The Pleasure of Duty
Posted on Sat Dec 28th, 2024 @ 6:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Lieutenant Aidan O'Connor
Location: USS Washington
Deanna had enjoyed her time with her family during these last several days, though she would never admit it to her mother. Her mother and sister were still aboard the ship, but Deanna had duties to perform. Shran was on Earth with his family, and Jon was currently on leave as well, making her ranking officer. She had made her way to the bridge and was keeping tabs on the repairs and upgrades. The ship was on a near skeleton crew for a few more days, though the station had multiple teams aboard. If the Washington had anything in abundance right now, it was security personnel, as Shran always made sure security was abundant on the ship during any layover.
She walked back to the rear of the bridge to one of the science stations, and hitting a few of the controls, she furrowed her brow in frustration. "Ayana, why are the lateral sensors offline?"
Ayana walked over. "The engineering team had reported that the lateral sensors would be back online by 1100."
"Well, as you can see, the lateral sensors are offline" Deanna replied, frustrated.
"Perhaps I may be of assistance" a voice said coming from the direction of the turbolift. "I assume you are Cmdr Celes. I'm Lt Aidan O'Connor, reporting for duty." Aidan handed her a PaDD as he offered a smile at the two female officers.
Deanna looked over the orders. "About time Command sends us some new engineers. Well lieutenant, the captain and XO are both on leave for another few days. I'm sure both will want to meet with you once they return to duty. Looks like you are here to take over Engineering for us. Captain will be happy about that. As you can see, McKinley Station has made a mess of things here currently. You can start by getting the lateral sensors back online and then get everything else back on schedule. I want things back in order by the time the captain returns to the ship. Lt Antoinette is the ranking engineering officer right now. Check with her and get things situated."
"Aye commander. I'll get you your ship back up to full efficiency in no time" Aidan replied, continuing to use body language to flirt, as he tended to do.
"Dismissed lieutenant."
Aidan nodded and slowly exited. Deanna looked over at Ayana, "Just what we need, a flirty engineer. And you should know better Ayana."
"Don't act like you didn't see how gorgeous he was. You aren't the ice queen you pretend to be Deanna" Ayana replied.
Deanna blushed. "Just be thankful you aren't a telepath. He has all sorts of thoughts."
"Deanna" Ayana said in a faux state of shock as she hugged her friend from the side and giggled. "I may have to find a reason to go see him latter."
"As long as you aren't on duty" Deanna said playfully.
"Aye commander" she teased.
"He was attractive though, wasn't he" Deanna said sheepishly.
"I knew it" Ayana said as she giggled with her friend once again.
Aidan was making his way to Engineering on the turbolift when the lift stopped. The doors opened and a young and attractive woman in civilian clothes entered, smiling at him. "Lieutenant" she said as she entered.
"I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage" Aidan said.
"You were just talking with my sister. I'm Draghixa Celes. And you are..."
"At a significant disadvantage" he joked. "Aidan. Lt Aidan O'Connor. So, you are the commander's sister. Are you in StarFleet as well?"
"No, just visiting my sister. She doesn't come home much to see us, probably because of our mother" Draghixa responded.
"Where is home?" Aidan questioned.
Aidan blushed for a moment. "Betazed...which would make you a Betazoid."
"That's right lieutenant" she said with a sly grin. "Oh, such thoughts lieutenant. You are one of those infamous human ladies' men, aren't you? And such thoughts about my sister and her friend" Draghixa said as she giggled. "Not to worry, I won't hold it against you."
"I appreciate that" he stammered. It was a rare thing for him to be caught in such a situation. He desperately wanted to get to Engineering at this moment. "If you are looking for your sister, I left her on the bridge. She seemed...stressed."
"Deanna always seems stressed when our mother is around" Draghixa replied.
"Noted" Aidan replied. The turbolift reached his destination and the doors opened. "Nice meeting you." He exited the turbolift and quickly made his way to Engineering. This had certainly been an interesting initial hour aboard his new ship.