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Endgame deceptions and coordination

Posted on Tue Jun 28th, 2022 @ 11:39pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Ayana Hillis & Ensign T'Plana-hath

Mission: Jupiter Mystery
Location: Bridge of the USS Washington

Ensign T'Plana-hath stepped out of the Captain's ready room and walked over to the OPS station. After setting the OPS station to a configuration more her style, her hands began to fly across the station, inputting codes and data streams that would allow her to monitor the usage of transphasic weapons or energy fields. T’Plana-hath then accessed the USS Jupiter’s computer and sensor array and proceeded to have it route all information it may detect or have on transphasic weapons and energy fields to the Washington’s system, and wipe all traces of said information or transfers from its computer cores. She then entered the Starfleet Intelligence codes that would shunt all information into a need to know virus package, ensuring only those authorized would be able to access the information. Her final act was to instruct the computer to download any and all tricorder and shuttlecraft information regarding transphasic weapons and energy fields to the virus package and eliminate all data collected from said tricorders or shuttlecraft. Once she was satisfied with her work she sent self-destruct message to Lieutenant Ayana Hillis station notifying her to link the tactical and security systems to the OPS station, in order to secure any information on transphasic weapons or energy fields. She awaited the response as she monitored the OPS station information relays and the Jupiter’s information.

Ayana was at the tactical station monitoring sensor data when the message came over from the Ops station. Ayana gave a small smile after reading the message. She had never been in intelligence, unlike several of the crew had, but she loved the the cloak and dagger aspects of intelligence work, and one of the perks of being on the Washington was getting to experience this sort of thing more often than on your typical StarFleet vessel. She quickly did what was requested by T'Plana-hath. She made a mental note to try to get to know her better in the near future. She had weapons on stand by as per the captains order, a full spread of transphasic torpedoes lay quietly dormant, waiting for activation. She wasn't sure of the plan, but she was at the ready for when the captain gave the order. She saw the captain reenter the bridge and take his seat. He wondered if T'Plana-hath had any more information at this point.

As the two Starships got closer to the second class-M planet T’Plana-hath began picking up more strange energy signatures. They were in the same classification of transphasic energy but definitely not completely a transphasic energy signature. She caught sight of the captain returning to the bridge. She looked up and stated “Captain all systems are in the ready, sensors have begun picking up similar aforementioned signatures you wished for me to scan for. The signatures are not the ones we expected but very similar.” She hoped the captain would understand what she was trying to imply about the strange but similar energy transphasic signatures.

"Understood ensign. Keep monitoring the situation and let me know of any changes." Shran looked over at his console and looked over the data. Two signatures were on the planet, one was on the Jupiter. He wondered why they might be reading three signatures. Could they have another potential god that they were previously unaware. The Andorian looked concerned. He didn't like being out of the loop when his people were concerned.


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