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The Briefing

Posted on Fri Jul 24th, 2020 @ 3:34pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Commander Estella Stratton & Lieutenant Michael Stonebridge

Mission: Tal Shiar
Location: USS Washington

Shran entered the conference room after leaving the bridge and calling for senior officers and awaited their arrival. He stood looking out the window, the stars zipping past as they moved at high warp, and he thought about the mission, about his ship and crew, and how things might play out. He was aware, perhaps more than he wanted, that things on this mission could go sideways fast. This wasn't a typical mission, certainly nothing like what the crew had dealt with to this point. And he knew that some of the crew, most notably some of his most trusted officers wouldn't be comfortable until this mission was complete. And yet here he was, about to provide a rather serious briefing. He heard the sound of the doors opening and everyone coming in. He remained at the window, stoic, composing himself for what orders he had to relay next.

Dr Samantha Howard strode into the conference room with purpose, swinging by the replicator set discretely into the wall for a fresh hot coffee on her way through. Sam picked up her coffee and headed around to the long side of the table, settling into the high backed chair and reading the Captain's body language. He seemed focused, but not tense - always a good sign.

Stonebridge was the newest addition so he felt getting in as soon as possible was the order of the day. He found the replicator and made a drink. Then he went and stood the opposite side of the room and looked out the window mirroring the CO. He would most likely be the only one dressed in All Black! He took a sip of his double espresso, and turned and took a seat. Now he would find out the truth of the new mission. That’s what he needed to be an asset to his new boss.

Jon entered the room next, he was quiet, subdued not his normal cheerful self. He nodded to Samantha and offered a quiet "Sam" by way of greeting. As well as a nod to the new officer he had yet to meet. The Captain he noticed was staring out the window. As he made his way to the table, looking around. There was no Sachzny and Essie hadn't arrived yet before taking his customary seat and sat down. forgoing anything from the replicator. He was ready for the briefing to begin.

Estella had been going over her notes, looking over observations she'd made on Jon during their recent sessions when the Captain had ordered all senior officers to report. She'd still been trying to process it all. The notable changes in Jon and in the crew. Things had altered greatly after their encounter with the Borg. The last to enter she took her seat, though not without looking to the place where Sachzny used to sit. Another change that had not sat well with her. A loss she'd taken hard too, but as most private things, the Counselor kept to herself. Her gaze wandered briefly to fix on their newest addition to the Washington before going to the Captain.

Shran knew everyone had arrived, and they seemed relaxed, which he was happy about. They wouldn't be after the briefing. He turned and made his way to the conference table and sat, looking around the table. "You obviously know we are underway. We will be remaining in neutral space, but our mission will be dangerous." Looking towards both Grayson and Stonebridge he continued, "We have been given a classified mission from StarFleet Intelligence. From the very top. Seems the Tal Shiar are up to some very naughty things, so much so that they are doing so in a secret base outside of Romulan space to avoid anyone in the Romulan government from finding out what they are doing. They are apparently working on both biological and and temporal experiments and Command wants us to check it out, and if necessary, destroy the base." Shran stopped there to gauge reactions.

Jon listened as the Captain gave a quick overlay of the current mission. When he finished Jon spoke. "Are we to believe that the Romulan government is unaware of this and only the resources of Starfleet found this base? I think not. I think the Romulan government knows but wants to distant themselves from our reaction."

The Counselor's face paled at the mention of Romulans, the Tal Shiar, and experimentation. It was almost like reliving some of the circumstances surrounding her brother's death all over again. She swallowed, but said nothing as she cast a brief glance over in Jon's direction. He made a valid point. One she was sure wasn't off the mark. Yet, she was curious what Sam had to say about all this, given that Jon was only recently starting to work on recovering from the trauma of being assimilated.

Stonebridge listened and assessed the comments made. “Hello all. My name is Stonebridge, Michael Stonebridge. I’m the most recent member and chief of your intelligence dept. If the Captain has no problem with it, since this is an intel mission, I’ll be speaking to all department heads for your support and what my team will need from each of you. But make no mistake. If the Tal Shiar, are up to what is suspected, they will do any and everything in their power to ensure we are unsuccessful. Up to and including destroying this ship and everyone on it. In my humble opinion, this a set phasers to kill and fire at will type mission. My rank is for pay purposes only. I’ve been doing this a long time. “ said the Intel Chief. “And I never sugar coat. “ and he took a sip of his drink. Sat back in his chair and waited for the inevitable.

