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The Ojnas Challenge

Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 8:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: Training Cruise
Location: USS Washington

Deanna watched intently as the cadets were now working to follow her instructions. The red alert klaxon had sounded, the bridge was now bathed in a darker tone as the red lights emphasized the seriousness of the situation.

"The distortion field is a ruse of some sort" Cadet Kuzma stated from Ops. "It is designed to pull our attention."

"I am reading a holographic signature coming from one of the freighters. I believe it is attempting to conceal its true identity. I do not recognize the holographic signature though" Cadet Krim said from Tactical.

"Shall I alter course?" questioned Cadet Farek.

Deanna was impressed at the cadet's quick reactions to her basic orders and clues.

Cadet Belor interrupted before Deanna to give an order. "Commander, I believe I have seen this sort of holographic signature before. It is similar to Iconian in nature with only a slight differing variable.

Deanna kept quiet to the fact that she was impressed at such quick analysis. Most science or operations officers would not be able to denote the Iconian aspects of Ojnas technology. The cadets were to this point standing up to scrutiny. "Helm, drop us out of warp. Keep us on course to Andoria, one quarter impulse, Be ready for evasive. Tactical, be ready for combat. Ops, continue full scans, call out all information."

James moved to an auxiliary console next to Krim. His primary goal was to show that in combat, he had to trust his fellow officers, even if they were under a test. He still kept an eye on the cadet and most of what he was doing at the console was monitoring additional tactical systems.

Jon continued to keep a watchful eye on all bridge functions. So far, so good but the real test was yet to come.

"Unidentified vessel is definitely using a holographic generator to disguise itself" Cadet Kuzma said from Ops. "Currently approaching us at full impulse, range 500,000,000 kilometers."

"I have located a match to this technology profile in the computer" Cadet Belor stated emphatically. "It is a secretive race known as the Ojnas. They are apparently allies to the Federation. I believe Lt Imik is a member of this race."

Deanna was surprised the cadets were able to piece together things so quickly. She needed to get things under control before they ruined what was to be a perfectly good training operation. "Very good. Let's make ready for a fight then, shall we? Helm, evasive pattern Gamma 2." She glanced back towards where Jon was standing in the corner and gave him a look.

Jon met Deanna's look and gave a subtle nod in affirmation. it was time to begin this 'exercise' in earnest.

The ship rocked as it was hit by phaser fire. "Evasive pattern Theta 2" Deanna ordered. "Tactical, return fire, full phasers." The Washington fired a full phaser barrage as it made a full impulse turn, putting it quickly on the starboard aft dorsal of the Ojnas ship. The phaser fire pounded the Ojnas ship, doing damage to it and knocking out its holographic emitters.

Jon watched with a calm, practiced eyes as the Washington was hit by phasers. He listened to Deanna call out her evasive maneuvers. he saw the bridge officer react instantly and carry out their orders. His eyes then went to the cadets. How were they reacting by their being attacked?

As the Federation vessel attacked, Imik's cadets looked for the chance to attack. That chance came as for some reason the Washington hit 22162 on her starboard aft, as the Washington past the Ojnas ship she showed her unprotected underside which despite being shielded was just what the Ojnas needed. "Target the keel of the enemy vessel, target close to the deflector as the shield is thinner at that point."

Imik visually scanned the bridge as the cadets reacted to the ongoing situation, her away team now reported that they had found the Andorian Captain's location. "I understand and we will inform you of when you can beam across and capture your target." Imik listened as the First Officer gave a report to the team, Shran wasn't so careless as to be readily identified. "Shinkahue to away team, realign your scan and allow for the Doppler effect of the Federation shield." Her number one responded, "The target is in fact two decks above the original location, I will adjust the beam in point."

Shran exited his quarters and made his way to the turbolift. He entered and requested to go to holodeck 1. Upon reaching the destination he exited the turbolift, walked down the corridor, and entered the holodeck after setting up a certain program he designed specifically for the situation they were in. Now he waited to see if the Ojnas would get as far as to where he was.

On the bridge, Deanna was continuing with the battle drill. The cadets were performing tasks admirably. The ship was holding up well despite Deanna leaving openings for the Ojnas. But she wasn't going to make things completely easy. "Full security alert. Security to alpha positions, and ready security to repel potential boarders. Tactical, continue phaser assault. Target enemy weapons and secondary power replays. Helm, evasive pattern alpha 2."

