The calm before the storm
Posted on Wed Dec 29th, 2021 @ 6:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Deanna Celes & Lieutenant Ayana Hillis & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD & Lieutenant JG James Phoenix & Ensign Zack Ravencroft & Petty Officer 1st Class Amethyst Wyse
Sinister Intentions
Location: Trasporter room 2
Zack entered the transporter room wearing the full tactical gear, he rested his phaser rifle on the crook of his arm as he pulled on his gloves. He had his hand phaser on his hip as well, what wasn't standard was the overlapping armor-scaled plating he had replicated that wrapped around his shoulders and peeked up over his collar. This was a direct countermeasure to being nerve-pinched. He wouldn't let that happen so easily again. He had also stashed a masked hood in his pocket, it was of a special fabric that became rigid if you ran a current through it. It wouldn't be armor-plating, but it would make it impossible to do any Vulcan mind shinanigans. At least that was the theory, if he faced this Vulcan, he would stack the cards so much in his favor that it would hopefully not be hard to deal with him.
Phoenix walked into the transporter room, equipped with a tactical jacket, his utility belt with his phaser pistol, and a few other utility items tactical and security officers used. On his back, he had his phaser rifle. He had heard that this Vulcan was rather strong, and he was prepared for a fight.
Amethyst had been surprised to get a call to join the away team, she was a field medic, but the fact that a Doctor was on the team usually meant a field medic wouldn’t be required. She stood ready to go just waiting for the command.
Dex entered lightly attired in her combat suit. On her belt was a standard issue phaser pistol and she carried her field medpack slung across her back. She also carried a hypo kit on her belt. She and Sam had worked several hours to concoct a drug that if injected into T’Vall would render his mind completely inert except for life functions for several hours. She would not be caught out again by him hiding behind the closed part of his mind. She noted Nurse Reece with them and wondered who had given the order for her to accompany them. “Commander Grayson, a word please?”
Jon had entered in his combat suit, two phaser pistols with additional power packs, just in case and his cricket phaser in his boot. His face was a mask, he was going to get Callie back, there was no doubt about that. He turned as he heard his name called and walked over to Dex, "Yes Doctor?"
She whispered low so no one else could hear. ”Commander I see that Nurse Reece is here, Neither myself nor Commander Howard authorized her to be on the team. As you are aware T’Vall is a danger to everyone on this team but we know what we are doing. I feel that Nurse Reece would be better off preparing sickbay for our casualties and those we rescue. I also want to be the one that if T’Vall is cornered, to approach him. We now have a drug that will immobilize his mind but I must be the one to administer it and he has to be conscious. There I have said my piece. We will get her back Jon.”
Jon's eyes were filled with emotion. His heart was being ripped out. Callie had been kidnapped and who knew what else she had been subjected to. He looked at Dex, " No promises with T'vall Dex. If I see him first, I'm going to tear him apart. That said I will endeavor for you to reach him first." he paused for a moment before continuing, "Good point on the nurse Dex. Would you object if she goes with the security detachment?" He gave her a stiff short nod but said nothing more.
“Non at all so long as they look after her she is a field medic after all.” Her voice went even lower as she whispered, “Jon I know you want to tear T’Vall apart but if you do so before we bring Callie’s mind out of this you may lose her forever, or she may end up a long term patient in a psychiatric institute. Please be aware of this.”
"I know Dex, I know. Callie's safety is paramount in my mind. I'm not going to do anything to put her in danger." Jon replied then looked at Dex, "How could he have done this Dex? Callie isn't weak minded or weak willed."
“No she is nothing like that, but he has been in her mind before at the Academy and has been there hiding all the time. He is a very powerful telepath and only has to be a few yards from someone to use his mind on a susceptible one. I have only heard of one other Vulcan who could do this.” She touched his arm. ”Jon, Callie is very strong and whatever she has been through we WILL bring her home. Please do not let anyone go off half cocked thinking to kill him. Let the team know that.”
Deanna entered the transporter room in her gear, a phaser and tricorder holstered on her hip along with a few photon grenades, her phaser rifle slung over her shoulder. She sensed a slew of emotions as she entered and did her best to push past them. Jon's determination was quite prominent, as was Dex's desire for a more peaceful solution. She admired both mindsets, but she wasn't going to allow emotion to sway her. She knew her duty and would do whatever she could to take down T'Vall and bring down this horrid smuggling ring.
Finally Ayana entered the transporter room with the rest of the security troops, a group of four security officers, all of them dressed in full tactical gear as if they were prepared to beam down to a warzone. Ayana nodded at Grayson and then put forward what she felt was needed intel as they were preparing to beam down, "Phasers at the ready. Keep a sharp eye, we suspect we'll be beaming down into mixed company, civilians and hostiles. We are aware of at least 5 Orion life signs in the area we are transporting to. Orion males are particularly large and physically powerful, and if any of them are Orion females, keep in mind they are able to easily seduce males, so best option is to stun them to be safe." She looked to Grayson, "anything to add sir?"
"Yes Ayana, Remember we are to rescue Lt. Raven-Grayson. As to the Orions or another life forms we encounter, do as Ayana suggests, stun them into neck week and we'll let the other security patrols deal with them." Jon stated crisply.
"Lock and load" Ayana said to her security troops as they stepped up to the transporter pad. She unslung her rifle and readied herself for whatever was to come once they reached the surface.
Celes stepped up to the transporter pad and looked at nurse Reece, "Keep with the security detachment. They'll keep you safe. Hope you are ready for this. It isn't anything like a simulator." She gave her a a confident nod as she sensed the nervousness coming from the young woman. "Chief, you have the coordinates?"
"Confirmed lieutenant. Ready when you are" replied the chief.
Just that moment the red alert klaxons rang. "Transporter room, beam the away team down. We have incoming Orion battleships and we need to break orbit" came the order over the comm.
Ayana smiled. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire" she said with glee.
Amethyst nodded and offered a smile. “Let’s do this.”
"Deanna, let me have two of your grenades, I might want to blow something up." Jon said grimly as they prepared to beam down.
Ayana handed Jon a pair of grenades. "Here you go sir. I have plenty to spare" she said with a smile.
Zack primed his weapons as he walked up to his spot on the transporter pad. If there were ships coming in, that meant they would have a high chance of running straight into trouble when they transported down. So, he shouldered the rifle after getting down on one knee. He was also turned with his back towards the others, if everyone beamed down facing one way, their backs would be exposed. He didn't really care if he looked stupid, he refused to be blind sided.
"Let's do this and bring our counselor and the other slaves back." Jon said grimly.
"Energize" said Celes. The away team dematerialized in a blue hue, racing to their destination.