Welcome to the USS Washington-E!

Welcome to the USS Washington-E, a post-Dominion War sim. The year is 2386. The Dominion War has been over for several years, but its aftermath is still unfolding. The Federation and the Romulans are the only two major powers, and only the Federation is stable, to a point. The Klingon Empire is still rebuilding and addressing its many wounds from the war, Cardassia is in shambles and occupied, and the Romulans are in far worse shape because of their own misdeeds than they would have outsiders believe. The Federation is now the lone superpower in the Quadrant, a role it neither wants nor enjoys. Exploration has returned, but the dangers of space have never been more pronounced. Welcome to the USS Washington, where danger and adventure lurk around every corner.

2021 WarGames Competition:
Excellent Star Trek

2022 Simulation Cup:
Excellent Star Trek

The USS Washington is a proud member of Independence Fleet

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Latest News Items

» September Awards

Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 9:27pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar in General News

Hardly seems possible, but here we are with another month passed. September was a good month for us, with everyone having at least 1 post, and most having quite a few more. We finished one mission and jumped into a new one that is building into something exciting. So here we are for the awards once again. Below are the monthly awards. I will note, I have written in 2 people for the MVP because both are deserving, but after discussing it with the XO, our good Dr. Howard will be our representative for the category at the Fleet level. Congrats to the winners, and good luck.

Best Solo Post: Lt jg Kate Kono "Digital Deep Dive" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/797

Best Group Post: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr Samantha Howard "Spy Games" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/792

Funniest Post: Lt Inara Senn & Capt Shran dh'Klar "The Time Gestapo" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/790

Genesis: Capt Shran dh'Klar & Cmdr Jonathan Grayson "Shadow Games" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/789

Most Posts: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson; 7

Recruitment: N/A

Rookie: N/A

Most Improved: Lt jg Kate Kono - Returning from her short hiatus, our Intel Officer returned and has made a splash with her usual brand of humor.

MVP: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr Samantha Howard - Veteran players playing big as usual.

» August Fleet Awards

Posted on Wed Sep 25th, 2024 @ 10:22am by Captain Shran dh'Klar in General News

The link to the August Fleet Awards is below. Congrats to our winners.


» August Awards

Posted on Fri Sep 6th, 2024 @ 4:53pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar in General News

Greetings all. Hard to believe that we are already in September. Below you will find the August awards. I congratulate everyone who won, and look forward to seeing what people come up with this month for the next set of awards.

Best Post (solo): Lt Imik S'Niohun "By My Command" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/780

Best Post (group): Cmdr Jonathan Grayson, Lt Imik S'Niohun, Lt Inara Senn, & Capt Shran dh'Klar "Time Asunder Pt. 1" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/781

Funniest Post: Lt Inara Senn & Capt Shran dh'Klar "Reunion" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/784

Genesis: N/A

Most Posts:Lt Imik S'Niohun; 5

Recruitment: N/A

Rookie: N/A

Most Improved: Lt Inara Senn - Our Chief Science Officer continues to post well, tightening up her work and working more with other players.

MVP: Lt Imik S'Niohun - Our Chief Tactical/Security Officer was fairly prolific in her writing, driving story and creating great opportunities for others.

» July Fleet Awards

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 3:49pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar in General News

Below is the link to the July Fleet Awards. Congrats to our winners!


» July Awards

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 9:46pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar in General News

July has come and gone, and it was a good month for the ship. Everyone participated, most had at least 3 posts for the month. It made for some good reading and increased the difficulty for determining the awards. I hope everyone participates as much in August. Below you will find the month awards. I wish to offer congratulations to the winners and wish you luck representing us at the fleet level.

Best Post (solo): Lt jg James Phoenix "Forget Me Not" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/766

Best Post (group): Cmdr Jonathan Grayson & Lt Imik S'Niohun "Temporal Dysphoria" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/767

Funniest Post: Lt Inara Senn & Capt Shran dh'Klar "The Gods Are Mad" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/757

Genesis: N/A

Most Posts: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson; 9

Rookie: N/A

Recruitment: N/A

Most Improved: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson - The XO has returned in full force and really showed how versatile he can be.