The cadets all continued to work, showing no signs of being flustered by the goings on. They certainly looked every bit as elite as they had been billed.

James watched Cadet Krim perform admirably. He saw no reason to interject for the moment. He looked at the auxiliary readouts. "Security is in position Commander" he reported while observing.

22162 now slipped further under the Washington, and let fly a full blast on the keel of the Federation vessel. "Sinkahue, the Federation vessel's shield is showing gaps within it." Imik moved over to the sensor panel and checked the readings, she slowly nodded. "Beware the gilded cage, and while we have a ready entry point I tell you it is a trap. Take a shuttle to the rear of the Federation vessel and enter there, do not and I repeat do not beam over." Her number one had taken the away team and forced entry to the shuttle bay of the Washington, it then spread out and made their way towards the target.

"Very good Mr. Phoenix. Please be prepared. I suspect we may have visitors soon." Jon replied as he drew his phaser.

"Aye sir" Phoenix followed suit with his own phaser before advising the security officers.

"We have intruders, deck 18" Krim reported.

"Cadet Sitak, lead the security teams to intercept our guests. Cadet Krim, remain at tactical. Mr Phoenix, handle the security fields to hold and slow the intruders" Deanna ordered. "Locate whatever craft they used to come aboard. Check near the rear of the ship, between the pylons."

"On my way" cadet Sitak replied and headed to the turbolift.

"I have it" Cadet Kuzma stated. "Activating a tractor beam and pushing it outside our shield perimeter."

"Very good cadet" Deanna replied as the ship shook once again as it was hit by the larger Ojnas vessel. "Anyone aboard that shuttle?"

"Detecting a single lifeform, believe it to be Ojnas" Kuzma replied.

"Lock on to the lifeform, transport it directly to the brig. I want security in place to keep an eye on the prisoner" Deanna ordered.

"Security in place at the brig" Krim answered.

"Transporting" Kuzma stated. "One prisoner in the brig."

"Excellent" Deanna stated. "Now let's stop the rest of these intruders and deal with this attacking ship. Farek, bring us about, put that ship square in our sights. Krim, begin a constant phaser barrage."

The Washington began firing in a constant fashion, the phaser fire a bit erratic but it began hitting the Ojnas vessel all over, not only damaging its shields, but causing damage to every system as the firing pattern was no longer targeting specific areas. The Washington was quickly free of the enemy being behind and below and was now directly in front of them. "Krim, hold fire. Hail them."

"Hailing frequencies open" Kuzma stated.

"Ojnas vessel, you will cease combat operations, or I will reengage with you" Deanna stated. "We have captured your shuttle pilot and will have the rest of your boarding party in custody momentarily. Your attempt to achieve your objective has failed."

Jon watched as Deanna, James and the rest of the bridge crew along with the cadets performed brilliantly in carrying out their duties. he was very impressed with the cadets. he knew Deanna and James would be solid and perform superbly and they didn't disappoint him.

Imik's image now appeared on screen, "Federation vessel, to what objective do you refer? As for re-engagement, I suggest that would simply not be a wise option. Our away team had more than one simple task, and they are not so easy to detect. Several systems on your vessel have been compromised, this will lead to a cascade failure if not corrected ." She now looked directly at Jon, "Check your sensors, this vessel is not as damaged as you have been lead to believe. Remember Federation, we Ojnas have had three thousand of your Earth years to perfect our battle strategy."

Jon moved to a nearby console and ran a scan. "Some systems show signs of being tampered with. I'm locking out those systems and rerouting." He looked at Imik. "I believe you will find the Federation are quick studies and well adapted at the art of subterfuge Captain." He said using Imik's temporary rank.

Deanna offered only a determined look as she looked at Imik on the viewscreen. "I salute you and your crew, and the strong tactical stance you have taken. I fully admit, some of your actions have made things difficult, especially for the medical staff. But you should know better than most that your people have little chance of completing the task of capturing the captain. As the commander has noted, we are quick studies and adapt to situations just as quickly as the Borg. I leave it to you, do you yield, or shall we return to combat?"

"Commander, engineering reports all damage contained and systems back to full" Cadet Kuzma reported from Ops.

Deanna offered a slight grin. "You see Imik, we work quickly."

Jon smiled slightly as Deanna spoke to Imik. He waited to hear what her reply and decision would be.



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