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Troubling Discovery

Posted on Mon Jun 12th, 2023 @ 8:52am by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: Writing the Q Cards
Location: USS Washington

Joe had convened all of those who had been changed thanks to Q. He had heard about the exploits in sickbay with Julia that had resulted in the death of a crewmember and had experienced his own issues as well, issues he didn't wish to discuss with the others. With everyone now in the conference room, he decided to be blunt and to the point, which was his natural way of communicating, "I assume everyone has dealt with something regarding Q at this point. Julia had a dangerous run in which resulted in a death, and I can report that I had an embarrassing misadventure as well. Despite that, the rest of the crew remains oblivious to the change. Anyone else have anything they wish to report?"

Linds sat up and leant her arms on the table. She didn’t speak for a minute trying to organize thoughts in her head. “I think for me there is a danger in thinking I can do more than I can. I have spent my time just looking round the wonderful things this century offers. If I am not careful I will end up begging Q to let me stay.” Her voice tailed off and she sank back in the chair looking at Jeff.

"I think in some respects we all have that danger to be aware of honestly" Joe replied. "Believe me, the marvels of this time period and universe far outweigh much of the negatives for me."

Jeff offered a smile and a nod to Linds. Their conversation still fresh in his mind. "I think this era has wonders that both tempt and seduce. We have to be very careful in how we deal with these technologies."

"The energy and medical technologies in particular" Joe agreed. "Any one of them would be life changing on a global scale from our perspectives. Anyone else have incidents to report?"

Chris thought for a moment. He hadn't had any encounters with Q nor anything strange had happened besides being transported to another universe, let alone being an actual universe where Starfleet existed. But that didn't mean he was safe from Q. He could show up at any given time to torment him or the rest of those who had been transported here. "Aside being transported to another universe and besides the new technologies nothing hasn't really happened to me yet, but I have had this feeling of imposter syndrome, which is given, due to the sheer fact that we are in a universe where Starfleet actually exists."

“Actually I am amazed at how much I have picked up over the years watching Trek in all of its inceptions and also by writing, a lot of my writing is covered by research and to be honest and the act of caring has not changed much. It’s the technology that will take some time to learn and therein lies the problem so,” Linds looked at Joe. “How about you as Captain order a ship wide review of skill practices on and off the holodeck. I am not, was not a doctor but I was an advanced Emergency Room Practitioner so for me it is only a question of brushing up on technology systems and using a PaDD to direct drugs. Also..” she realized she was running on and added in a smaller defeated sounding voice, ”of course we don’t know when, or if Q sends us back but we do, should begin learning.”

Joe shifted a bit in his chair and gave a smile. "It isn't the military or technology aspects for me. I know so much about Star Trek and have military experience as an officer, so being the captain is alright, unless the Borg attack I suppose" he said with a soft chuckle. He looked over at Jan, "I've had certain issues though, but nothing that I need to address with everyone else."

Janet had sat quiet listening to everyone else. “I can’t say I’ve had any run-ins with Q, for me the biggest problem would be remaining this way. As much as I enjoy being Callie in the Star Trek universe, I have my own family that I need to be with. I’m working towards whatever goal we all need to achieve to put this right.”

Jeff was quiet as one after another members of the senior staff spoke. He felt much like Linds. He had nothing to go back to. His wife had died and he was alone. He also understood Jan's comment. Even though they were "married" here, she did have a husband and a family that loved and needed her. Finally, he spoke, "Like Joe, I've military and law enforcement experience so, this role isn't uncomfortable, but it is just a role, and we're play acting." He looked at Jan and then the others. "Many aspects of this are nice but it is just fantasy, and we need to remember that. We do this as a form of escapism." He finished.

Linds stood, “I understand if you have something to go back to but me, what do I have to return for, nothing, death and mobility issues. Living totally alone with my memories and fears.” She looked at everyone. “I will fight to the bitter end to remain here, learn and stay with Seth and my daughter.” She slammed her fists on the table and left the room. Then, she began to run. On and on through corridors, through decks she had no idea where they were desperate to avoid thinking and the truth.

Julia sat quietly, still traumatised from her experience in Sickbay. Ever since Jen she hadn't been able to stop thinking about how she'd failed the poor man, a out something she'd missed despite her best efforts to save him.