Sam kept quiet as she listened to the briefing around her, watching, reading body language and forming a number of conclusions. Jon seemed confident in his words and ready to get back in the proverbial saddle after his assimilation. Essie seemed to be studying those around her, gauging responses although her attention seemed to linger around Jon - with good reason. The Captain was calm and determined - his usual state of being. And then there was the new guy - Stonebridge. Sam hadn't had much to do with Intelligence over the years although the shady business had always unnerved her. It was a necessary evil but one that didn't sit altogether well with her. On a personal level he was probably a nice guy. The Tal Shiar on the other hand - not so nice.

Estella bit back comments and let her hands slide into her lap, where they curled. She was familiar with the Tal Shiar and their cutthroat methods. More than she'd like to be. Yet, she said nothing and remained withdrawn.

Jon wasn't back to being the man he was before his assimilation, he was still a work in progress. However that didn't mean he was unobservant. He noticed Essie's subtle reaction to the mention of the Tal Shiar and while not knowing all the particulars he knew enough of about her mission with her father and brother and their subsequent deaths. He hadn't pressed her to talk about it figuring she would when the time was right. Until then he would do whatever was necessary to keep her safe.

“Captain, can you share your plan with us?” Requested Stonebridge

Shran listened and watched as his senior officers put forward their two cents. He got more or less exactly what he expected. After hearing out what they had to say, including a request for more information, he finally broke his silence. "We'll be sending in two teams. The teams will be gathering data, intel. Lethal force will be used only if necessary, as per orders." He shifted a bit after this. "After intel is gathered, if I determine it necessary, we will institute phase two. I'm not at liberty to discuss that at this time, but you can surmise what it likely entails." He turned towards the medical side of the table, "Sam, I'm afraid you are going to be busy. Have your staff prepared, and ready yourself, you will be on one of the teams." He looked directly at Estella, "Counselor, I'll need you for some heavy command work. Considering your past though, I am not sending you with a team at this time." Shran looked back towards Jon and Stonebridge, "That is all for now. Jon, Stonebridge, please remain."

“Aye aye sir. “ responded Stonebridge as he calmly sipped his Expresso.

"Understood, Captain," Estella replied, her voice even. Shran's decision was not without logic, so she respected it. "If that is all, I shall return to my station."

Jon's eyes went to Essie. He could sense her unease at the nature and subject of this mission. He would talk with her after his meeting with the Captain. He turned and looked at Shran. "Yes sir." His voice even, quiet even if he didn't feel that way.

Sam nodded as she received her orders, understanding the gravity of the situation they were about to face. Like it or not they were about to face the Tal Shiar. Rumors of their capture and torture techniques were equal to the most hideous in the galaxy. Rising she nodded in deference to the two senior officers in the room and left to prepare sickbay and her team for whatever the heck was going to be thrown at them next.

Following Sam's lead, the counselor took her leave.

Shran waited for the others to exit. What he had to say was expressly for only those he asked to remain. His face became like stone, the seriousness of what he was to say evident. "Gentlemen, what I am about to discuss doesn't leave this room and isn't discussed with anyone else, understood?" He looked at them both for confirmation.

"Certainly sir." Jon replied simply.

Stonebridge nodded that he understood.

"I'm not going to sugarcoat it, these orders and the details given to me by the admiral scare the living hell out of me. I haven't gotten such orders since the war, and such orders are not normally given to vessels outside the Intel sector. The biological weapons being developed are rumored to be in full testing stages already, nearly ready for deployment. We know two they are working on specifically deal with research originally done by StarFleet, specifically the Dominion Phage disease studied and cured by Dr. Bashir and some sort of mutagenic T-cell virus accidentally discovered by Dr. Beverly Crusher. Both diseases weaponized by the Tal Shiar would be catastrophic. Jon, your team will be going in to deal with that, and will include Samantha so that she can give medical details as needed. Stonebridge, your team will be dealing with the temporal technology. It is believed the Tal Shiar is trying to develop some sort of temporal transportation device so as to influence the past. This could have disastrous consequences if they succeed. Your team will need to determine where they are in this tech development and its feasibility. It is your mission that is far more likely to push us into Phase 2. I'll be assigning Lt. Celes at the very least to your team to prepare for that. If we have to destroy this base, we have to do so in a manner that leaves no evidence that we were present. This is unlike any mission this ship has been given, and I wanted to be sure you both understood the gravity of this situation."

“Without a doubt sir. I understand and will give you everything I got from my department. “ knowing the full weight of what was being asked of him.

"We'll get it done sir." Jon replied. He wasn't big on making speeches or promising more than he could deliver. So his saying they would get it done was an iron clad guarantee.

"Very good gentlemen. We have 36 hours before we arrive. I'll figure out the teams and have personnel report to you in 3 hours for you both to start figuring out your strategies. Remember to remind all your team members, this mission is classified, nothing is to be discussed outside teams. Dismissed."


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