Final Conflict
Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 8:50pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix
Training Cruise
Location: USS Washington
While the Washington remained in a standoff with the Ojnas vessel, the two temporary captain's staring at each other across viewscreens, the Ojnas boarding party was still making its way through the ship. While the security fields Phoenix was implementing were slowing them, they were still moving through the ship.
Cadet Krim was tracking them and relaying information to Sitak. =^= They are headed to Deck 4. I believe they are trying to reach the captain. He is in holodeck 1. =^=
=^= Understood. We are arriving on Deck 4. I will deploy security accordingly. =^= Sitak replied.
"I've also got security fields deployed throughout Deck 4, including the corridors around the holodeck" Phoenix called out.
The moment of truth was fast approaching. Sitak had three 2-man teams roving the deck while she had herself and five other security officers in position around the holodeck to halt and capture these intruders. They had been told to not inform the captain, which she felt was strange, but she was willing to to follow the order. She had found that humans and a few other species tended to give orders at times that didn't follow logic, and this was obviously one of them.
Sitak was contacted by one of her roving teams that they had made contact with the intruders, as they had been stopped for the time by one of the security fields. The comm channel went dead 5 minutes later and a second group reported in that both officers were down, requesting medical assistance. Based on the reported position, Sitak estimated that they would be rounding the corner in less than a minute. She was correct, and 38 seconds later the sound of a phaser rang out, followed by a small explosion, which she expected meant that they had blown out the security field emitters, and 5 seconds later they rounded the corner and were in sight.
While it wasn't her preference, Sitak followed protocol to the letter in this situation. "Put your weapons down or we will fire upon you" she stated firmly in that emotionless Vulcan manner. She saw they had 5, so one of them had been disabled by the roving party. She tapped her comm badge three times to signal the other roving parties to converge, which would place the Ojnas group in quite the pincer in a few minutes.
The Ojnas were not about to surrender, obviously believing they could fight under the circumstances. They opened fire, causing the StarFleet personnel to take cover momentarily before firing back. It was like seeing the ancient Earth battle of the O.K. Corral play out, except Sitak and her team were most definitely not Wyatt Earp's group.
Two of Sitak's team fell quickly, but Sitak quickly managed to drop one of the Ojnas. They were being pushed back though, until the roving teams arrived from behind and began firing on the Ojnas. The crossfire was heavy and both sides began to take hits, disabling fighters. Sitak though was finally placed in a difficult situation, being the last standing StarFleet security officer against 3 of the Ojnas. She was pinned down as they kept up their fire as they moved towards the holodeck doors.
As the Ojnas reached the doors to the holodeck they opened, and Sitak feared the worst. Suddenly phaser fire rang out and dropped two of the remaining Ojnas, leaving only the Ojnas leader. Two humans appeared at the doorway, one of them looking particularly stout, and he knocked the weapon from the hand of the Ojnas. "Surrender now fool" he stated emphatically.
The Ojnas was undeterred and struck the human, who didn't flinch or move from the strike, and then he returned the hit, which buckled the Ojnas, and then he grappled him and tossed him across the corridor and against the wall, as they watched him fall to the ground like a piece of limp pasta. The stout human stood menacingly over the body of the Ojnas as the other with him walked out and looked around and was then followed out by two others and Shran. Sitak looked at the men and tried to comprehend why they were in an uniform color she rarely saw, purple. The oldest of the quartet looked at the carnage and then just offered up a smile as he looked back at Shran and stated in a confident yet jovial tone, "I love it when a plan comes together."
Shran looked around and then spoke to the the team leader, "Well done commander. I want to bring this one with us to the bridge." He then looked over at Sitak, "You did well cadet. Hope you don't mind me having an ace in the hole, to use a human idiom. Collect the rest of the intruders and escort them to the brig.
"Yes sir" Sitak responded confidently, still trying to piece together exactly what had just happened.
A few minutes later the doors to the turbolift opened on the bridge and Shran walked out, followed by the heavy hitters and the Ojnas team leader. Shran gave a wry grin to Jon as he made his way down towards him command position and then offered the same to Deanna. He looked at the viewscreen, "You team performed excellent, and I give them high marks, especially your team that attempted to capture me. They are a credit to your species. It took everything our cadets had to stop them, and a surprise of my own as well. This little war game is concluded. Stand down, evaluate your crew, and I'll see you in 2 days when we make our way back to Earth from Andoria I'll have your people returned to you shortly."
