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The Crucible

Posted on Wed Jun 16th, 2021 @ 6:14pm by Commander Samantha Howard & Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Commander Estella Stratton & Ensign James Phoenix

Mission: A Dark Looking Glass
Location: Mirror Universe

The room was filled with people, some free, others merely prisoners under other guises. Despite the cool comfortable temperature and the aroma of flowers, right now the tension in
the room was quite thick, the Intendant having placed the lives of several in jeopardy in what she saw as a game for her amusement, and having had a bit of fun with Jon, now considered what to do with the brazen medico Samantha.

Sam glared at the Indendant, despite her weakened state she was determine not to show anything other than strength and resolve. Her abdomen burned as did the indignation of it all but if she showed any kind of vulnerability, the Indendant would be sure to capitalise on it.

Celes felt everything that was going on in the room. She'd seen this sort of thing play out more times than she cared to admit, but she couldn't allow it to take a turn for the worse, not right now. She had plans, plans that had been forced to be altered to some degree by the revelation that Estella's lover was in fact here, but Celes wasn't going to allow that to deter her. She sent a brief telepathic message to Ayana, who looked to her and nodded subtly, and then she sent a telepathic message to Estella, "If you want to save yourself and your companions, you have to get the Intendant's attention. It may be distasteful, but seduce her if possible."

Jon saw Estelle and his first reaction was go to her, protect her but of course under the present circumstances that wasn't possible and Essie was probably safer where she was right now. None of it made him feel the slightest bit better. Still for the sake of the away team he would bide his time and look for an opening where they could all escape safely.

The Indendant watched Jon's eyes carefully, following them from Essie back to Sam then over to Essie again. She smiled wickedly, knowing she would have him at a distinct disadvantage if she threatened not one but both of those that he supposedly cared about. She had had Shran already attempt to extract information, with very limited success and felt she could do a much better job of it herself.

" Now tell me... Mr Grayson is it? Which of these pretties would you be willing to sacrifice? I require information, tactical information about your universe so I can better rule mine. Give me what I want or they both get it, and you can pick who goes first" She stood in front of Jon and traced a long fingernail down his jaw.

Jon stood tall and met her gaze directly. "Neither one of them." He said honestly. "And if you hurt either of them, you'll never get the information to rule more powerfully." Jon replied defiantly.

" Oh but you are mistaken pretty one, I will get the information I want, and I don't care who I have to hurt to get it" She turned away with a evil glare in her eyes. "Strip him to the waist and chain him to the post, I'm going to make him beg"

Jon didn't fight when he was dragged to the post, his tunic ripped off. leaving his upper torso bare and then chained to said post. He waited for his 'punishment' to begin.

The Indendant walked over to a nearby rack with an assortment of cruel and painful devices lined up ever so neartly. A cat o nine tails, several leather whips, a selection of cutting impliments designed to inflict maximum pain. She ran her fingers over them as though deciding which one would work best.

"No wait... I have a better idea" She oozed, pointing to Sam. "You can pick, no better yet, you can punish him for his disobedience" She looked and Essie "And you can watch, your time will come my pretty"

Jon turned his head to look back at Sam. "It's okay Sam. Go ahead Sam." He said softly.

" I can't Jon... I can't hurt you" She whispered in reply, much to the Intendant's delight.

"You will hurt him, and he will talk, or I'll kill all three of you" The Indentant's smile twisted with the dark intent. " But I'm a nice person, I'll let you pick"

"Sam, do it. It's okay. I can't let you or Ess or rather Commander Stratton be hurt." He shook his head, "No sacrificed." He corrected. "Get to it Sam." He urged his friend.

" But I...." Sam started before the Intedent pulled an energy weapon off the rack and pointed it at Jon "Either you do it, or I will and I can assure you he won't survive" She leered at the Doctor who was all but shaking like a leaf.

"Doctor." Jon snapped. "Pull yourself together and carry out the task." His voice firm, hoping it would spur Sam into action and keep the Intendant from doing anything.

Sam looked at the implements again, her gut feeling as though it were tying itself up in knots. What could she heal relatively easily, what would be the least source of infection? She chose a small energy weapon, it would hurt like blazes, but it wouldn't kill him and she could heal it with her med kit.

