I Need Your Help
Posted on Mon Dec 30th, 2024 @ 3:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD & Commander Jonathan Grayson
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
After Imik agreed to help him with the link he and Sachzny shared but reminding him he needed help in quieting his thoughts, Jon knew just the person to see and ask for help.
He headed directly for Sickbay.
Arriving in Sickbay, he asked for Shon's whereabouts and was told she was in her office. Making a beeline for her office, he slowed as he neared and could she her sitting at her desk. Knocking on the frame he asked. "Got a minute Shon?"
“Hey Jon, don’t often see you in my realm. What can I do for you?” She smiled.
Jon chuckled at Shon's statement. "No disrespect Shon but I've already spent enough time here." He stepped further into the office and sat down across from her. "Two things Shon. First is you can come by and see the twins and your namesake and the second is I need you to teach me Vulcan meditation techniques."
Her eyebrow raised, “I would love to come by and see everyone but I had wanted to give you all time to breathe and get used to the changes in your family. But meditation techniques, you have never mentioned this before.” She looked at him concern in her face. “Why?” She asked.
Jon smiled and shook his. ' You are welcome anytime Shon. No more excuses." He said good naturedly. and continued, "I haven't mentioned it before because I haven't needed them. I need to control my thoughts to use the link I share with Sachzny." He explained.
"Ah, yes, now I see, have you spoken to Callie about this?" Shon began to look concerned.
Jon shook his head, "No, I haven't not yet at least. She knows Sachzny and I share a link just as she and I share a telepathic bond." Jon answered.
"So you need to use this 'link'? Shon said. Also does Sachzny want you to link?"
Jon looked at her, "Of course she wants me to use it. She is the one who put it there." Jon replied.
Shon looked serious, "Jon this is not something to be taken lightly, it can be dangerous both to the giver and receiver but, of course I can help you. Do you meditate at all?"
"I know it is serious Shon, Imik is the one who suggested I get meditation training. She said my thoughts were organized but I was an open book."
Shon nodded, what exactly is it you want to do Jon with this knowledge?"
"I want to be able to quiet my thoughts so I can use the link properly when I contact Sachzny." Jon replied firmly.
Shon nodded, “surely I can help you with that. Have you time now, we can go to my quarters or we can do it later? It might take several sessions depending on how you manage it.
"Great." Jon replied. "Not now Shon, you're on duty and i have some other tasks to take care of. You let me know when your free and will get together."
"Sat 19.00 hours, oh and don't eat anything an hour before okay?" Shon took his hand. "I am sure we can do something."
Saturday 1900 hours and don't eat an hour before." Jon repeated crisply. "Thanks for helping Shon."
"Sure, anything for a friend Jon."
"And you are a darn good one Shon." Jon replied leaving no doubt how he felt about their friendship.
Puss snored softly on his cat tree as Shon prepared for Jon’s visit. Her quarters were filled with smells of rehaj herbs designed to mask the senses making meditation easier. Her small meditation lamp was on her Aham sheet after she had made the Vulcan supplication of gratitude to Surak. She sat crossed legged on the floor the lights low. Her own meditation had gone well, better than usual as she often found it difficult.
Jon stood outside Shon's door and took a breath, then reached up to press the door chime to alert her that he was here and ready to begin his lessons.
Shon met him at the door. "Punctual as usual Jon, come on in and sit." Shon indicated a chair and dimmed the lights.
"Thanks Shon and hiya Puss." He greeted the sehlat. Before moving to sit in the chair Shon indicated. "I need to bring Kirk over to meet Puss. he's a Maine Coon cat. So he's pretty big as well." Jon told Shon.
Shon laughed, Puss might force Kirk to become his pillow, he loves friends of the furry kind. " It felt so good to be here with Jon, such a good friend, thoughtful and kind but with the authority that sat well on him. "Seth is working late so we should not be disturbed and Shasta is out with her latest boyfriend. Sage is fast asleep. It will be an even bigger family when this little one is born." she patted her abdomen gently.
Jon chuckled at Shon's statement about Puss. "I don't know. Kirk is usually pretty easy going. I don't believe he would think too much of being a pillow." He finished. "Shon I am so happy for you and Seth! I think that is wonderful news! Do you know what the baby is?"
“It’s a Boy, I feel better about it…….because of Andrew, the little one we lost to…..” she swallowed. “Anyway Jon please sit on the floor, cross legged if you can but whatever way you feel comfortable but you will need both hands.”
Jon smiled as he got down on the floor. He thought the world of Shon. She was a dear and close friend, and he owed her so much. She had literally saved his life. So, she had a blank check on asking him anything.
“You don’t look very relaxed Jon, tell me how we can make it better?”
Jon grinned at her. "I'm relaxed Shon. I thought I was in good shape but crossing my legs is hard." He admitted.
“Okay, don’t cross your legs, the body must be relaxed, sit as comfortably as you can. Now one think I must let you know do not worry if you begin to see things, such as people who are no longer with us, places you have known. This is part of the beginning of true meditation and the collecting of thoughts. It means you are on the path.”
