continue to do your duty and thank you." Imik had been worried about how her arrival would impact on the department, but from this response it was clear to her that the staff knew and could carry out what was required.

"Thank you, ma'am," James said to Imik before speaking to both his superiors. "After this meeting I'll start getting our people going as fast as we can get them ready."

Ayana looked to Phoenix, "I want standard phasers and tricorders to all security teams on the ship. I want a security team sent to engineering as well. Have the security beam down teams have both standard phasers and phaser rifles ready. Knowing Cmdr Grayson and Deanna, they'll both want to beam down should the opportunity present itself. I'll handle the ship weapons checks."

"Aye ma'am" Phoenix said before a question popped into his mind. "Beside the preparations, what are your orders for me for this mission?"

"I want you at the ready to transport down to the planet. I've seen you on away missions enough to know that you can handle yourself in a phaser fight" Ayana replied.

James nodded. The next few days would be quite the challenge. Nothing he couldn't handle. "How long until we reach Veloz Prime?" he asked.

"Approximately 6 hours from now, which doesn't leave us much time for prep. I want full SWAT protocols for the security officers going down Phoenix. See to it" Ayana replied. "I suppose we should get to work. Longer we talk, less time we have to get things ready."


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