MVP: Lt Inara Senn - The science officer has had a lot of fun this mission with the various scientific aspects, making the mission really feel like a deeply technical Trek episode.

Latest Mission Posts

» Shadows & Legends

Mission: The Gambit
Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 9:30am by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant Inara Senn & Lieutenant JG Kate Kono & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Inara's surprise materialized and moments later exploded. Phoenix and his three-person team materialized after the explosion, followed quickly by the rest of the away team. Deanna took in the area and then pulled out her tricorder and began to scan the area. "Nobody around but can't scan into the ruins.…

» A Gift for Callie {Backpost}

Mission: The Gambit
Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 6:20am by Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Jon was putting the finishing touches on what he hoped was going to be a very romantic dinner for Callie and himself. He had candles on the dining room table, some vintage red wine cooling and dinner almost done. harry was spending the night at a friends. This night was…

» Into the Fire

Mission: The Gambit
Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 9:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant Inara Senn & Lieutenant JG Kate Kono & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

The Washington sped towards Veloz Prime. They were nearing the system and red alert had already been activated. "Approaching the Veloz system commander" L'Rissa purred from the conn.

"Very good L'Rissa. Place us in a high-altitude orbit if you please. Sensors showing anything out of the ordinary? Jon asked.


» Tactical Prep

Mission: The Gambit
Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 11:43pm by Lieutenant Ayana Hillis & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

The ominous meeting with the department heads had ended almost 20 minutes ago and Ayana had eagerly wanted to know what was going on. She had pieced together the fact that something had happened with the captain, likely to do with the cryptic mission he had been called away to…

» Precautions

Mission: The Gambit
Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 5:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Lieutenant Inara Senn

Inara was in the armory. She had replicated some interesting things. She put two sheathes into her wrists below her uniform, and she slid two carbon knives into the secret holsters. She then picked up the small type one phaser, sliding it into her boot.

Deanna watched from the door…

Latest Personal Logs

» Anomalies

Posted on Sat Sep 7th, 2024 @ 8:29pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar

Captain's Log
Set Encryption, Alpha 1

Our mission with the Andromeda to investigate the temporal anomalies ended with us engaging an unknown species of a transdimensional nature. The alien species was extremely hostile. They used some sort of technology to open the anomalies as a means to invade our universe.…

» The Personal Journal of Inara Senn. Entry 3 (On Paper)

Posted on Mon Jun 17th, 2024 @ 9:17pm by Lieutenant Inara Senn

What is a soldier?

A soldier does not fight for his or her people. Despite the propaganda. No, good soldiers obey orders. So in any Democratic Republic, the people elect their leaders, The leaders then command the armies, and of these armies, soldiers are preferable, warriors are not, and certainly…

» Strange Life, and Strange Machines

Posted on Mon May 27th, 2024 @ 10:04am by Lieutenant Inara Senn

Inara Senn's Journal, On Paper.

My mind has been preoccupied by what we have found on a tomb world. Apparently I have found a radical new type of life. One that has great implications. It is a lifeform very similar to mitochondria, but diffierent. This one has a boron based…

» The Personal Journal of Inara Senn. Entry 2 (On Paper)

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2024 @ 9:11pm by Lieutenant Inara Senn

I am surrounded by people who believe being a Starfleet Officer should be priority over being a scientist. I'm hoping this insubordinate charade convinces them to kick me out of Starfleet. So I can prove Starfleet has become a military during the events of the Dominion War.

One year after…

» The Personal Journal of Inara Senn. (On Paper)

Posted on Sun Feb 4th, 2024 @ 1:11pm by Lieutenant Inara Senn

I don't want to get close to anyone. If I do... I may watch them disappear before my very eyes..

They need to hate me... They need a reason to stay away from me. Inara Senn.. The most insubordinate and isolated woman imaginable.. Maybe it will assist in them getting…