Jon smiled and nodded at Shran and his surprise team. It was a classic, unexpected move and proved to be the difference between winning and losing.
Looking at her squad leader Imik shook her head, "Failure was not an option, I instructed you to use stealth when approaching the Federation Sinkahue. We shall have words whence you return, think on until then." She now shifted her eye's to Shran, "If my instructions have been followed this would have ended differently, but I would suggest the nacelles be checked quickly. Two charges should have been set to disable your maneuverability, as the exercise is over, they should be dis-armed." Her attention now turned to Jon and Deanna, "You protect your vessel well and diligently, blessings on your houses and the vessel you serve, but the next time we meet in this fashion we shall prevail."
Imik now returned her gaze to Shran, "Permission to retire and conduct repairs on our vessel, then return to our normal duties Captain." She used the Federation rank to signal her acceptance of the result, but to say she was not a happy Ojnas would be an understatement.
"Very well. We'll see you in two days" Shran replied as the viewscreen closed the channel and returned to the image the Ojnas vessel sitting in space before them.
Jon knew that tone as well as that look Imik now wore. She was not a happy camper not by a longshot. She had her pride after all, and it had been hurt.
Shran looked over to Deanna, "Handled things well. Keep the cadets on duty, I want them to complete the current duty shift and then work the alpha shift as well. Jon and I will be back at 0800 as per normal. The bridge is yours." He then looked back in the tactical area, "Phoenix, handle the transfer of the Ojnas, and have cadet Sitak on to assist. She handled herself admirably."
Shran headed back up towards the turbolift, the new team of operatives with him, and took Jon with him as they entered the turbolift. "The cadets performed well, as did the rest of the crew. I'm afraid you'll need to smooth things over with Imik. I know she won't take this outcome lightly. Ojnas are prideful, and with good reason." As the door to the turbolift closed he set the destination for everyone to get to quarters for the evening. Looking to his XO he continued, "Jon, I want to introduce you to Cmdr. Smith, the team leader for our new SEOJ unit. They'll be based here for the foreseeable future. I'd like Wyatt and Vi to work with them directly. And I am sorry of not informing you about them until now. I wanted to keep it quiet they were coming aboard so that Imik wouldn't prepare for them."
Cmdr Smith offered his hand to Jon. "Commander, pleasure to meet you. Looking forward to serving with you."
"Yes sir. I'll handle things with Imik and you are correct she won't be happy over this." Jon replied. Jon turned to Smith and shook the offered hand. "A pleasure Commander Smith, you and your team are to be commended for your fine work." To Shran he said, "I'll inform Wyatt and Vi of Commander Smith and his ream and to work directly with them."
Meanwhile on 22162 its command staff were having a meeting, with her first officer still on the Washington Imik and her Second Officer with the Tactical Officer sat down in the meeting room. "Dalsus, as Tactical Officer did you note any increase in numbers aboard the Federation vessel?" The Ojnas Tactical Officer looked straight at Imik, "Sinkahue, the last scans taken of the Federation vessel showed no increase, but it did show unusual shielding in the area of the holodeck." Imik placed her hands on the table, "Unusual shielding. And you did not think to inform either myself or the away team?" She now stood up, "The Federation does not play by the rules, that is why other species do not take them lightly. Now you all know why we the Ojnas should not take them lightly."
Sillica the Second Officer now spoke, "This was your exercise Sinkahue, you supplied all relevant information about crew numbers and what relevance within the structure of the Federation crew the away team would encounter. Why then did you not know of this team the Federation Sinkahue used?" Imik turned to Sillica, "I had no knowledge of that team, they were not listed on the crew roster. Nor had the Federation Captain informed me that they would deploy this mystery team, something I will be raising with him when we debrief in two day's time. Prepare to stand our cadets down, I want them to feel no shame in their actions. I was at fault, and as such I will receive the displeasure of the council alone."
Back on the Washington, James had sent a message to the brig that him and Sitak were on their way. Obviously, the Ojnas aboard the ship weren't actually in any trouble, but he wanted to show the cadet the procedures of a 'prisoner transfer.'
He turned to the Vulcan cadet as he left his station. "Cadet, with me. Please take the Ojnas officer here on the bridge with you. We're going to make a stop in the brig to collect the rest of the intruders, before reporting to the transporter room."
"Understood" Sitak replied.
By Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun on Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 10:13pm
Sneaky little Andorian, the Ojnas will not forget this. Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.