Linds finally stopped running and leaned on the bulkhead breathing heavily. The corridor was quiet and there was subdued lighting. It had felt good to run not having been able to for several years. The blood pumping through her muscles and incrEased flow to her brain cleared her mind. This was a fantasy damnit but she WAS here and she would fight to stay even if she were to die here. She would learn, maybe leave the ship, find a world to settle on with Seth and Shasta and grow old. If she had to return to the time she knew it would be to die. The cancer was eating away at several systems in her body and the rheumatoid arthritis would see to it that her body would curl, her bones would dislocate and, eventually she would be unable to even walk the small amount she could.

For a moment she sat, enjoying the feelings of an active body and mind no longer made mush by increasingly large amounts of analgesics. Standing she tapped the black panel on the wall. “Computer where am I?” She asked.

‘Deck 16 Labs and redundant medical.’

Linds sighed “computer show me how to get to the conference room?”

‘Follow the yellow line and it will return you there.’ The voice intoned.

As directed a yellow line appeared on the interface and she followed it. A little later she re entered the meeting glad to see it was still going on.

“Joe, everyone. I apologize for my outburst. By now you all know how much I want to stay here but this was instigated by a Q and we have no idea for what purpose. If I get the chance I will stay but I promise you there will be no further outbursts.” Linds turned to Julia. “Why didn’t you call me?” She asked.

Julia met her gaze, her blue eyes clouded with fear and confusion. "Q removed all the medical staff, I had assumed he would have disabled the communicators as well. He made it very clear he wanted me to deal with it. And I couldn't."

"Not to worry Linds. I understand the desire to enjoy this fantasy for as long as possible, so long as everything is going well" Joe replied. "It sounds like Julia is the only person who has had to deal with a challenge from Q thus far. We all have to be mindful that not everything that happens will be the fault of Q. It is getting late, let's all retire for the night and see what tomorrow brings" he said with a smile.

As they all rose from the the table as the meeting adjourned, Julia's communicator beeped. =^=Perim to Julia. Doctor, we have a medical emergency. Amethyst has fallen quite ill, and according to my readings, she has contracted Kilrathi Fever. I have sealed sickbay and require your authorization to activate quarantine protocols.=^=

There was silence for a moment then Linds stood and walked to Julia. Taking her arm in help and companionship she said. “We have to go, Julia we can do this, Shon was near to finding a cure, I just need to access her notes and try to finish the work. We can put Amethyst on life support as we tackle the disturbing symptoms. The quarantine protocols will protect everyone and we can review them when we get there. So long as Q leaves us alone we can go step-by-step step, come on.” She waited for Julia.

Julia froze hearing that Amethyst was ill. "I was just with Amethyst, if she has Kilrathi fever, she may have got it from Oxford, which means I may also be infected" her eyes betrayed her horror at a potential plague that she had missed.

Linds tapped her communicator =/\ = Dr Perrim this is the ACMO the CMO is unavailable for a few minutes. Please activate quarantine protocols and identify staff who looked after Lt Oxford and quarantine them. We are on our way Linds out =/\=

“Julia the quarantine protocols will stop this from spreading. Let’s get everybody including you tested.” She turned to Joe. “Captain we need to lockdown the ship. Needed movements only.”

She shook Julia changing from gentleness to a harshness in her voice. “Julia you need to snap out of it. We are here, we HAVE to do this, or at least try.”

Shaken by the direct tone Julia nodded and looked towards the Captain. "We need to get to Sickbay"

Janet wanted to volunteer to help but right now she was better off out of the way, especially with a contagious virus aboard ship. “If you need me you know where to find me.” She offered.

Joe looked at Julia and Linds and then at everyone else. It was time for him to be the captain for real. "You have permission to do whatever you need under the medical protocols. I believe you two will solve this problem and everyone will be fine."

From inside the conference room, clapping began to ring out. "Bravo! Bravo!" Q cheered sitting where the captain had been sitting, his feet propped up on the conference table. "Top marks for you captain, and for Linds. I'm a little iffy on Julia right now, but she has a lot on her mind. Perhaps I can ease her mind and that of the rest of you, she isn't infected. In fact, the only person infected at this moment is your nurse, though how long that remains true is entirely up to you. The race against the clock has begun. I am looking forward to seeing if you can solve this puzzle." And with that he once again disappeared in a flash.


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