Puss jumped off his tree and padded over to Shon and lay down beside her. “Puss is an aid to meditation for me. Jon this is private information, years ago I was addicted to a Klingon drug and it ruined some of my ability to achieve true Kolinar so I was given Puss. His brain waves align with mine allowing me to do this. Are you ready?”
Jon relaxed and put his legs out and listened as Shon explained he might see people no longer here or places he had lived or visited. He nodded as she finished. He smiled as Puss came to lie next to Shon. "I appreciate you telling me Shon and you know I won't betray your confidence. What you just told me won't go any farther than these walls."
She nodded "Thank you Jon.This can get quite intimate. Now in the darkness look towards the small lamp in the middle of the floor. I want you to breathe deeply and slowly in and out, in and out all the time looking for the lamp in the darkness." She began to speak softer and slower. "use your mind to look for the light, when you see the light keep your eyes on it, think of nothing else but the flame. Do not worry if your thoughts stray just bring them back to the flame." Puss began to purr loud and rhythmically.
Jon focused on Shon's words and began to do what she had instructed. He slowed his breathing and began taking deeper breaths. His eyes sought out the lamp in the darkness and fixed on that. he was vaguely aware that Puss had come to lie down next to Shon.
Shon began quietly to speak. “Concentrate on the flame, the shape, the size and depth. Remember the way it flutters and sparks. Then try to find a pattern in the flame.”
Jon kept his eyes on the flame and its shifting shapes. His watched as the flame grew, then shrunk followed by a wide flame then a narrow one. he didn't speak as he concentrated on the flame, but he nodded not knowing if Shon could see the nod. in the darkness.
The fragrance of the herbs began to thicken designed to focus the mind. “Once you find the pattern in the flame and, it may take some time try to focus your mind to control the flame to the pattern you saw. Do’t worry if you cannot, it will come Jon.”
Jon didn't even nod. he was to busy concentrating on the flame, in figuring out its pattern and now trying to control the flame which was proving quite difficult to master.
Shon could feel his sense of frustration building and she nodded at Puss. Puss stretched and moved next to Jon’s side pushing his warm body into his. His purring grew louder and began to enter Jon’s body attempting to resonate with his breathing.
Jon felt rather than saw Puss move to lie next to him. The sehlat's body close to his as Jon continued to try and manipulate the flame.
“Jon,” Shon whispered. There is something else I can do to help you but it is very personal. It is called the K’asu. It involves me trying to strengthen your mind with mine. It is very intimate you will be able to better order your thoughts. Because I am only half Vulcan it is not really a meld but it might give you a Vulcan take on ordered thoughts?”
Jon heard Shon's offer, but he shook his head, "No." he whispered. "Not yet. I'm going to do this." He answered stubbornly, his eyes still on the flame trying to manipulate it even as Puss lay next to him.
"I understand Jon, breathe deep, let the herbs infuse you but do not fight or it will not happen. Order your thoughts and make the flam do what you want it to do?"
Jon did as Shon instructed and felt the herbs flowing through his lungs and into his arms legs, his whole body. he ordered his thoughts and again concentrated on the flame, wanting it to bend to the left and suddenly it did! He was so excited his concentration slipped.
Shon smiled, she felt his excitement. “Keep trying Jon, now you have done it once you may find it easier but there is no quick fix for this.”
Jon did as Shon instructed and quickly reestablished his concentration on the flame. Focusing on it, he tried to get the flame to bend to the right, For several, long seconds nothing happened then the flame bent to the right.
"Good, very good" Shon said softly. "Now, close your eyes, breathe deeply and try again this time try to hold the image Jon."
Jon closed his eyes, took several deep breaths as he sought to hold the image of the flame. It was harder but he continued to concentrate and maintain his breathing and slowly the image formed and stayed as he wanted.
Puss left Jon and returned to Shon's side to help her. "Now Jon, it is time to try to order your thoughts. Try not to let them rush in all at once, but if they do don't panic. Think of them as part of the flame, necessary but contained within the flame. Pick out each thought and let it flow out of the flame until the thought you need is left. This part is hard and it is something you might have to practice. you CAN do this Jon."
Jon concentrated even harder than before as he struggled to do what Shon had told him. He had his thoughts ordered (or so he thought) but getting them to flow into the flame one by one was proving harder than he imagined.
"Jon I am going to help you, this is not a meld it is entirely one way. I am going to give you something that will help." Shon sat on the floor beside Jon, this would be difficult for her she knew but if she could help her friend she would. she put her palms on either side of his head, "my mind to your mind, no thoughts to either."
She shook for a moment then she felt her order infuse Jon's mind. She let go and fell back, to go any further would be a full meld, something she had never done before and would not do so.
she remained half conscious behind him, her hand touching his back. Puss, concerned came to her his body touching hers as she slowly recovered.