"I'm sorry Jon" Tears of shame and guilt coursed down her face. The Intendant shifted her weapon from Jon to Sam just to make sure the Doctor's aim didn't falter.

He nodded and offered a tight smile to his friend. They had been through so much together, faced down evil Romulans, who had stripped them naked and bound them and in Sam's case gagged her as well and they had grown closer, better friends. There was nothing he wouldn't do for Dr. Samantha Howard including die to keep her safe. "Sam, it's okay. Really. Best get on with it."

The energy weapon had a number of settings, the Doctor had no idea what was what and there was only one way to find out. A narrow beam would inflict more pain but be easily healed, a wider beam would cause more damage. She pressed the trigger, and felt her stomach heave. Her oath was to do no harm, and here she was firing on her best friend.

Jon arched in pain as the beam hit his back. It was like a million wasp stings but he didn't scream instead he bit the inside of his cheek and felt blood well up inside his mouth. He braced himself for the next blast from the weapon.

" Oh this is delightful isn't it. Just think how wonderful it will be when we take turns" The Intendant smirked as she saw Jon buck under the beam of the energy weapon. Sam had gone a sickly shade of white.

"Please Jon.. tell her what she needs to know... I can't do this again" Sam's hands shook as she spoke.

Jon shook his head, "N... no Sam. Again." He gasped.

" Shoot him again" The Intendant ordered "I'm waiting.. either he talks or he dies. The two of you will follow" She raised her own weapon again.

Sam was pale, her hands clammy and wobbly, her eyes beginning to lose focus. Her stomach burned from Shran's maltreatment earlier and her mind was trying to hang onto some shred of sanity.

"Sam... you can do it. Just pull the trigger." Jon urged his friend to shoot before the Intendant decided to shoot him.

Sam managed to squeeze off a shot that would do as little damage as possible before collapsing to the floor.

"Terran females are so weak. You, your turn" the intendant threw the weapon at Essie.

Again it felt like Jon's entire back was on fire. He sagged against the post only held up by the chains that bound him. Once again he felt blood well up in his mouth, this time he spit it on the floor. "Sam?" He called out trying to see his friend with no luck.

Sam remained still and thankfully the Intendant turned her attention back to Jon. " Now do you see what you did there? Now tell me what I need to know! I want tactical advantages, armour, shielding, everything!"

Jon gave a ragged laugh as blood found it'd way past his lips and down his chin. "No." He gasped.

" Very well then, You... come here" The Intendent pointed to Essie and motioned her forward with a curled finger.

Quiet, face steeled, betraying no emotion, she'd stood unmoving and watched the whole grotesque scene unfold. It was as if she'd gone back on that mission with her father and brother. The Intendant's words cruel. Merciless. Just as the Romulans had been. Shoulders back, head up, she stepped forward as she was told. Her voice smooth, words seeming to flow with ease, though her stomach churned. "You waste your time with him, he's Starfleet's loyal dog. I may not be a commander, but I can provide you with all that you seek, and more." Estella purred, doing her best not to choke on her own words. Please... let this buy them what she couldn't give her family... time.

Jon jerked on his chains as he heard Essie's words. "NO!!! Commander Stratton, I order you to be quiet. You'll be convicted of aiding and abetting the enemy if you continue." He threatened.

"The consequences of my actions, are mine to bear, Commander." Estella answered, her voice soft, but her words almost a hiss. Could he not see how every word she said was enough to make her want to vomit?

The Intendant sauntered over, idelly tapping a leather barbed whip against her leather clad thigh.

"Such care, such devotion" She oozed. Essie was dressed provocatively and was positively oozing sexuality which was exactly how the Intendant liked it. It would a shame to have to harm such a pretty thing." It would be a shame to hurt her for your failure to talk, you don't want her to end up like the other one" She glared at the downed Sam. "Someone clean that up will you?"

Jon turned his head, the best he was able and looked at the Intendant then to Essie and finally the prone Sam. "Y... yes it would." He agreed but said nothing else. He just didn't want Essie and Sam hurt.

" Tie this one up... such a shame to mark her flawless features" The Indentant ordered as two of the harem moved into drag Sam off somewhere.