Jon gave a soft gasp as Shon infused her order into his mind. Suddenly everything was so much easier to understand and do. His mind was ordered at peace. He looked at the flame and thought of how he wanted and he did it! He was elated but he knew he still had a long way to go.
Shon sat quietly now, exhausted. She watched as Jon continued to begin to create order. She knew she would probably have to stop him as if he continued he would become frustrated. It was something he could now practice in his quarters, or, if he preferred she would be happy to see him again. "Jon" she spoke clearly but softly. "Jon you need to stop soon."
Jon heard Shon's voice telling him he needed to stop soon. He continued to look at the flame, "Uh huh." He mumbled as his attention was on mastering the flame though he knew Shon was right.
Shon pitched her voice a little louder, Jon this is not play, to much can damage your amygdala, permanently, you must stop."
She imagined telling the Captain and Callie that his first Officer and husband could no longer continue in those two roles.
That got Jon's attention, and he turned away from the flame so he could look at Shon. "Message received and understood Shon. I've stopped."
Shon leant forward, whispered the Vulcan prayer for peace of the mind and blew the flame out. Her quarters returned to normal as she asked for the lights, stood and stretched. “I am going to have some tea, can I get you anything Jon?” She asked.
Jon leaned back, his eyes closed as he breathed deeply and then opened them. "No, no thank you Shon. I'm fine thank you for asking." As he continued to sit there and take in all that had occurred.
Shon stood exhausted. "Red leaf tea, hot." she asked and took the cup from the replicator tray. Sitting down she sipped the hot liquid gratefully. "well Jon," she asked. Do you think you could try this every day?"
Jon gave a happy but tired smile. "I think so Shon. It is a lot to get used to but I am up to the challenge. I thank you for taking the time to show me all that is involved and get me started in the right direction."
She nodded and walked over to a cupboard carved with curious shapes. She genuflected and reached inside bringing out a small brown lamp carved with the same sigils, she filled it with oil and taking a fine linen scarf she wrapped it. Then she took some herbs and tied them with a ribbon. "These are for you Jon, you must practice for a timed hour every day. You must be alone when you do. If you need puss let me know." Shon placed them in a leather bag with the same Vulcan sigils. She handed the bag to him and dropped to the floor unconscious. Puss ran to her and began mewling.
Jon was beside her in an instant. "Shon! Shon?" He said trying to rouse her even as Puss laid beside her. "Shon!" He tried again. He tapped her face gently "Come on Shon, wake up." He urged his friend. If she didn't wake up soon, he was calling Sickbay and having Shon transported there or calling them to come here.
Shon could hear him from a long way off calling her as she walked beside the calming stream in the Soimi district of Vulcania. “Do you think you need to go back Shoniara?” T’ghrek asked. “I suppose so, although I feel better when I am with you my brother.” He took his hand from hers, “remember my sister I am always just a call away.”
“Wake up, Shon, Shon!”
“I’m here Jon, I’m okay, just tired. May I have a drink of water please?” She asked as she sat up.
"Sure thing." Jon breathed a sigh of relief as he got to his feet and went to get Shon a glass of water. He returned seconds later. "Here you go, Shon. You sure you are okay?"
Shon smiled, “Yes, thank you for your concern Jon. I have been having some other episodes like this, I put it down to the new baby, it’s only just been a year since Sage was born. Seems I got caught immediately after.” She laughed. “For goodness sake Jon don’t tell Seth, he will have me resting with my feet up for the next eight months.” She drank the water gratefully.
"I don't know Shon. Seems like Seth should know. Are you sure you are alright?" He asked as he looked at her trying to determine if she really was alright.
Shon sighed, "Can I trust you Jon...if I tell you not to say anything to anyone, not Callie, Sam or Seth. You see I need a friend?"
Jon sighed, "Shon, I am your friend and you know you can trust me. I just don't want to lose you as a friend." He paused, "If you don't want me to tell anyone I won't."
“I found out yesterday I will not be able to have any more children after this next baby which, thank Surak is going to be a boy, but I fear Seth wants a whole brood. I don’t know what to do, what would you advise?”
"I think you may be misjudging or misreading Seth on the number of children he wants. I would tell him. He deserves to know. However, how and where you tell him is totally up to you Shon."
“You’re probably right Jon. I will tell him it’s just to pick the right time. So, I want you to practice every evening. Try not to panic, it will come and once you can control the flame you will be able to rider your thoughts. say we meet back here in one week or before if you need it?”
Jon smiled. happy that Shon would speak to Seth. "You saying you will speak to Seth is good enough for me." He nodded at her instructions. "Will do Shon. I'll practice every evening and if all goes well I will see you in one week."
Shon bent forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Tell Callie that I'll visit you guys soon. good luck, go slow but steady."
Jon gave Shon a hug and a return kiss on her cheek. "I will do that. She will be so happy and excited to see and have you over Shon. Thank you for all your help. I could not have done this without you. I will see you in a week."
"Goodnight Jon," she watched him walk away down the corridor and as she returned inside she felt Puss wrapping himself around her legs.