Jon watched as Essie was tied up next to him and Sam was dragged off unceremoniously to places unknown. Now he waited to see what came next.

Estella refused to look in Jon's direction. Her blue eyes remained on the Intendant. Better her, than him. That she could live with. The thought that yet again someone she loved would be hurt because of any indecision on he part, terrified her. Only, she wasn't indecisive this time. She had decided to play along with the Intendant. Let her think she would really barter. Every second she gained was precious.

"Last chance pretty boy, last chance to save her before I cut her up like a karva duck" The Intendent threatened, setting down the whip and running her long fingers over a selection of cutting implements.

"Why let him speak for me? If he cannot see the winning side here, why not speak with someone who can clearly see and appreciate the authority you have?" Estella continued to speak. Her words smooth and fluid.

"Why would you mar such beauty?" Jon asked stalling for time and hoping for a miracle.

The Intendant smiled seductively "Because sometimes to get what you want you need to hurt people. Shame, she was already one of my favourites"

"I see and yes it is a shame that you feel that is the only way to get people to do what you want whether it be work or information," Jon countered.

" I always get what I want." She stepped into his line of sight and made eye contact " And you know how? Because I do what it takes to get what I want. This one is replaceable, another harem girl from somewhere else who is just as pretty. But to you she is not, just how much would you be willing to lose to keep your precious mate alive?"

Jon looked at the Intendant and then at Essie, the woman he loved more than anything in the universe. "I say my life but then you won't get the information you so desperately want and I don't know the going price of keeping one's love alive and safe."

A soft gasp almost emitted from Estella's lips, but she bit it back. Why... why did he always have to go making himself a martyr?

A fire flickered in an ornate fireplace along one of the walls, giving the Intendant an idea.

"If threatening those you love will not make you talk, perhaps I can entice you in other ways" Her patience wearing thin she stalked over to the fire and thrust the knife into it, holding it until the blade was red hot and glowing.

"Perhaps this will loosen your tongue" She returned with the glowing blade, running it under Jon's field of view before deciding where to apply it.

Jon followed the knife, his eyes tracking it's movement but he said nothing. If the Intendant was going to believe the information he was going to 'spill' he had to make her work for it, no matter how painful it was going to be.

She drew the edge of the blade along his face, the white hot bleed leaving an angry blistered line and filling the room with the stench of burning flesh.

Jon screamed as the knife was drawn across his face. It was as if his heart was being cut out. The pain was so overwhelming he thought he was going to pass out but somehow he remained awake. His head sagged as he nodded to the Intendant.

"No... more. Pl...ease no more. He said raggedly as he tried to catch his breath and deal with the blinding pain.

" Well well well, Pretty Boy might have his limits after all. This is utterly deliscious is it not?" She returned the blade to the fire and waited until the blade was white hot. "Perhaps I should perform some 'surgery' like Shran did on your friend. Sadly I don't think I'm as good as him though, I need more practice" She drew the edge against Jon's midsection where Shran had cut Sam. " There... a matching pair... how quaint!"

Jon's scream bounced off the walls as his flesh for the second time in the space of minutes felt the white hot blade of the knife. The Intendant's quarters were filled with the stench of burning flesh. He jerked and pulled on the chains that bound him to no avail. He pulled so hard that the skin at his wrists was torn away and his wrists bled. He took deep ragged breaths trying not to pass out or throw up. He succeeded with the second but not the first. Just before unconsciousness claimed him he uttered one word the Intendant was sure to hear. "Corbomite."

"Carbomite... explain.. is it armour, a shield perhaps, used in a weapon?" The blade stopped and was withdrawn for a few precious moments.

Shran returned with a pair of Terrans in chains, both looking like they had gone several rounds with a Nausican. Shran smiled as he tossed them to the floor. "Intendant, I have brought these Terrans for your pleasure. I believe his comrades are ready to talk" he said confidently as he kicked each of them in the ribs, causing them both to flip over face up, showing it to be Phoenix and Samantha.

James groaned in pain. Was this what their counterparts went through every day? He couldn't be certain. He felt the need to do something to save everyone, but he also felt defenseless at the same time.



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